Does your child have one of the Play-Doh Cake Mountain playsets, and you want the weirdly phallic frosting extruder gone because you can’t stop laughing every time your kid picks it up? Good news for you: Hasbro has offered to exchange the syringe for the more boring yellow version on request in case the part offends or amuses you too much. [More]

Parents Are Upset About This Play-Doh Extruder For Some Reason
Do you know who I feel sorry for this week? The people running social media for Hasbro’s Play-Doh brand of perpetual play clay. People keep posting to point out the resemblance of an accessory in one of their current play sets to a human phallus, and Hasbro keeps taking down their posts. Update: Hasbro has acknowledged the issue on Facebook and will send a replacement extruder to families on request. [More]

Hasbro Looking To Buy DreamWorks Animation Because There Aren’t Enough Toy Movies
For decades, Hasbro products — Transformers, G.I. Joe, My Little Pony, Jem & the Holograms — have been the subject of TV shows and movies, but now the toy company is reportedly looking to go even bigger with the possible acquisition of DreamWorks Animation. [More]

Toy Company Brings Production Of Lincoln Logs Back To The U.S.
With John Lloyd Wright (son of Frank Lloyd Wright) as its creator and President Abraham Lincoln’s childhood home as inspiration, Lincoln Logs are about as American as they come. It’s fitting, then, that the toy will once again be made in the United States after a stint in China. [More]

The Only Princess Leia Toy Offered In Hasbro’s Star Wars Line Is Wearing The “Slave Outfit”
It is with a heavy heart that I announce that apparently the only memory of Princess Leia we can take from the original Star Wars trilogy is that of her scantily clad in a slave’s bikini, chained to that hulk of flesh and drool, Jabba the Hutt. At least that’s the only image of her currently sold in Hasbro’s “Black Series” line of figurines at a bunch of toy stores. [More]

Hasbro Releasing New Monopoly Edition With The Best “House Rules” Players Have Dreamed Up
When I play Monopoly with my friends, every time someone lands on Baltic Avenue they have to take off their socks, clap them on their ears and sing a special song about real estate and the plight of modern man. That’s not true, but it could be — and while such “House Rules” you and your kind have made up aren’t official Monopoly rules, Hasbro is preparing to approve some of the best of those made-up rules. [More]

Ad-Filled Monopoly Game, Deluxe Virtual Tooth Fairy, Potty With iPad Stand Top List Of Year’s Worst Toys
Do your kids feel that board games are ho-hum without advertising from some of the world’s biggest brands? Maybe your girls and boys are bored with the virtual tooth fairy they already have (yes, this exists) and the only way to make them happy is to pay more to unlock a VIP edition? Or does your potty-training youngster cry because he or she has to take their eyes away from the iPad for a few seconds while they do their digestive duty? Then we have some toys for you! [More]

New Monopoly Teaches Kids The Importance Of Xbox, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, and EA!
The folks at Hasbro have never had a problem letting everything from towns to universities to movies to big-name commercial brands slap their names on licensed versions of Monopoly, but a new version of the classic board game is unabashedly all about learning the value of today’s biggest fast food, retail, tech, and entertainment companies — everything a growing child needs to get ahead! [More]

Monopoly Fans Have Spoken: Out Goes The Iron And In Comes The New Cat Token
The people have spoken: Monopoly boards will soon welcome a new token — the cat. Hasbro closed its voting Tuesday at midnight on what the newest token would be, as well as which would get the boot. We’re sorry to inform any fans of wrinkle-free clothing that the iron has been slated for retirement. Hope you like cats. [More]

Vote, Or The Scottie Dog Gets It: Monopoly Contest Will Do Away With One Iconic Token
There are many ways to win the game of Monopoly and thus, become champion of the entire world or at least lord it over your three brothers. Any strategy includes scooting around the board with a token you choose to symbolize the defeat of your enemies. Whether you pick the race car, iron, Scottie dog, wheelbarrow, shoe, top hat, thimble, or battleship, you’ve probably got a favorite (old shoe). But soon, perhaps too soon for anyone with even one nostalgic bone in their body, Monopoly is going to get rid of one of those forever. [More]

Petition Results In Hasbro Introducing Gender-Neutral Easy-Bake Oven
We know you’ve all been following the saga of one teen’s attempt to convince Hasbro to make a less-purple version of its famous Easy Bake Oven that her brother wouldn’t be embarrassed to use. It looks like her meeting with the toy company went well, as we’ll soon see a new version of the toy oven on the market. [More]

Hasbro Meeting With 13-Year-Old To Hear Her Ideas On “Girly” Easy-Bake Ovens
The New Jersey eighth grader who started a campaign for less girly Easy-Bake Ovens is headed straight to the top! And by that we mean she’s meeting with Hasbro’s Easy-Bake team (that team must have a lot of recipes for tiny cookies) to talk about her ideas concerning their product. [More]

Eighth Grader To Hasbro: Your Purple Easy-Bake Oven Is Too Girly For My Little Brother
If people get ants in their pants over a LEGO set just for girls, why not go after the purple Easy-Bake Oven, which features girls prominently on its packaging, for promoting sexist attitudes? That is the cause an eighth grader has taken up against the makers of the toy oven, Hasbro, because she doesn’t want her little brother to think cooking is only for girls. [More]

Hasbro Uses Fan's Love To Get His Address & Send Creepsters After Him
Hasbro really knows how to take intense love and devotion to its products and turn it into a creepy, weird stalkerish situation, and fast. A man named Martyn in Australia was so into Nerf guns that he had a blog devoted to the subject so he and other fans could geek out over the toys. All fine and dandy until he posted a review of a gun that wasn’t released yet. [More]

Incandescent Light Bulb Law Forces Change To Easy-Bake Oven
After nearly half a century of injuring children and occasionally baking things, things are about to change for the Easy-Bake Oven as its traditional heat source is set to go the way of the dodo. [More]

Should Hasbro Be Allowed To Own A Kids' TV Channel?
New kid-centric cable channel The Hub hasn’t even debuted yet, but it’s already receiving a lot of criticism from parental and consumer watchdog groups, not because its programming is too violent or racy, but because it’s co-owned by toy and game giant Hasbro. [More]

Start Your Child's Beer Pong Training Early
Rounding out our trilogy of beer pong posts this week, here’s an exciting product that commenter Nic715 pointed out: Hasbro’s game Cuponk. Throw the ball into the cup, and lights go off and electronic noises sound. It’s a way to have some family fun and hone your kids’ skills long before they leave for college. [More]

Hasbro Casts Spell Of Greater Invisibility Over D&D Cancellation Page
You can’t cancel your annual membership agreement with Hasbro’s “D&D Insider”—at least not easily, and not at all for some frustrated users. Company admins keep giving out ridiculous instructions on the user forums, but those posts are followed by customers saying all they get are error messages, no matter what browser/OS combo they try. To make matters worse, their customer service department was closed over the holidays, so nobody was answering the phone numbers they listed. This is the kind of runaround we expect from scammers like the Acai resellers, not a national toy company.