Petition Results In Hasbro Introducing Gender-Neutral Easy-Bake Oven Image courtesy of The purple Easy-Bake Oven that inspired the petition.

The purple Easy-Bake Oven that inspired the petition.
The folks from, where the 13-year-old’s petition to Hasbro garnered more than 44,000 signatures and the attention of worldwide media, the teen met with Hasbro today at the company’s secret lair in Rhode Island (okay, it’s not a secret, but we like to imagine that it’s something out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) where Hasbro showed off a black-and-silver prototype.
In her petition, the teen had told Hasbro that though the Easy-Bake had long been a favorite toy of hers, it “promotes gender roles in society. Your packaging for the product and it’s promotional materials advertise baking and cooking as a solely girls hobby. Also, it’s ‘girls’ coloration of purple and pink make it seem as though cooking is ‘girly’, which it is not by any means.”
The new, “boy-friendly” (though we’re sure there are plenty of young females who will also opt for the black-and-silver oven) Easy-Bake is expected to go on sale some time in February.
“I’m very excited that Hasbro is introducing an Easy Bake Oven that will appeal to both boys and girls,” said the young woman who petitioned the U.S. Toy-Industrial Complex. “The Hasbro executives told me that my petition was inspiring.”
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