
How Will You Get Rid Of Leftover Halloween Candy?

How Will You Get Rid Of Leftover Halloween Candy?

If you faced a shortage of trick-or-treaters Saturday night, or are overwhelmed by the stash your own offspring brought home, you may be asking yourself, what the heck am I going to do with all this crap? You could always teach the kids a valuable life lesson by letting them chow down on candy until they get sick, but there are some better — and easier to clean up — solutions.

Least Delicious Halloween Treat: H1N1 Virus

Least Delicious Halloween Treat: H1N1 Virus

As trick-or-treating time looms, we’d like to take this opportunity to remind you: BOO!!! SWINE FLU!

Would You Live With Ghosts For Cheaper Rent? 69% Would

Would You Live With Ghosts For Cheaper Rent? 69% Would

Rent.com conducted a survey that found more than 2/3 of renters ain’t afraid of no ghosts, and would live with them as long as they got a hefty discount on rent.

Honor Your Favorite Deceased Infomercial Celebrity This Halloween

Honor Your Favorite Deceased Infomercial Celebrity This Halloween

One of the inexpensive Halloween costume ideas suggested by readers was to dress in honor of the deceased and beloved infomercial pitchman Billy Mays. (This costume is especially simple if you already have dark hair and a beard.) Today, Billy Mays III announced a Billy Mays costume contest, sponsored and judged by his friends and colleagues at Sullivan Productions.

What Are Some Cheap Halloween Costume Ideas?

What Are Some Cheap Halloween Costume Ideas?

The personal finance blog Moolanomy posted a list of 25 cheap Halloween costumes, including ones that make no sense (see “Soup and crackers”) and ones that sound borderline dirty (see “Facebook wall”). The list made us realize that our readers probably have a lot of equally cheap, and equally-or-more creative, costume ideas of their own.

Make Your Own Haunted Gingerbread House

Make Your Own Haunted Gingerbread House

Are you decorating your house for Christmas Creep, and your Halloween tree just isn’t enough? Williams-Sonoma has combined Christmas and Halloween traditions, and is selling a kit to make your very own haunted gingerbread house. Haunted gingerbread house?

Christmas Creep Cartoon From Hallmark (Yes, Hallmark)

Christmas Creep Cartoon From Hallmark (Yes, Hallmark)

Hallmark’s Shoebox Greetings has a blog. This week, the blog published a delightful cartoon on the subject of Christmas creep.

Now Available For Halloween: "Sexy" Costumes For Dogs

Now Available For Halloween: "Sexy" Costumes For Dogs

Last year, we highlighted sexy Halloween costumes for inappropriately young girls, but costume makers have decided to take it farther. To sexy costumes for dogs.

Costco Already Playing Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer

Costco Already Playing Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer

Reader Tim says that the picture he sent was taken on September 27, and “shows a TV in the DVD section playing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, trying to sell a boxed set of Christmas specials.”

Hobby Lobby Worships The Great Pumpkin With Halloween Tree

Hobby Lobby Worships The Great Pumpkin With Halloween Tree

Hobby Lobby, with its devout Christian ownership, isn’t the first store we’d think of to honor the Great Pumpkin. Yet reader James spotted this festive tree back in mid-September.

More Kids Getting Rocks This Halloween

More Kids Getting Rocks This Halloween

Bad news for any kids expecting a big haul this Halloween. The National Retail Federation is out with its spending projections for the holiday, and they’re grim. Total spending for Halloween is expected to drop from $66.54 per family last year to $56.31 this year. The numbers include candy, costumes and decorations — but not shaving cream, eggs or toilet paper.

Hey Lowe's: Is Halloween Next? Or Christmas?

Hey Lowe's: Is Halloween Next? Or Christmas?

The Christmas trees are in full effect and the decorations are crowding out the Halloween stuff at the Lowe’s in Alexandria, VA.

Christmas Is Over, Virginia.

Christmas Is Over, Virginia.

And here’s the proof: December 26th, and Valentine’s Day is already ‘Just Around The Corner!’ At this rate, I’ll be shopping for a Halloween costume mid-April.

Why Are People Finding DayQuil Inside Smarties Candy?

Why Are People Finding DayQuil Inside Smarties Candy?

Well, this is a weird one. People in Canada are finding DayQuil capsules inside sealed boxes of Smarties candy. So far, seven small “Halloween sized” boxes of the candy have been found to contain the cold medicine.

Christmas Creep Confessions: We Played Christmas Music On Halloween

Christmas Creep Confessions: We Played Christmas Music On Halloween

An anonymous reader, who works at a certain bookstore, says that her manager started playing Christmas music a week before Halloween… and on Halloween itself.

Girl Dresses As Credit Card For Halloween

Girl Dresses As Credit Card For Halloween

This man says he saw a 10-year-old girl (not pictured) on Halloween dressed as a credit card. Cute. What financial-crisis-related costumes did you see this year? [Adverts Ruin Everything]

Walmart Sells Lead-Tainted Facepaint For Kids

Walmart Sells Lead-Tainted Facepaint For Kids

This facepaint for kids, sold by Walmart, contains lead. It says it right on the package. What the hell?! Maybe it’s the tubes that contain the lead, not the paint? Doesn’t sound right. Well, at least it doesn’t smear. Large version, inside.

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Have fun and safe trick-or-treating out there. Don’t eat any Pirate’s Gold foil-wrapped coins, they’ve been recalled for melamine!