Once again, the folks at Harris Interactive have released their Reputation Quotient Report, which rates public perception of 60 highly visible companies. Regular readers of Consumerist will not be shocked to see which companies brought up the rear this year. [More]

The 26 Top CEOs Who Made More Than Their Companies Paid In Federal Taxes
Once again, it’s time for the annual Institute for Policy Studies report on which top CEOs are earning more money than the companies they work for are paying out to federal government in taxes. [More]

BP Suing Halliburton To Pick Up The $42 Billion Tab For Oil Spill Clean Up
BP is pointing the finger at Halliburton as the company that should be footing the approximately $42 billion bill for cleaning up the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. BP claims Halliburton should cover costs because they were the ones who cemented the failed well. [More]

BP Accuses Halliburton Of Destroying Evidence In Gulf Oil Spill Lawsuit
In its latest effort to spread the love from its Worst Company In America victory, BP has accused another much-loathed business, Halliburton, of destroying internal test results which BP claims demonstrates that the cement used to secure the ill-fated Gulf of Mexico oil well was unstable. [More]

BP Spreads The Worst Company Love Around, Sues Deepwater Horizon Partners For Billions
As many readers mentioned in the comments leading up to BP’s hairline thin victory over Bank of America in this year’s Worst Company in America tournament, the oil company wasn’t the only one involved in the disaster on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig. Now, a year on from that horrible incident, BP has filed suits against Halliburton, Transocean and Cameron International. [More]

Transocean Apologizes For Calling 2010 "Best Year" Ever In Safety
The owner of the oil rig that exploded in the Gulf issued an apology after calling 2010 its “best year” ever in safety. Transocean did not comment on the safety bonuses it awarded top execs for meeting and exceeding internal safety goals, even considering the disaster at the rig run by BP resulting in 11 workers dead and 200 million gallons of oil spilled. [More]

Meet The One-Woman Enron
A Texas mom has been accused of running her own miniature Enron in order to support her upper middle-class lifestyle and put her son through college. Basically, she borrowed from Peter to pay Paul to buy a Lexus and never paid Peter back. [More]

Internal BP Report Deflects Blame Onto Contracted Rig Workers
An BP internal investigation has found that responsibility for the Gulf spill lies less with its corner-cutting practices and more with poor decisions and bad judgment calls by Transocean and Halliburton workers on the doomed oil rig. Gee, what a surprise. [More]

Senate Protects Employee Rights With Forced Arbitration Ban
Yesterday, the Senate adopted an amendment that will prevent federal funding from going to any contractor that requires its employees to use mandatory binding arbitration, instead of court, for sexual assault and civil rights claims against the company.

No Arbitration For Halliburton Sexual Assault Case, Court Holds
A woman who was allegedly raped while working for Halliburton/Kellogg Brown & Root in Iraq will have her civil claims heard in court, not by a company-selected arbitrator, thanks to a ruling by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Fifteen Shocking CEO Severances
Here’s another tip for our Make the Most of Unemployment guide: if you’re going to get fired, be a CEO. HR World has rounded up 15 of the most shocking golden parachutes given out by big corporations to their departing leaders. Some of our favorites, inside.

Sex Assault Suit Vs. Halliburton Goes To Arbitration
A woman who says she was sexually assaulted by co-workers while working for a contracting company in Iraq, KBR, affiliated with Halliburton, lost her chance to get her case heard in a real court of law. A judge ruled yesterday that the mandatory binding arbitration clause in her contract holds firm and so its off to kangaroo court she goes. The unfortunate court decisions is a rape of justice, this is an instance where the arbitration clause should have been ruled unconscionable. [More]
A critical look at the veracity of the claims mentioned in “Mandatory Binding Arbitration Means Alleged Halliburton Rapists Could Go Free” [Overylawyered]

Mandatory Binding Arbitration Means Alleged Halliburton Rapists Could Go Free
A woman who filed a civil lawsuit against Halliburton for being the victim of a gang rape by her coworkers in Iraq will have her day in court, kangaroo court, thanks to the mandatory binding arbitration clause in her employment contract. Jamie Leigh Jones says she was drugged and raped by her fellow workers, then imprisoned inside a shipping container and left without food or water until the US embassy came to rescue after the State Department got calls from her father. She says she was told she would be fired if she sought medical treatment. [More]
FINAL ROUND: RIAA vs Halliburton
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Worst Company In America 2007: Final Deathmatch
RIAA and Halliburton advance to the final round for a fight to the death. Who will emerge “Worst Company in America 2007?” Only one can survive! It will probably be the RIAA!
Round 13: Halliburton vs Walmart
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Halliburton Moves HQ From Houston To Dubai
Halliburton CEO Dave Lesar today announced they’re moving the headquarters from Texas to the United Arab Emirates. From the Washington Post: