A U.S. judge ruled Thursday that BP will face a maximum fine of $13.7 billion – nearly $5 billion less than what the government sought – for its part in dumping million of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico during the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster. [More]
bp oil spill

Don't Mind Pictures Of Icky Fish: FDA Declares Gulf Seafood Safe To Eat
Despite photos of fish with sores or other unappetizing marks on them from the Gulf of Mexico, the Food and Drug Administration’s Gulf Coast Seafood Laboratory says seafood is safe to eat, two years after the BP oil spill. [More]

Probe: BP Cost-Cutting Led To Spill
BP’s infamous oil spill last year in the Gulf of Mexico might have been prevented had the company not offered incentives to workers to cut costs rather than improve safety. A 16-months-in-the-making government report concluded that there were five instances in which BP either cut costs, decreased drilling time or increased risks. [More]

Transocean Apologizes For Calling 2010 "Best Year" Ever In Safety
The owner of the oil rig that exploded in the Gulf issued an apology after calling 2010 its “best year” ever in safety. Transocean did not comment on the safety bonuses it awarded top execs for meeting and exceeding internal safety goals, even considering the disaster at the rig run by BP resulting in 11 workers dead and 200 million gallons of oil spilled. [More]

Officials: Massive Fish Kill Hits Louisiana Bayou, But BP Ain't To Blame
A whole mess of fish just up and died at Bayou Chaland in Louisiana. What you’re looking at is a jambalaya of different kinds of lifeless fish, crabs, stingray and eel. You might think BP is to blame, but Louisiana’s Department of Wildlife and Fisheries has a different suspect in mind. [More]