For the second time in two years, global hotel operator Hyatt has been hit by a far-reaching breach of its payment card system. The latest attack involves the financial information of guests who stayed at any one of 41 Hyatt properties in 11 different countries. [More]
once more unto the breach

Here Are The 14 Trump Hotels Affected By Company’s Latest Hack Attack & What You Can Do About It
Marking the third such breach in the last two years, Trump Hotels notified guests this week that 14 of its properties have been affected by a hack attack, exposing guests’ full names, emails, addresses, and credit card information, including expiration dates. Here’s what you need to know. [More]

Report: Shoney’s Affected By Chain-Wide Payment Card Breach
If you’ve dined at Shoney’s anytime since Dec. 2016, you probably want to take a good hard look at your credit and debit card statements, as reports from financial institutions indicate that some cards used to pay for meals there have recently been used to make fraudulent purchases elsewhere. [More]

Arby’s Admits Malware Infection And Credit Card Breach At Hundreds Of Restaurants
The last time you satisfied your craving for seasoned curly fries at Arby’s, did you use a credit or debit card? It’s time to start watching your statements for fraudulent transactions and also to watch your mailbox for a new card: Arby’s announced a payment card breach at a few hundred of its restaurants. [More]

Holiday Inn Owner InterContinental Hotels Confirms Payment Card Breach
In December, several banks had identified hospitality giant InterContinental Hotels Group as the common link among customers with otherwise unrelated fraudulent credit card transactions. InterContinental is now confirming the breach and releasing information on which of its hotels’ restaurants and bars were affected. [More]

Several Marvel Twitter Pages Fall Victim To Same Group That Hacked Netflix’s Account
On the same day that Netflix’s U.S. Twitter account was briefly compromised, the group responsible for that attack is taking responsibility for hacking several Marvel social media pages as well. [More]

Trump Hotel Group Settles With NY Attorney General Over Credit Card Data Breaches
In the wake of two data breaches at hotels operating under the Trump Hotel Collection umbrella, the attorney general for the state of New York has reached a settlement with the company that involves a small financial penalty and promises of improved data security. [More]

Yahoo Confirms Massive Data Breach; At Least 500 Million Users Affected
As was rumored this morning, so it has come to pass. Yahoo has confirmed a massive data breach — and it’s far, far bigger than anyone guessed at first. [More]

Report: Yahoo To Confirm Major Data Breach Affecting At Least 200M Accounts
UPDATE: Yahoo has now confirmed that at least 500 million users were affected in the breach, which took place in 2014. [More]

Eddie Bauer Removed Malware From Payment Systems In All Of Its Stores
In today’s spin of the Wheel of Cybercrime, the affected business is…Eddie Bauer, a clothing and housewares retailer with more than 350 stores across the country. The company confirmed today that its point of sale systems were infected with malware, which has now been removed, and customers’ payment card information may have been compromised. [More]

Eat At Cici’s Pizza In The Last Year? Watch Your Credit Card Statements
Let’s spin the Wheel of Credit Card Fraud and see which chain has had its payment systems compromised by malware today! Ah, this time it’s pizza buffet restaurant Cici’s, which announced this week a payment card breach that in some restaurants dates back to the beginning of 2015. [More]

Wendy’s Has Another Update On Their Payment Breach, Knows What Data Was Taken
As you may remember, earlier this summer, fast food and salad experience restaurant Wendy’s confirmed that “considerably more” than 300 of its stores fell victim to a malware attack starting in late 2015. Now, the fast food giant is spilling the chili beans on what customer information the hackers took. They extracted cardholder names, credit and debit card numbers, and card expiration dates. [More]

Number Of Wendy’s Restaurants Hit In Malware Attack Now ‘Considerably Higher’ Than 300
Wendy’s, a fast food chain that serves burgers, fries, and salad experiences, has had some recent issues with malware. Specifically, they announced last month that about 300 franchisees had been hit with malware that breached customers’ card data. The investigation continued, though, and so did fraudulent charges. It turns out that there was another piece of malware lurking in payment systems. The number of stores hit is “considerably higher” than the company originally thought. [More]

Investigation At Wendy’s Turns Up Malware, Payment Breach At 300 Restaurants
Remember the suspected payment data breach at Wendy’s restaurants from earlier this year, which resulted in a class action lawsuit almost right away? It took a few months, but Wendy’s has confirmed that they did experience a breach dating back to fall 2015, and they’ve now fixed the underlying problem, which affected an estimated 5% of their restaurants. [More]

Group Behind Golden Nugget Casinos, Rainforest Cafe, And More Releases List Of Locations Hit By Data Breach
Late last year, Landry’s Inc., a restaurant conglomerate with over 500 locations, confirmed that it had been hit by a credit card data breach. At the time, the group didn’t confirm how many locations were affected. Landry’s now says soon it will begin notifying customers who might’ve been affected. [More]

Report: Wendy’s May Be Latest Victim Of Credit Card Data Breach
A burger and some chili or a baked potato seems like a great meal idea in this miserably snowy winter weather so many of us are having. Unfortunately, reports are saying that if you bought that tasty treat from Wendy’s with a credit or debit card recently, it may come with an unwanted side of fraud. [More]

Card Data Breach Hits Group Behind Golden Nugget Casinos, Rainforest Cafe, And More
As compared to the flood of the last couple of years, the number of hacks and data breaches facing consumers this holiday season is but a mere trickle. But while the pace may be slowing, shoppers’ card data is, as ever, at risk. The latest large-scale victim? A restaurant conglomerate with over 500 locations. [More]

Hilton Confirms Credit Card Breach In On-Property Stores And Restaurants
Two months ago, reports from banks indicated that there may have been a credit card breach from the payment systems in on-site stores, coffee shops, and restaurants in Hilton-owned hotels. Reservation and payment systems for hotel rooms were not affected. Hilton confirmed the breach late yesterday, warning customers who had used payment cards to check their statements. [More]