Walmart already has a slew of house brands that it sells in stores and on, but rather than try to sell brands like Great Value or Sam’s Choice through its recently acquired, the company is coming up with new house brands specifically for Jet that it hopes will appeal to a younger buyer. [More]
great value

1 Million Pounds Of Vienna Sausages Recalled For Leaving MSG Off The Label
Aren’t Vienna sausages tasty little chicken-based snacks? Apparently, part of what makes some brands of them so tasty is monosodium glutamate, yet in one recent batch, the company left that ingredient off the label. Now it has to recall 500 tons of sausages, which were sold at retailers including Walmart. [More]

ConAgra Subsidiary Sentenced For Distributing Contaminated Peanut Butter 10 Years Ago
The Great Peanut Butter Recall of 2007 affected peanut butter sold under the Peter Pan and Great Value brands. The company pleaded guilty to criminal charges of the introduction into interstate commerce of adulterated food, and has finally been sentenced. As announced last year, it must pay an $8 million fine and forfeit more than $3 million in assets. [More]

Walmart To Open Dairy Processing Plant, Will Make Its Own Milk For 600 Stores
While Walmart generally sources its store-brand products from third-party private label companies, the mega-retailer is deviating slightly from that trend with the news that it will soon be supplying its own milk for hundreds of Walmart stores.

Bread Recalled Because Broken Light Bulb Is Not Supposed To Be An Ingredient
When crafting a tasty sandwich for lunch, the one ingredient you don’t want to forget is a broken light bulb. Wait, what? Shards of light bulb certainly don’t belong in our digestive systems, that’s why Bimbo Bakeries has issued a recall of several types of bread. [More]

The Science Behind Those Never-Melting Ice Cream Sandwiches
If you find the idea of ice cream that doesn’t melt after sitting out for hours in 80-degree heat unsettling, you aren’t alone. And because you can’t believe everything you hear on the news, our knowledge-thirsty compatriots at Consumer Reports decided to test out those never-melting ice cream sandwiches for themselves. [More]

Walmart Redesigns 5.3 Ounces Right Out Of Great Value Mashed Potato Box
An anonymous Walmart shopper stopped by to show us how a nice-looking redesign of the mega-retailer’s house-brand mashed potato flakes masks some shrinkage. Wally World took advantage of the packaging change to shave off 5.3 ounces of dehydrated potato goodness. Of course, the box looks the same size from the outside. It’s still a great value. Just a little less great than before, perhaps. [More]

Woman Bites Into Razor In Walmart Brand Ice Cream
A woman has cut her lip on a razor that was at the bottom of her cup of Walmart brand Peanut Butter Stars. When she called to complain, the customer service rep told her, “I’m sorry, I hope your day gets better.” [More]

Salmonella Peanut Butter Still Stalking Nation’s Children
People. You need to toss your Peter Pan or Great Value brand peanut butter if the jar says “2111” on it. The plant that produced the peanut butter has been closed for 3 weeks, but cases of salmonella linked to the peanut butter continue to rise.