The foreclosure crisis of last decade left a lot of houses on the market for cheap. Big investors, including hedge funds, private equity firms, and large investment firms, bought them up to use as single-family rentals. It turns out that a hedge fund several states away is not a friendly landlord. [More]

Cox Customers In Florida, Georgia Now Have To Pay Up For Hitting Data Caps
Cox Communications upped it’s data cap to 1 TB per month recently, joining the club with peers AT&T and Comcast. The silver lining was that at the time, only one city’s subscribers had to pay up if they hit the limit. But too bad, so sad: the pool of people who have to cough up cash for using extra data is spreading now, too. [More]

Thieves Steal $11K Worth Of Jeans Over Two Days From JCPenney
Is there a thriving black market for Levi’s jeans? If there is, then a group of thieves from Georgia have quite a haul to add to it after pilfering $11,000 worth of the pants from JCPenney. [More]

Walmart Worker Turns Herself In To Police After Accepting $1,000 In Movie Prop Cash
When a movie or TV show needs stacks of cash for a scene, they don’t usually withdraw millions from the bank and hope no one walks away with it. Instead, they use prop money that will pass for the real thing on camera, but that any cashier with eyes would immediately notice is fake. So when some Walmart shoppers in Georgia managed to buy $1,000 of stuff with fake movie money, police were suspicious about the cashier’s involvement. [More]

KKK’s Years-Long Battle To “Adopt” Stretch Of Georgia Highway Headed To Trial
Four years after the Ku Klux Klan set off a lengthy legal battle by applying to adopt a stretch of road in northern Georgia near the North Carolina border, the state’s Supreme Court ruled that the controversial group’s lawsuit against Georgia can move forward. [More]

Georgia Governor Vetoes Controversial “Religious Liberty” Bill
Amid pressure from civil rights groups and private industry, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal has vetoed a controversial piece of legislation that would have allowed religious groups and individuals to deny services to same-sex couples and for faith-based employers to not hire someone based on their sexual orientation. [More]

Dentist Who Tried To Remove News Story From YouTube Drops Lawsuit, Pays $12K In Fees
A few weeks back we told you about a former dentist in Georgia who pled guilty in 2009 to filing Medicaid claims for procedures he didn’t actually perform, and who was trying to sue an anonymous YouTuber over a nearly seven-year-old news story that included allegations of physical assault from some patients. This week, the doctor agreed to withdraw his lawsuit and fork over $12,000 in fees for the unnamed defendant. [More]

YouTuber Being Sued By Dentist Explains Why It’s Important They Stay Anonymous
Yesterday we told you about Dr. Gordon Austin, a former dentist who is suing to unmask an anonymous YouTube user for posting a 2009 news report about allegations against Austin. We’ve since had the chance to communicate with the YouTuber via email to understand why they posted the clip in the first place and why, nearly seven years later, they are still fighting to keep it online. [More]

Dentist Who Pled Guilty To Theft Trying To Erase Past Allegations From YouTube
A retired dentist in Georgia, who pleaded guilty in 2009 to filing Medicaid claims for procedures he didn’t actually perform, doesn’t want the world to see a nearly seven-year-old news report about allegations from patients that he physically assaulted them while in his office. [More]

If Comcast Is Going To Enforce Data Caps, It Has To Provide More Accurate Info To Customers
Another day, another story calling into question the validity of the data caps that Comcast has brought to a number of new markets in recent months. [More]

AT&T Expands High-Speed Fiber Network, Still Overcharges In Areas Without Competition
Remember how AT&T made its grand case for the DirecTV merger? All that revenue from the 20-plus million DirecTV subscribers would help AT&T build out a high-speed broadband network that competes with the local cable monopolies. And so far that’s been true with the continued expansion of AT&T’s GigaPower service… except when those established cable monopolies don’t match GigaPower’s top speeds, customers are still paying top dollar. [More]

Court Overturns Conviction Of Landlord Who Threatened To Post Sex Tape On Facebook
If you go on Facebook and threaten to post a sex tape featuring a public official, is that a threat or is it free speech protected by the First Amendment? The highest court in Georgia has overturned the six-year prison sentence of a man who said he’d share raunchy footage of a court clerk, mostly because said sex tape didn’t exist. [More]

Customer Says Car Wash Worker Wrote “B*tch Is Crazy” On Her Receipt
I don’t work in human resources, but if I did I’d be sure that all applicants had to respond to the following hypothetical: “You’re annoyed at a customer (the reason doesn’t matter) and you have the opportunity to express that annoyance to said customer by scrawling an offensive note on a receipt that he or she will almost certainly see. Do you do it?” [More]

Fiat Chrysler Loses Bid For New Trial In Wrongful Death Case Involving Jeep Fire
Fiat Chrysler’s woes related to millions of Jeeps that could catch fire after being rear-ended continued today as a judge rejected the company’s request for a new a trial in the wrongful death case of a four-year-old boy. [More]

Lawsuit That Brought GM Ignition Switch Defect To Light Settled For Second Time
The lawsuit filed by the family of a Georgia woman who died in a 2010 car accident that spurred the recall of 2.5 million General Motors vehicles with faulty ignition switches has been settled out of court. [More]

Police Use GPS Signal From “Dummy” Phone To Find $23K In Stolen AT&T Phones
Anyone who’s robbed a bank (or seen countless movies and TV shows about bank robbers) knows to expect that the bank might have put some sort of tracking device inside the stolen money to help police locate the loot. But it looks like phone retailers are using the same tactic to curb the theft of pricey smartphones from stores. [More]

Driver Ticketed For Eating McDonald’s While Driving
Even though eating in your car is a time-honored tradition for many drivers, at least one police officer in Georgia believes that gulping down your McDonald’s double quarter-pounder with cheese while behind the wheel is enough of a safety risk to merit a ticket. [More]