The incoming Web queries for a website are like an oracle: sometimes we can see trends or growing problems by reading them, like when people had trouble with the Gree dehumidifier recall. Sometimes searchers find us when they search for the answers to questions that we had never thought to ask. Last week, someone asked Google whether Honey Nut Cheerios contain any nuts. The short answer: No. [More]
general mills

General Mills Thinks You’re Stupid, But Decides To Not Take Customers’ Legal Rights Away After All
While all sorts of big-name financial, tech, e-commerce, and telecom companies have been trying to take away consumers’ right to sue by inserting forced-arbitration clauses in their contracts and terms of service, it seemed ridiculous to think that the makers of cereal would resort to such deviousness, or how they would even be able to do it. But last week, General Mills tried, adding language to its website that stripped certain customers of their access to legal redress against the company. Realizing that maybe this might tick off an awful lot of people, the company has backed off this policy change. [More]

Stories You Might Have Missed Because You Were Too Busy Being Awesome
We post a lot of stories during the week, and we know that most of you have jobs, families, lives, hobbies, nagging itches and other more important things to do than read every single thing we write. So for those who might be playing catch-up on the weekend, here are some of the things you might have missed… [More]

The Consumerist Quiz: Can You Match Popular Food Brands With Their Corporate Parents?
How closely do you pay attention to the companies that make the products you and your family eat every day? Many of the most popular brands of packaged food and beverage items in the U.S. are owned by the same few dozen multinational companies, some of whom own several competing brands. It’s time to test your knowledge of which big companies are filling your pantry. [More]

Fictional Character Betty Crocker Provides Real Cakes For Minnesota’s First Gay Weddings
People worldwide continue to disagree vehemently on the subject of civil marriage for same-sex couples, but everyone can agree that free cake is a nice thing. The first legally binding gay marriages in Minnesota will happen after midnight on August 1st, and three lucky couples will have free wedding cakes courtesy of Minnesota-based General Mills. [More]

More Than 40% Of All Lucky Charms Cereal Eaten By Adults
Back in January, venerable sugary-cereal brand Lucky Charms launched a new ad campaign aimed at a novel demographic: adults. Adults? Don’t grown-ups eat cereals filled with wheat bran and nuts and dried fruit? Well… no. [More]

Lucky Charms Wants To Remind Adults Of Their Sugary Sweet Childhoods
In case all the recent Twinkie talk hasn’t been enough to turn your thoughts to a youth spent gorging on sugary snacks without a care, General Mills is hoping you’ll want to ride a sweet wave of nostalgia back to a past where breakfast included a rainbow of rock-hard marshmallows in your bowl of Lucky Charms. [More]

Want Tinted, Flavored Cereal Milk All Year? Start Stockpiling Franken Berry & Count Chocula Now
We all want what we want when we want it. But there are those among us who practice patience in their desire for a particular product due to the fact that it’s only around for a limited time. No, not the McRib — we’re talking sugary, often electric-neon colored kiddie cereals: Boo Berry, Count Chocula and Franken Berry. Says one adult fan of the stuff, when it’s on the shelves in October, “I eat as much Boo Berry as I can.” [More]

General Mills Resurrects Jolly Green Giant; What Other Characters Deserve A Second Coming?
Like a lot of older actors who just assumed had died years ago, we didn’t realize until recently that the frozen veggie-shilling Jolly Green Giant had gone missing for most of the last decade. But after eight years of lying dormant in the back of the freezer with that block of peas you don’t remember buying and never quite feel like eating, General Mills has decided to bring back the 84-year-old character in a move to get kids eating vegetables. [More]

Setting Cheerios On Fire Outside General Mills Office Is Maybe Not The Best Way To Voice Opinion On Same-Sex Marriage
Whatever your opinion on same-sex marriage (and the companies whose executives may oppose or support it), you certainly have the right to express your beliefs. However, we are pretty sure that only bad things can happen if your protest involves an attempt to ignite a bowl of Cheerios in public. [More]

General Mills Must Defend Claim That Fruit Roll-Ups Are "Made With Real Fruit"
It’s been a while since we heard any updates on that class-action lawsuit against General Mills over its claims that Fruit Roll-Ups are “made with real fruit.” Well, yesterday the judge in the case gave it the go-ahead to proceed. [More]

Class-Action Lawsuit Claims Fruit Roll-Ups Are Unhealthy, Contain Little Fruit
Do phrases like “low fat,” “gluten-free,” “made with real fruit” and “good source of vitamin C” on the package of a processed fruit snack product make you think that the product is a healthy food? These phrases have all been on the packaging of fruit-like snack substances from General Mills: Froot by the Foot, Fruit Roll-Ups, and Gushers. Marketing copy on the front of a box is no substitute for taking a moment to read nutrition information and ingredients. But that hasn’t stopped the Center for Science in the Public Interest from filing a class-action lawsuit alleging that the company tried to make consumers believe that their products were wholesome and fruit-based, not full of trans fats, preservatives, and food coloring. [More]

Cheech & Chong Still Encouraging Baby Boomers To Get High… On Fiber
Once upon a time, the comedy duo of Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong (some refer to them as Cheech and Chong) were as closely associated with marijuana as rolling papers and bongs. But oh how times have changed and priorities have shifted from getting high on pot brownies to getting high amounts of fiber from brownies. [More]
General Mills Sues So You Don't Confuse Pillsbury Doughboy With "My Dough Girl" Bakery
Great news, easily confused consumers! General Mills has forced the local Utah bakery “My Dough Girl” to change its name so you won’t confuse their hand-crafted specialty cookies with the Pillsbury Doughboy. The company sent the two-year-old local bakery a cease and desist letter complete with a gag order explaining that the bakery could “tarnish the company’s reputation.” [More]