
Greg Meyerkord Interviewed-ish

Greg Meyerkord Interviewed-ish

Reader Nolen decided to harass/contact Greg Meyerkord , the guy whose name appears on the PSP flog domain registration….

We Reupload Heinous PSP Flog Videos Sony Removed

UPDATE: The 807 comments that were on the Dancing Petey video, after the jump.

Meet The Douchebags Behind The Sony PSP Flog

Meet The Douchebags Behind The Sony PSP Flog

We found the Myspace profiles for most of the the marketing douchebags who appear on the PSP flog, pretending that they are kids who want their parents to buy them a PSP for Christmas.

Blizzard Bankrupts Nerds

Blizzard Bankrupts Nerds

Gamestop: “We’re Selling Counterfeit Games? Coooooool!”

Gamestop: “We’re Selling Counterfeit Games? Coooooool!”

Digg this story.

Airport Security: The Game!

Airport Security: The Game!

iPod in Toilet Leads To Emergency Landing

iPod in Toilet Leads To Emergency Landing

Under new security regulations, even fetid catassers are terrorists.

MySpace’s Racist Ring Tone Ads

MySpace’s Racist Ring Tone Ads

On one hand, it’s hard to believe that MySpace endorsed or even saw this advertisement for cell phone ringtones that it’s been displaying on their web page. On the other hand, this sort of big-lipped, bone-through-the-fro depiction of an African hasn’t been acceptable since some of Louis Armstrong’s more colorful Max Fleischer appearances.

Monopoly Eschews Cash For Easy Credit

Monopoly Eschews Cash For Easy Credit

The Anti-McDonald’s Advergame Game Punks Kotaku!

The Anti-McDonald’s Advergame Game Punks Kotaku!

Imagine if this happened: at a British gaming conference, the director of McDonald’s nascent video game division divulges that their first project for the chain was to program a fast food empire simulator to help train management. However, during beta testing of the game, McDonald’s green-friendly game programmers become more and more disturbed as McDonald’s managers time and time again trigger global armageddon within the game. Consequently, McDonald’s Interactive publicly calls its parent corporation a bunch of blood thirsty baby murderers and severs their umbilical cord with their righteously gnashing teeth.

Kotaku, Eater of Worlds, E3 Coverage

Kotaku, Eater of Worlds, E3 Coverage

It’s day 2 of the mega E3 gaming expo, and Kotaku has grown stronger and faster, previewing all the games and devices you’ll be begging for/awarding yourself this Christmas.

Puerto Ricans Can Buy XBox But Can’t Get One Repaired

Puerto Ricans Can Buy XBox But Can’t Get One Repaired

What is it with companies that sell warrantied products in countries or territories where they don’t have customer service repair facilities?

All The Replacement Manuals You Can Shake A Stick At

All The Replacement Manuals You Can Shake A Stick At

Pinball’s Cranky Rogue Spokesman

Pinball’s Cranky Rogue Spokesman

Tim Arnold is the ultimate pinball fanatic. A foul-talking, chain-smoking cranky collector of nearly every machine that ever graced the corner of your local pizza parlor, Arnold runs Las Vegas’ Pinball Hall of Fame. He loves saying things like “Today’s yuppie fucks are too self-centered and full of their own shit and their own selves to bother doing community service. I like a civilized society, and civilized society is based not on only the greed of me and more stuff for me.”

Starforce Is Sorry For Warezing Critic’s Game

Starforce Is Sorry For Warezing Critic’s Game

Earlier this week we reported on Starforce, a gaming copy-protection company located in the cold, vacant womb of Ex-Soviet Russia, actually encouraging their site visitors to warez a game made by Stardock, a company that had criticized Starforce and its ilk’s heavy-handed DRM methods. They even posted links to where users could download Stardock’s game.

Why Starforce Sucks: DRM CSR Idiot Pirates

Why Starforce Sucks: DRM CSR Idiot Pirates

A brief history: for those of you who aren’t into video games, you might not have heard about Starforce, a Russian company that has become infamous amongst the gaming community for an extremely invasive and draconian copyright protection system that has, according to numerous forum posts, completely broken many customer’s computers. Starforce denies these claims and smugly mention that they recently held a contest for $10,000 dollars to prove in their office that Starforce breaks systems. According to them, no one won. The problem? They required you to demonstrate it in some Muscovite office complex, under their supervision. We doubt many people were twitching to fly to Russia just to lose a $10,000 bet on some dreamed-up technicality.

The Streaker Game: Get Brand Recognition Through Nudity

The Streaker Game: Get Brand Recognition Through Nudity

Nintendo DS Lite’s Japanese Debut

Everyone who got burned on the original Nintendo Gameboy Advance debacle felt the existential yawning of deja vu when Nintendo recently announced that, less than a year after launch, they were shrinking down the size of their Nintendo DS handheld and making the screen better. This was after previously ensuring all of us that the device was Panglossian in its perfection and could not be foreseeably improved. What a perfect way to burn the customers who made Nintendo’s experimental console a success — try to sell them the same product again a year later with the form factor that the product could have been in the first place!