
Get Through Your Friday With The Help Of This Laughably Bad Anti-Liquor-Privatization Ad

Get Through Your Friday With The Help Of This Laughably Bad Anti-Liquor-Privatization Ad

Here in Pennsylvania, there’s a heated debate going on about whether or not to ease the state’s byzantine laws on the sale of alcohol. Both sides of the issue have merit, but a new ad arguing against changing the law isn’t doing itself any favors. [More]

The Dogecoin Race Car Is A Reality And It Is Every Bit As Amazing As We’d Hoped

The Dogecoin Race Car Is A Reality And It Is Every Bit As Amazing As We’d Hoped

A few weeks back, we told you how supporters of the Dogecoin virtual currency had banded together on Reddit in just a few days to raise enough money to sponsor NASCAR driver Josh Wise’s car. The car itself has finally been revealed and it is, well… it is. [More]

Let’s Play “Guess Why This Person Broke Into Restaurant While Wearing A Box On Their Head”

Let’s Play “Guess Why This Person Broke Into Restaurant While Wearing A Box On Their Head”

While it’s not exactly a case for Adrian Monk (or even Encyclopedia Brown), police in Bismarck, ND, do have a puzzler of a crime on their hands after someone broke into a restaurant after hours and appears to have done nothing but walked around the place with a cardboard box covering his/her head. [More]

Driver Arrested Because A Short Rib Recipe Is Not A Vehicle Inspection Sticker

Driver Arrested Because A Short Rib Recipe Is Not A Vehicle Inspection Sticker

Most people don’t really like getting their cars inspected, and some people deliberately avoid getting an inspection because they know their vehicles won’t pass muster. Unfortunately for those folks, having a fake inspection sticker on the windshield can get them arrested. [More]

Everyone At The FCC & DOJ Should Be Forced To Watch This “Comcast Doesn’t Give A F#!k” Video

Everyone At The FCC & DOJ Should Be Forced To Watch This “Comcast Doesn’t Give A F#!k” Video

In the debate over whether or not to approve the merger between Comcast and Time Warner Cable, there has been a lot of in-depth discussion of market share, divestments, fiber competition, and all sorts of other things the average cable subscriber doesn’t concern herself with because she has better things to do. What’s at risk of being overlooked is that Comcast is just a horrible company that really doesn’t care about its many millions of customers who have no other choice. [More]

The original photo of Corey Moncrief catching a fly ball inside of a catalog. (

This Outfield Wall Ad Inadvertently Reveals Hidden Potential

Advertisers have been slapping their logos on outfield walls at baseball parks for longer than any of us have been alive, but have any of those advertisers taken advantage of the opportunities available for visual trickery? [More]

Well, thanks for reaching out... now go away.

Superfresh Sends Unsolicited E-Mail To Let Me Know It’s Taking A Break From Sending Unsolicited E-Mail

Did you ever break up with someone who, after the breakup, couldn’t stop proactively calling/texting/e-mailing you to let you know they were over you and this would be the last time you hear from them… until the next time? That’s sort of how this e-mail from supermarket chain SuperFresh comes across to us. [More]

T-Mobile Claims “AT&T Dismantles Death Star” In Mocking Press Release

T-Mobile Claims “AT&T Dismantles Death Star” In Mocking Press Release

Weeks after crashing AT&T’s big Las Vegas party at CES, T-Mobile CEO John Legere continues to poke the lion with a stick. This time, T-Mobile has issued a press release — complete with fake quotes from an actual AT&T exec — applauding the telecom giant for its decision to “leave the dark side, step into the light.” [More]

The Pasta Crapresse At This Restaurant Is Surprisingly Tasty

The Pasta Crapresse At This Restaurant Is Surprisingly Tasty

Don’t let the menu at this New York state restaurant fool you — the pasta crapresse does not live up to its name. [More]

Video: Restaurant Mocks Drone Trend, Uses Flying Bot To Chop Celery, Take Out Trash

Video: Restaurant Mocks Drone Trend, Uses Flying Bot To Chop Celery, Take Out Trash

While Amazon and others prepare to darken the skies with the flying robots that will one day enslave all humanity and turn us into organic batteries, some restaurants have already opened the door to the pernicious plague of aerial drones. Now one Austin eatery has produced a video showing all the ways in which it employs the hovering harbingers of the robo-pocalypse. [More]

Artist Turns 4.7 Million Hacked LinkedIn Passwords Into 8-Volume Book

Artist Turns 4.7 Million Hacked LinkedIn Passwords Into 8-Volume Book

Remember back in 2012 when someone hacked LinkedIn and revealed that millions of user passwords had been stored in plain-old cleartext? German artist Aram Bartholl has compiled, printed and bound 4.7 million passwords into “Forgot Your Password?,” an eight-volume set that visitors to next month’s Unpainted media art fair in Munich will be able to thumb through. [via Boing Boing] [More]

Someone Made A LEGO Version Of The Blues Brothers Mall Chase Scene. It Is Glorious

Someone Made A LEGO Version Of The Blues Brothers Mall Chase Scene. It Is Glorious

If, like me, you were raised on repeated late-night viewings of The Blues Brothers, you are more than familiar with the epic 3-minute scene in which Elwood and Jake lead some Illinois State Police around, in, and through a busy mall, all while cataloging the various things one can buy there (The new Oldsmobiles are in early this year). What better way to commemorate this brilliantly choreographed scene than with a shot-by-shot LEGO remake? [More]

Century 21’s ‘Delivery Landing Pads’ Will Give Amazon’s Flying Robot Army A Place To Call Home

Century 21’s ‘Delivery Landing Pads’ Will Give Amazon’s Flying Robot Army A Place To Call Home

The future of delivery is not teleportation or 3D printing but rather a sky full of autonomous drones that know where we live, what we buy, and what we want for Christmas, and which will surely someday decimate our numbers by blacking out the sun. So it only makes sense that these doomsday devices should have a pleasant place to land while they silently learn our ways and calculate how best to defeat us in the inevitable war. That’s why Century 21 has unveiled the C21 Delivery Landing Pads, so that our future flying overlords will know exactly which homes are most willing to do their bidding… or something like that. [More]

Non-Profit Sends Cake To Amazon To Remind It Of 3-Year Overdue Invoice

Non-Profit Sends Cake To Amazon To Remind It Of 3-Year Overdue Invoice

MusicBrainz is a free-to-use encyclopedia of music-related metadata (all that information, like artist name, track name, composer, etc.), and like a lot of free-to-use services, it has a commercial tier for companies whose use would put an undue burden on the service. Yesterday, the folks at MusicBrainz sent over a cake to Amazon to remind the online giant that it hasn’t paid a 3-year-old invoice for its commercial use of the service. Let’s hope the accounts payable people got the message before someone just left it in the break room for everyone to gorge on. [via Boing Boing] [More]

Do you get paid to be set aflame for the amusement of others? Let us know... (photo: Don Buciak II)

Got An Interesting Or Unique Job? Do Tell Us All About It

When you tell people what you do for a living, do people look at you strangely? Do some folks tell you they had no idea that you could actually get paid to do what you do. Perhaps you’re a submarine designer, or you give tours of abandoned subway tunnels. Maybe you run a roller derby league, or sit at a machine all day making a part for a product that everyone uses but most people don’t even think about. If so, we want to hear your story. [More]

Fulfilling That ‘Banker Bro’ Stereotype In Job-Hunting E-mails Is A Bad Idea

Fulfilling That ‘Banker Bro’ Stereotype In Job-Hunting E-mails Is A Bad Idea

It’s one thing (though still obnoxious) to be a brash, backstabbing alpha male when you’re out on the town with business associates. It’s another for a job applicant to be so dimwitted as to put that same arrogant attitude into an e-mail and assume it’s not going to be forwarded around, and probably end up on the smartphone screen of the very people you’re insulting. [More]

Dodge Durango Pitchman Ron Burgundy: “It’s A Terrible Car”

Dodge Durango Pitchman Ron Burgundy: “It’s A Terrible Car”

You’ve probably seen any of the dozens of commercials that legendary San Diego anchorman Ron Burgundy has recently made for the Dodge Durango. But the tell-it-like-it-is newsman isn’t going to hide his distaste for the vehicle. [More]

‘Gravity’ Spoof Accurately Recreates The Terror Of Being Separated In IKEA

‘Gravity’ Spoof Accurately Recreates The Terror Of Being Separated In IKEA

Sure, the Clooney-in-space movie Gravity presents a terrifying vision of what it may be like to be sent hurtling through the vast emptiness of space, but honestly how many of us are pushing through the mesosphere in our lives? A more relatable terror of drifting without direction can be found in the cluttered maze that is your local IKEA. [More]