Did you recently pick up an extra large supreme frozen pizza at Walmart, and stash it in your freezer? Did you pick one up in the last few weeks for your family pizza night? If so, you’ll want to check your freezer or monitor your family members for illness: Those pizzas may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes. [More]
frozen pizza

Recall: 21,220 Pounds Of Supreme Pizza Sold At Walmart For Potential Listeria

Nestlé USA Cutting Artificial Flavors, Reducing Salt In Some Frozen Pizza Products
Following Nestlé USA’s announcement that it would be pulling artificial flavors from all its chocolate products earlier this year, the company now says it’s removing artificial flavors and reducing salt by 10% in many of its frozen pizza and snack products by the end of 205. [More]

Get Ready For A Frozen Pizza Vending Machine
Get ready: Box Brands, makers of the BurritoBox vending machine that serves up hot burritos in about a minute, is about to revolutionize fast food kiosks again. Well, maybe “revolutionize” is the wrong word, because what they want to do is put giant boxes that sell hot pizzas without pesky human interaction on every street corner. Depending on your point of view, that’s a tasty revolution or a dystopian nightmare. [More]

Frozen Pizza With Cookie Layer Is What Pizza Hut Only Aspires To
Sure, Pizza Hut thinks it’s being all revolutionary with its cookie pizzas, and infinite variations on stuffed crusts but the chain isn’t taking things nearly far enough. Have they tried putting an entire cookie pizza layer on top of a pizza? They have not. Yet. One brave man, Michael J. Hudson, has tried such a feat. The result looks horrifying. And amazing. And horrifying. [More]

Visit The Magical Factory Where Frozen Pizzas Come From
Americans eat a lot of packaged foods, but do you ever wonder what kind of magical land these boxes of convenient tastiness come from? There’s no army of dough-tossing elves trapped inside a pizza factory: the reality is much cooler. [More]

There Is Always A Best Way To Cook A Frozen Pizza
Looking to get the best culinary experience out of your frozen pizza? That’s not an oxymoron. The smell of tomato sauce and cheese is drifting down the hall from our colleagues at Consumer Reports, who compared the same pizza when cooked in a conventional oven and a microwave oven. Their goal was to figure out the best way to cook frozen pizzas for optimal texture and tastiness. [More]

The Sad Hawaiian-Style Celeste Pizza With One Pineapple And Many Hams
No one purchases a one-dollar frozen pizza expecting a gourmet experience. Heck, they don’t even expect the meal to look all that much like the photo on the box. When reader Kitanaor picked up a Hawaiian-style Celeste pizza-for-one, though, she expected to find more than one piece of pineapple among the toppings. [More]

Consumer Reports Devours 800 Slices Of Frozen Pizza So You Don't Have To
In addition to the millions of slices of pizza being delivered and picked up from pizzerias around the country on Super Bowl Sunday, plenty of football-watching folks will be tossing a frozen pie in to the oven. For those still wondering which frozen pizza to purchase, the labcoat-lovin’ testers at Consumer Reports recently pigged out on the stuff, with surprising results. [More]

My Freschetta Suffers From Male Pattern Baldness
Reader signup6 feels conned by his Freschetta Flat Bread Pizza box. That single sliver of pepperoni is all that remains from what possibly was once a healthy mane of processed red meat before it all fell out. [More]