Here in the United States, hot donut shop Krispy Kreme might stick a little bit of coffee in its pastries, but otherwise lets outside companies do strange and wonderful things with its food, like using a doughnut as the base for a Sloppy Joe sandwich. In Japan, the chain puts together its own unreal and slightly nauseating creations. Like the Doughnut Sundae. [More]
acceptable food

What’s The Best Store-Bought Guacamole?
It’s not hard to make your own guacamole at home, but that doesn’t mean that you always want to. Sometimes opening a container instead of actual cooking is where it’s at. How do you choose the best pre-made guac on the shelf, though? Buy every brand available and taste-test it? Don’t worry: our freshly mashed colleagues down the hall at Consumer Reports already took care of that for you. [More]

Chocolate Toast Crunch Cereal Is A Thing
I didn’t know that “chocolate toast” was even a thing, but evidently I was wrong. Now there’s a chocolate variation of Cinnamon Toast Crunch…and everyone knows that if there’s a cereal of something, it must be real. [More]

Jack Daniels Whiskey Chocolate Bars Are A Thing
The world is still full of magical surprises: today we learned that Jack Daniels-branded whiskey-filled chocolates are a thing. They’re made by Swiss chocolatier Goldkenn, and the worst things that any Amazon reviewers can say about them are that they’re “not for everyone” and that they melted in transit during some unseasonably hot weather. [Foodbeast] [More]

Will ‘Premium’ Hot Pockets Draw In Foodies And Other Snobs?
Is it possible to reach customers who turn their noses up at tasteless packaged foods with your tasteless packaged foods? That’s the dilemma that the nation’s food business faces as they try to attract the attention of a generation of farmer’s market-loving food snobs. How can they coax these people to buy canned soup and Hot Pockets? [More]

This Is Out Of Hand: Sherbet-Flavored Oreos Are A Thing
Sure, Cookies & Cream ice cream is now a standard flavor, even if the crumbled-up cookies inside aren’t officially marked as Oreo brand. What about the other way around, though? We recently learned that ice cream-flavored Oreos exist, in sherbet flavor, and we’re starting to wonder whether this whole Oreo flavor train is going a little too fast for our taste buds to handle. [More]

Watermelon Oreos Are Real, And They’re Here For The Summer
From the same deranged marketing brains that brought us gingerbread Oreos and candy corn Oreos, get ready for another seasonal-themed, frosting-filled snack cookie. Watermelon Oreos are officially a thing, America. [More]

Today’s Amazing And Revolting Foods: Ravioli Pizza And Deep Fried Doritos Locos Taco
One thing that we love here at Consumerist is bringing you the latest in disgusting/amazing food news, and we include fast food in that statement. Two new and exciting food products caught our attention today, one served in a restaurant and the other is a do-it-yourself project from an adventurous blogger. Both will make your arteries clench when you read about them, so that’s good. These items are the ravioli-topped pizza and the deep-fried beer-and-bacon-battered Doritos Loco Taco. [More]

There Is Always A Best Way To Cook A Frozen Pizza
Looking to get the best culinary experience out of your frozen pizza? That’s not an oxymoron. The smell of tomato sauce and cheese is drifting down the hall from our colleagues at Consumer Reports, who compared the same pizza when cooked in a conventional oven and a microwave oven. Their goal was to figure out the best way to cook frozen pizzas for optimal texture and tastiness. [More]

Healthy Choice Lasagna Disappoints Hungry Office Worker
Amanda keeps some frozen meals stashed in her office freezer for emergency healthy lunch options. Her latest Healthy Choice meal isn’t really so “healthy,” and more “icky. Not that she expects her meal to look like the expertly-styled one on the box, but she does expect it to look and taste edible. That’s an unreasonable expectation, as it turns out. [More]

Who Dares Visit A Restaurant Without Reading Online Reviews First?
The best satire is deeply rooted in reality. That’s why an article from this week’s issue of the Onion shook us to the core. “Brave Woman Enters Restaurant Without First Looking It Up Online,” the headline blared. At Consumerist HQ, we asked each other: is there really anyone out there who is so bold and reckless that they would do such a thing? [More]

The Tasty Lies Behind Your Favorite Convenience Foods
There are a number of criticisms you can make about frozen meals and chain takeout: poor nutrition, factory farming, and wasteful packaging. Most Americans don’t care about that, though. What they want to know is: does this meal look anything like the photo on the package? Does it taste like beef-flavored cardboard? Is the portion big enough to keep me from running to the break room vending machine by 3:00? For them, the convenience food blog Tasty Lies exists. [More]

Salt Can Shell Your Nuts, Clean Your Hands
If anyone’s going to stand up for salt, it’s gonna be the Salt Institute. Yahoo Shine’s Green blog sifts through the organization’s 14,000 uses for sodium chloride and comes up with 46 of its favorites. Here are a few salt uses from that list you may never have considered: [More]

Taste Tests Show Frozen Diet Meals Now Shockingly Edible
Our colleagues at Consumer Reports taste-tested frozen diet meals recently, finding them not just refreshingly frog-free, but surprisingly tasty! [More]

Our Long National Nightmare Is Over: Heinz Redesigns Ketchup Packet
Your suffering may finally be over, fast food fiends. No more awkwardly torn ketchup packets and tomato-soaked fingers. No more dipping your fries into a dollop of ketchup on a napkin or burger wrapper. NO. Heinz has introduced the ketchup packet 2.0, and the future looks…well, remarkably like the containers of McNugget dipping sauces McDonald’s has been using since the ’80s. But it’s still an improvement. [More]

FDA: Glow In The Dark Shrimp "Not A Food Safety Issue"
Seattle shoppers want to know why the FDA won’t investigate bioluminescent shrimp appearing at local Thriftways and Quality Food Centers.