Friendship is great, and it should be celebrated. But Facebook is jumping the gun on honoring some of those relationships by dozens of years.

Facebook Congratulates People Who Aren’t 46 On 46 Years Of Friendship With Their Friends
Hidden Costs Of Being A Bridesmaid
Maybe the phrase “Always a bridesmaid, never a bride” is less a lament of singledom and more of a complaint about being forced by a succession of friends to make unreasonable financial sacrifices in the name of their big day. Women who are asked to be bridesmaids are forced through a gauntlet of brutal financial and time commitments, and should bear those costs in mind before accepting a request from a bride-to-be. [More]

Do You Shun Friends With Other Cellphone Carriers?
The Times brings us the sad story of Brandy McDowell and Kezia Chandler, two longtime friends whose relationship was shattered when they signed up with rival cellphone companies. The prospect of free mobile-to-mobile minutes has baited many friends groups to sign up or stick with the same carrier, ruining some friendships in the process. The Times article is rife with accounts of people who lost contact with friends banished to wilderness of nights and weekends. Are you loyal to your friends or your wallet? Tell us in our poll, after the jump.