
Flowers From Colombia Not Tested For Toxins

Flowers From Colombia Not Tested For Toxins

Unless you’re trying to pull some gothic gesture, you may want to avoid giving your beloved flowers from Colombia this Valentine’s Day.

Best Flowers For Valentine's

With Valentine’s approaching, Consumer Reports reviewed online florists to ask if a rose by any other company would smell as sweet.

A Rose By Any Other Price…

Over at Judy’s Book they’ve put together a comprehensive price guide to that all but necessary Valentine’s Day bouquet of long-stemmed roses. They called 143 florists all over the nation asking the price of a dozen long-stemmed roses and some tips for ensuring delivery on the 14th. Some interesting findings:

Roses Are Not Red, They’re Invisible.

A rose by any other name might smell just as sweet, but that requires the rose be there in the first place. Dave learned this painful lesson when he tried to order his wife roses.

Why Is The Customer Always Right?

Why Is The Customer Always Right?

Because we have the money.