Verizon FiOS Sets Another House On Fire

Verizon FiOS Sets Another House On Fire

UPDATE: $1800 For FiOS House Fire Family Is Just An Advance, Says Verizon [More]

Customers Fight Back Against Hyperaggressive Verizon FiOs Door-to-Door Marketers

Eric and Sarah write:

Thanks to the executive email listing found on Consumerist, I was able to fight back against the invasive marketing of Verizon Fios! Here’s the email I sent last week:

If FiOs Man Doesn't Show Up, Make Sure You're Not Without Phone Service

If FiOs Man Doesn't Show Up, Make Sure You're Not Without Phone Service

Apropos of, “Verizon Harasses You For 3 Months To Switch To FiOS, Then Never Shows Up To Install It,” if you sign up for FiOS and they don’t show or they have to reschedule, don’t forget to call your current phone provider and get them to change the disconnect date. Otherwise you can find yourself without phone service because they’re still going to use the same disconnect date they have written down.

Verizon Harasses You For 3 Months To Switch To FiOS, Then Never Shows Up To Install It

Verizon Harasses You For 3 Months To Switch To FiOS, Then Never Shows Up To Install It

Earl says that Verizon harassed him for 3 months trying to get his business to switch their phone service to FiOS. When he finally agreed, Verizon never showed up to install it. And then they cut his phone service off completely.

Man Fixes Unfixable FiOs Account Error By Playing Dumb

Man Fixes Unfixable FiOs Account Error By Playing Dumb

Last time we heard from Dan, Verizon wouldn’t give him his FiOs account number and kept charging his credit card that he told them not to charge. Now, through a mix of social engineering and knowing some tricks with the Verizon online account system, he was able to get all his problems solved. He tells us how, inside…

Verizon FiOs Install Results In Gas Line Breach

Verizon FiOs Install Results In Gas Line Breach

One Verizon FiOs install results in breached sewer pipe. Another, a breached gas line. There was no explosion, or even smoke. Some unpleasantly scented puffs of air, though. Guess they’re getting better. What do you expect to happen when you have guys drilling through stuff? Accidents, that’s what. Unfortunate and statistically insignificant accidents. It all comes out in the wash. Like blood. Blood comes out in the wash, right? Still, it’s almost like some of these guys have no idea what they’re doing. “It’s true QAM.” Yes, we have true qualms.

Verizon Spins Causing Electrical Fire During FiOs Install Into Sales Pitch

When will Verizon wonks learn that it’s in incredibly bad taste to insert a sales pitch in the middle of your apology for yet another FiOs technician causing yet annother electrical fire at a customer’s home?

The good news is that Wilen loves his FiOS service…now that it is up and working. As a friend wrote to me earlier, “If he had this sort of problem when it was installed, and still likes FiOS this much, it must be a great service!”

Never, it seems, never.

Verizon Techs Blow Out AP Reporter's Electrical Box During Installation

Verizon Techs Blow Out AP Reporter's Electrical Box During Installation

Verizon FiOs techs have flubbed another install, hitting an electrical wire and leaving the electrical box smoking. This time, the customer was an AP reporter. Oopsy poopsies!

Verizon Keep Spraying Our Sidewalks With The Same, Three, Permanent, Dots

Verizon Keep Spraying Our Sidewalks With The Same, Three, Permanent, Dots

David would like to know if Verizon Fios techs can’t afford glasses. Otherwise, why would it be necessary to spray paint their sidewalk three times within the past year? The dots are supposed to indicate where to dig up to install the vaunted “last mile” of information HOV lane, but it really seems like overkill. After all, it’s not like they need to be concerned about the dots deteriorating. “It never goes away,” David writes us. “Brushes, power washing, passage of time — nothing.”

Verizon Continues Weird, Pointless Flame War With Networkworld Blogger

Verizon Continues Weird, Pointless Flame War With Networkworld Blogger

Here are the facts of the case as we know them:

115 Calls To Verizon, And FIOS Still Doesn't Work

115 Calls To Verizon, And FIOS Still Doesn't Work

Poor Jason. Eight months after ordering Verizon FIOS, he is still without decent phone, television, or internet service, though not for lack of effort on his part:

I have spoken with 115 service representatives and 44 supervisors over a period 64 hours combined on the phone with Verizon. I have been hung up on 37 times, placed on hold a total of 21 hours, and been promised callbacks, which I did not receive, a total of 18 times. It has been 8 months since I ordered the service, and I still have not been given a single resolution.

Jason’s full ordeal, after the jump:

Verizon Takes 6 Months To Install FiOS

Verizon Takes 6 Months To Install FiOS

RFJason documented the 6-month ordeal it took to get Verizon FiOS installed.

Cable War Fails To Lower Rates

Bills for thousands of Montgomery County cable viewers will increase by 4 percent starting March 1, when Comcast Corp., suburban Maryland’s largest cable television provider, raises rates throughout the Washington region.

Verizon Fios Could Leave You In The Dark When The Power Goes Out

Verizon Fios Could Leave You In The Dark When The Power Goes Out

Consumers who switch to Verizon’s new FiOS TV or Internet services will find a change to their existing Verizon phone service: Their copper-wire phone line will be replaced with a fiber-optic line.