Verizon Changes "Free LCD TV " Promotion To "Free Digital Camcorder" Promotion

As a followup to the people who complained about not getting their free TV from the FiOS triple play promotion, I saw that they changed their commercials. Instead of advertising a free Sharp 19-inch LCD HDTV, they’re now saying that you’ll get a free digital camcorder when you order your triple-play bundle. They must really be having problem fulfilling those orders. According to sometimes broken Verizon PolicyBlog, every one who qualified for a TV will get one, you just have to have patience and give Verizon a break; their TV-giving division just isn’t as advanced as their money-taking division.

Verizon Responds To Angry Customers Who Have Not Received Their Free LCD TVs

Verizon Responds To Angry Customers Who Have Not Received Their Free LCD TVs

Verizon has posted a Q&A that tries to address some of the concerns their customers were having over an LCD TV promotion that’s gone awry.

Verizon FiOS "Free LCD TV" Promotion Resulting In A Lot Of Angry Customers

Verizon FiOS "Free LCD TV" Promotion Resulting In A Lot Of Angry Customers

Reader Mary says that she ordered Verizon FiOS during the “free LCD TV” promotion they were running, but she still hasn’t received the letter she needs in order to start the rebate process.

When Someone With Your 15 Year Old Disconnected Phone Number Orders FiOS, You Get The Bill

When Someone With Your 15 Year Old Disconnected Phone Number Orders FiOS, You Get The Bill

Reader Joan once had a phone number. 15 years ago, she disconnected it. Now she’s being charged for someone else’s FiOS and she’s not happy about it. For the past 6 months she has called Verizon to ask that the error be fixed and each month she’s been told that the stranger’s FiOS has been removed from her bill and that she’ll be credited for the error. It hasn’t actually happened yet.

55 Support Tickets Later And Your Verizon FiOS TV Service Still Doesn't Work

55 Support Tickets Later And Your Verizon FiOS TV Service Still Doesn't Work

Andrew writes: “I had been a satisfied customer of Verizon for several years – I have had phone service with them since the days of Bell Atlantic and have had their fiber-optic internet service (FiOS) since March 2005. In March 2007, I decided to switch cable providers and signed up for Verizon’s FiOS TV service as it was cheaper than Comcast and supposedly provided superior picture quality. As the saying goes, “you get what you pay for.”

Time Warner's Hilarious Verizon FiOS Attack Ad

Competition brings out the best in employees, friends, and companies, as demonstrated brilliantly in Time Warner’s attack ad against Verizon FiOS. The scenario is that a cocksure suburban dude is interrupted making a bowl of fiber cereal by the doorbell.

FiOS Swaps Customers' Account Details, Still Won't Fix After 8 Months

FiOS Swaps Customers' Account Details, Still Won't Fix After 8 Months

Whenever Andru logs into his Verizon FiOS account, he sees the personal information on some other guy’s account, including name, address, email address, last four digits of credit card and social security number. He’s contacted the other guy, and the other guy also sees his. Verizon has said they will fix it in the next 24 hours. They’ve been saying that for the past eight months. This is supposed to be the future of the internet and they can’t even fix a simple account error?

Best Internet, TV, Phone Service Providers

Best Internet, TV, Phone Service Providers

Lots of companies are pushing deals for their bundled internet, tv and phone plans, but which are best? Consumer Reports surveyed its readers and here’s how they ranked the service providers:

FiOS Installation Woes: 5 Attempts In Almost Two Months

FiOS Installation Woes: 5 Attempts In Almost Two Months

David and Jenn were sick of Comcast’s unreliable service and decided to switch to Verizon FiOS. It only took 5 appointments and nearly two months.

FiOS Router Constantly Rebooting? Here's The Fix

FiOS Router Constantly Rebooting? Here's The Fix

Are you a a FiOS customer with your Verizon-supplied Actiontec MI424-WR router that keeps rebooting itself? Apparently a recent firmware upgrade, the software that runs the router, is buggy, but there is a solution. You can get it if you call and complain, that is, if you’re able to make it through the phone lines that are all bogged up from other customers calling about the same issue. Reader Jarrod writes, “My entire neighborhood is experiencing this issue and the only resolution I can find online says to call them and complain and then they will fix it. Too bad the support lines are jammed and after I did get through I have been on hold for over 1 1/2 hours.”

Verizon Loses Your Order, Tries To Install FiOS Without Permission, And Disconnects Your Phone

Verizon Loses Your Order, Tries To Install FiOS Without Permission, And Disconnects Your Phone

It has now been 72 hours since Verizon took control of reader Matt’s phone, according to his new website He originally tried to order FiOS way back in November, but when no one called to schedule an installation, he was told that his order didn’t exist and would need to reorder.

FiOS For $99 A Month, Except When It's Really $114

FiOS For $99 A Month, Except When It's Really $114

“Have I got a deal for you,” he said.

Comcast Encourages Employees To Stuff Comcast vs FiOs Poll

Comcast Encourages Employees To Stuff Comcast vs FiOs Poll

Comcast told its employees to vote in the Consumerist reader poll asking readers what they thought was better, Comcast, or FiOs. Above is the employee email blast they sent, provided to us by several different Comcast employees: Now, we’re definitely more amused than this than anything else, but it certainly was odd. Why would Comcast want to interfere with the torrents of peer to peer opinion sharing? In any event, Fios won, 784 to 277.

POLL: Which Is Better, Verizon FiOS Or Comcast?

POLL: Which Is Better, Verizon FiOS Or Comcast?

Sometimes we get questions we just can’t answer, and this is one of them.

Two Techs and Two Months Later, Your FiOS Still Isn't Installed

Two Techs and Two Months Later, Your FiOS Still Isn't Installed

One day after work I pull into my apartment complex and notice that there are quite a few Verizon trucks and vans parked outside of our apartment office accompanied with “SIGN UP FOR FiOS TODAY” signs plastered just about everywhere you can see. At first I shrugged this off because I am not, and have never been, a fan of Verizon. Then my girlfriend gets home and suggests we at least check it out. So we go over to the little reception they are having and talked to a nice girl about the speeds of their FiOS internet (which is what I was interested in) and the HD TV (what my girlfriend was interested in).

FiOS TV Prices Are Going Up

FiOS TV Prices Are Going Up

Verizon is rasing prices on its standalone TV FiOS service, says BusinessWeek.

Verizon Changes TOS: Reserves The Right To Terminate Your DSL And Offer You FiOS

Verizon Changes TOS: Reserves The Right To Terminate Your DSL And Offer You FiOS

Reader William forwards us an email he got from Verizon. He’s concerned that they’re going to try to force FiOS on him.

$1800 For FiOS House Fire Family Is Just An Advance, Says Verizon

$1800 For FiOS House Fire Family Is Just An Advance, Says Verizon

Verizon has a different take on the story about a Philly’s family house being set on fire by a FiOS installer hitting their electrical wire — especially the family lawyer’s assertion that Verizon is only offering the family $1,800. Eric Rabe, Verizon Senior Vice President of Media Relations told The Consumerist: [More]