Years of very precise breeding means that modern poultry grow to massive sizes very quickly — sometimes in a matter of weeks. While this results in more meat in less time, it’s also causing a problem: Some birds are so top-heavy that they may not be all that interested in breeding, and there’s now an older breeding population of roosters and hens that are less likely to produce viable eggs. [More]

Bluetooth-Enabled Pregnancy Tests Are Now On The Market
Is there any everyday item that wouldn’t benefit from adding some electronic components and Bluetooth connectivity? Of course not! That’s why you can now buy, in actual stores, a pregnancy test with Bluetooth connectivity. This is apparently because Millennial women are in their peak child-having years, and are incapable of sitting for three minutes without syncing our smartphones to something. [More]

Chicken Breeder: Blame Higher Poultry Prices On Fat, Impotent Roosters
As both pork and beef prices continue to see record highs, you might be reaching for chicken instead. But those nuggets may be a bit dearer soon, as the world’s largest chicken breeder says it’s found that an important breed of rooster has a genetic issue that’s seriously mucking up its fertility mojo. [More]

Nutrients That Make You More Fertile
Superstition and junk science will recommend all sorts of foods to aid in female fertility. Although anecdotal evidence suggests that some of these will work, the best way for to increase your babymaking capabilities is probably to eat healthily. [More]

Junk Food Makes Young Guys Infertile, Study Says
Scientists probably don’t conduct studies to promote chalupas as passive birth control. Still, young, sexually active men who want to do discourage their sperm from making them fathers may justify eating more fast food due to findings that junk food can lower the quality of sperm. [More]

Octuplets Family $23,225 Behind On Mortgage Payments
CNN is reporting that the house that the octuplets mom is living in is currently in default, and the mortgage owner, the grandmother of the octuplets, is $23,225 behind on her mortgage payments.

Want To Save Money On Fertility Treatments? Go Straight To In Vitro
Fertility treatment is crazy expensive and there are no guarantees, but a recent NIH-sponsored study “concluded that women who were fast-tracked to IVF [in vitro fertilization] got pregnant three months faster on average, and spent $10,000 less than those who went through the usual preliminaries.” The conclusion: it may not be wise for insurers to require women to run the gauntlet of other treatments before trying IVF.
The end of a strange article about mad cow disease and sperm donors closes with some interesting customer-preferences trivia: “Sperm bank managers have noticed a few trends. Married couples seek donors who resemble the husband so that nonbiological father and child will look roughly alike. Single women, on the other hand, often choose conventionally attractive donors.” [Slate]

Great Moments in Customer/Bank Relations
And you think you have some nightmarish customer horror stories.