fast food

(Northwest dad)

So Who Actually Came Up With The Idea Of The Dorito-Shell Taco?

The answer to the question posed in the headline is probably “every somewhat buzzed college kid in the last 30 years,” but while many of us likely pondered the combination of tacos and Doritos, we all somehow failed to get around to pitching the idea to Taco Bell. And though the recently departed Todd Mills has been credited with pushing the company to make this dream a reality, a writing instructor at the University of Chicago claims he was part of the first group to actually pitch the notion to Taco Bell — in 1995. [More]


Wendy’s Employee Arrested After Dropping Joint In Customer’s Burger

It’s one thing to get caught smoking marijuana on the job. It’s another to be caught because a customer finds a partially smoked joint in her hamburger. [More]

(NewsChannel 5)

McDonald’s Customers Order Breakfast, Get Sack Of Cash Instead

After all those times you’ve gotten home and realized that you got the wrong or incomplete order from the fast food drive-thru, it’s always a minor triumph when you find out you accidentally received an extra order of fries, or even an additional dipping sauce or two. But what if that happy accident wasn’t extra food, but thousands of dollars in cash? [More]

A study shows that putting these helpful hints on receipts convinces customers to make substitutions, but has little impact on total calorie and fat intake.

Restaurant Receipts Now Tell You What You Should Have Eaten Instead

Do you have that one friend who, after hearing what you ordered at a restaurant, always manages to find a way to say something like, “I would have gotten the dressing on the side and saved 100 calories”? Well now you can do away with those so-called friends, because a new generation of restaurant receipts has replaced them. [More]

McDonald’s Figures Out Best Way To Keep Away Pesky Teens: Blast Opera At Them

McDonald’s Figures Out Best Way To Keep Away Pesky Teens: Blast Opera At Them

The image of loitering teens in the parking lot annoying customers has been around for quite some time, probably starting with the greaser tough-guys of the ’50s cat-calling at poodle-skirted girls and dumping milkshakes on awkward George McFly types. And one thing we all know that if there is one thing that teenage toughs will run screaming to avoid, it’s opera. Or at least that’s how one McDonald’s claims to have rid itself of those pesky kids. [More]

Taco Bell Gives In, Reinstates Free Tacos For Michigan State Basketball Fans

Taco Bell Gives In, Reinstates Free Tacos For Michigan State Basketball Fans

Taco Bell has a long tradition of giving away free food tied to the results of certain sporting events, like the World Series. But only weeks after pulling the plug on its 14-year free chalupa promo with the Portland Trail Blazers, the Bell angered Michigan State basketball fans by ending the deal that offered free tacos to everyone in the arena if the Spartans scored at least 70 points. [More]

“Sell Your Xmas Gifts” And Other Pearls Of Wisdom From McDonald’s Employee Site

“Sell Your Xmas Gifts” And Other Pearls Of Wisdom From McDonald’s Employee Site

A few weeks back, the McDonald’s McResource employee hotline made headlines when a company rep “helped” a 10-year McDonald’s employee improve her lot in life by directing her to numerous welfare programs to supplement her income. What other gems of advice do the McResource people have for employees? [More]

McDonald’s Adding A Third Window To Drive-Thru To Push Orders Through Faster

McDonald’s Adding A Third Window To Drive-Thru To Push Orders Through Faster

McDonald’s reputation as the slow, lumbering fast food dinosaur who’s nowhere near the lead in the drive-thru race is apparently bothering it enough to redesign its ordering system. Instead of the usual two windows — one for ordering, one for pick-up — there will now be a third window to send cars to if their orders are clogging up the works. [More]

(me and the sysop)

Could 3D Printing Put An End To Tantrums Over Out-Of-Stock Happy Meal Toys?

If you’ve ever worked at a fast food restaurant that had some sort of popular toy giveaway for kids, you’ve likely seen more than your fair share of kids blow a gasket when the particular toy they desired was unavailable. Now folks at McDonald’s are wondering if 3D printing technology might be the solution. [More]

Psychologist Deems Dad Unfit Parent For Not Feeding McDonald’s To 5-Yr-Old

Psychologist Deems Dad Unfit Parent For Not Feeding McDonald’s To 5-Yr-Old

You’d think that most parents would be applauded for not giving in to their kids’ demands for fast food, but a court-appointed psychologist in New York City (New York City?!?) has reportedly decided that one father is an unfit parent because he failed to feed his 5-year-old son’s craving for McDonald’s. [More]

New Items For McDonald’s “Don’t Call It A Dollar Menu” Revealed

New Items For McDonald’s “Don’t Call It A Dollar Menu” Revealed

Last month, McDonald’s announced it was replacing its “Dollar Menu” with an expanded roster of foods that often break that 100-cent barrier. has the details on several new items being added to the Dollar Menu & More list, like a $1 Buffalo Ranch McChicken, its pricier counterpart with bacon, and a BBQ Ranch Burger that apparently comes complete with a layer of corn chips. [via BurgerBusiness] [More]

Now, Create Your Own Arby’s And Red Robin Meals At Home

Now, Create Your Own Arby’s And Red Robin Meals At Home

Do you dream of creating the unlimited-steak-fries experience you get at Red Robin at home without so much as peeling a potato? Is the “Horsey Sauce” you get from Arby’s just the right combination of mayo and horseradish sauce that you simply can’t duplicate at home? Good news: no more stealing handfuls of sauce packets. Well, unless you’re cheap. [More]

Image from the Corporate Accountability International report on McDonald's charitable giving.

McDonald’s Criticized For Using Ronald McDonald House For Cheap Publicity

A new report attempts to change the public perception of McDonald’s connection to the Ronald McDonald House Charities, claiming the fast food giant wraps itself in the good work done by the Houses while only providing a small percentage of the organizations’ funding. [More]

Burger King Customer Complains About Sandwich, Employee Threatens Him With Box Cutter

Burger King Customer Complains About Sandwich, Employee Threatens Him With Box Cutter

While it’s been a while since any of us have worked in fast food, we’re pretty sure that “Threaten him with box cutter” is not among Burger King’s suggested methods for dealing with a dissatisfied (dissatisfried?) customer. [More]

Someone Ate A Sandwich Made Of All McDonald’s Dollar Menu Items Because Why Not?

Someone Ate A Sandwich Made Of All McDonald’s Dollar Menu Items Because Why Not?

There’s only so much time left before the McDonald’s Dollar Menu is a thing of the past, when it becomes the Dollar And More For Some Stuff Because We Need Money Menu. That makes right this very moment in time just right for someone to make a sandwich including all the items on the Dollar Menu. Thank goodness that someone wasn’t us. [More]


Your Wendy’s Chicken Sandwich Should Not Be Served Medium Rare

A frequent knock against fast food chicken is that it’s dry and overcooked. But a leathery slab of chicken would be preferable to this pink-in-the-middle sandwich some unlucky Wendy’s customer bit into. [More]

McDonald’s McResource Help Line Tells Worker How To Get Welfare Benefits

McDonald’s McResource Help Line Tells Worker How To Get Welfare Benefits

A recent study showed that 52% of non-management fast food workers in the U.S. are receiving some sort of federal benefits to supplement their wages, and that McDonald’s employees alone account for an estimated $1.2 billion (with a “b”) in annual payouts. And when employees call the McDonald’s hotline for workers looking to improve their financial position, operators direct them to various welfare programs. [More]

Introducing The Gooder Version Of The KFC Go Cup: The Wheel Meat

Introducing The Gooder Version Of The KFC Go Cup: The Wheel Meat

KFC’s recently launched Go Cup, which combines the thrill of eating fried foods with the exhilaration of being stuck in traffic on the way home, is just the latest from the attention-seeking food-marketers at Yum! Brands who brought you the Double Down, the Doritos tacos, and cheese on donuts. But Stephen Colbert thinks KFC could still make it even more convenient to clog your arteries while clogging the intersection. [More]