Have you ever been watching a heavily edited, bleeped and blurred-out movie on broadcast TV (or maybe on a plane) and thought to yourself, “I really wish I could get that version to watch at home!”? Well, Sony has read your mind and created cleaned-up editions of several popular movies — all while annoying just about everyone in Hollywood in the process. [More]

Fandango Launching Online Store To Peddle Movie Merchandise Along With Tickets
Because going to the movies isn’t expensive enough, Comcast-owned ticket-selling siteFandango is launching an online store, dubbed FanShip, to sell you merchandise related to the films you go to see. [More]

Someone Botched Today’s Ticket Release For Tarantino’s “Hateful Eight”
A couple hours ago, after months of speculation about which theaters in which cities would have it — not to mention the change of its wide-release date — tickets for the “70mm Roadshow” of Quentin Tarantino’s Hateful Eight finally went on sale. Well, not exactly. [More]

Fandango, Credit Karma Apps Allegedly Put Consumers’ Personal Information At Risk
Pop quiz time! What do Fandango and Credit Karma have in common? Yes, they both have really catchy (or annoying) advertisements. But that’s not the answer we were looking for. Give up? Okay, here it is: both companies allegedly deceived millions of consumers and put their personal information at risk. We never said it was a good thing to have in common. [More]

The Problem With Buying Intangible Items On eBay: They Can Expire
Jen used eBay to buy some Fandango Bucks so she could save a few dollars off the cost of a movie. She wasn’t going to the movies right away, though. At first, the credits came up short, and she filed a case against the seller. They straightened that out, she closed the case, and all was well. Until she actually went to use the codes, and discovered that they had expired. She was out $70, and eBay couldn’t help her. [More]

Get A Movie Ticket For Only $4
Groupon is running a deal where you can get a movie ticket voucher for only $4 through Fandango. [More]

88 Big Sites Earning Millions From Webloyalty Scam
88 websites, a good number pretty big name sites, that earned millions, some in excess of $10 million, as partners in the infamous Webloyalty consumer ripoff. Pizza Hut? Say it ain’t so.
Buy.com And Webloyalty Reservation Rewards – Say It Isn't So!
CNET has a great article today about sneak attack merchants Webloyalty/Webvertrue/Reservation Rewards. It focuses on the relationship between Buy.com and the company that is suspect enough that the federal government is now interested.

Fandango & Regal Play Blame Game For Missing Tickets
After waiting in line ~10 minutes I swipe my credit card only to get the following message “Tickets cannot be found, please try another machine.” After trying several other machines, I quickly realize that nobody can find their tickets.

Regal Cinema In Boise, Idaho Is Awesome, Even When You've Clearly Screwed Up
Dave did something really stupid last weekend (no offense Dave), and bought two tickets to see “Iron Man” on the wrong day. He didn’t realize his mistake until Saturday, when he thought he was going to go see the movie. We would have never even bothered to call Regal to beg for ticket leniency, but Dave tried it anyway—and the theater actually exchanged the expired tickets for two new ones.
Get $1.00 off your Fandango.com movie ticket purchase with coupon code MCDONALDS.

Watch Out For Webloyalty and Reservation Rewards
I could picture my husband buying tickets online. I could imagine one of those annoying direct-marketing offers popping up. I could even picture him clicking on it. But I couldn’t see him entering a credit card to subscribe.

Comcast Buys Fandango, Becomes Fandastic?
Here’s how Fancast works: Viewers interested in the new movie Perfect Stranger could not only access information via Fandango on where and when the film is playing as well as content concerning the movie, but also the scheduling of movies on TV featuring Stranger stars Bruce Willis or Halle Berry. In addition, any related content on the Internet or mobile would be identified.