Why start a babysitting club to save money when you can just turn to extreme couponing? Good Morning America met Jessica, 12, whose love of couponing has led to $4,000 in savings for her family over the last three years. Which means… she started at nine. [More]
extreme coupons

Extreme Couponing Leading To Additional Newspaper Thefts
Back in June, we told you about the uptick in Sunday newspaper thefts in Boise, ID, from thrifty folks trying to score additional coupons. Well, it looks like it wasn’t isolated to Idaho and one paper has even offered a reward for finding a newspaper pilferer. [More]

Extreme Couponer Arrested For Stealing 185 Newspapers
A woman who “just loves to save money” is in legal trouble after surveillance cameras caught her stealing bags of unsold newspapers from newspaper boxes. Her goal was to snatch up as many coupon inserts as possible. [More]

Extreme Couponer Arrested For Stealing Coupon Inserts
Some people really don’t even deserve the label “extreme couponer.” We should just call ’em “jerks.” The Denton Record-Chronicle reports that a woman in Texas was arrested for buying just one newspaper from the vending machine but then taking all the coupon inserts from all the newspapers inside. [More]

Doing Extreme Coupons At Walgreens? Check Out At The Beauty Counter
Let’s face it. One of the hardest things about using a lot of coupons is the shame factor. You’re worried that you are going to get the rules wrong, that people in line will get mad at you, that the manager thinks you’re stealing their time, and so forth. But one coupon aficionado recommends that when you’re rocking the extreme coupons at Walgreens,
you can help contain your embarrassment by checking out from the beauty counter instead. [More]