Of all the industries to be rocked by scandal, you probably never expected that Big Tuna would be a hotbed of conspiracy. And yet, another fishy exec has agreed to plead guilty to his part in a price-fixing scheme that resulted in American shoppers paying more at the store. [More]

Public Outcry Hasn’t Actually Decreased The Price Of EpiPens
Remember last year around back-to-school time, when the public focused its ire on drug company Mylan for charging hundreds of dollars for $1 worth of the drug epinephrine in each EpiPen brand auto-injector? While that generated plenty of bad publicity for Mylan, turns out Mylan doesn’t actually care. [More]

Samsung Vice Chair, Four Others Indicted On Bribery & Embezzlement Charges
A week after a South Korean court approved a warrant for the arrest of Samsung vice chairman Jay Y. Lee in connection with a bribery case, the executive and four others were officially indicted. [More]

Four Executives Fired Over Wells Fargo Fake Account Fiasco
The Wells Fargo fake account fiasco has already resulted in the “retirement” of the bank’s CEO, John Stumpf, and Carrie Tolstedt, Wells’ head of retail banking, for allowing employees to open millions of unauthorized accounts in customers’ names. But the bloodletting isn’t done yet, as Wells has dismissed four additional executives without the PR-friendly spin of “retirement.” [More]

Feds Bring Criminal Charges Against 6 Volkswagen Executives
In a rare instance of criminal charges being brought against executives at one of the world’s largest car companies, federal authorities have indicted six Volkswagen employees involved in the decade-long “Dieselgate” scandal and cover-up. [More]

Consumer-Facing Companies Blame All Of Their Woes On Election
It’s all your fault. Yes, you, Mr. or Ms. Consumer, because you’re apparently preoccupied with the election instead of out shopping like a proper American should. How do we know this? Executives of publicly-traded companies keep getting on conference calls with analysts and journalists and saying so. [More]

RadioShack Names Second CEO Since Bankruptcy, 10th In Last 10 Years
RadioShack is importing its new CEO from Australia. Their original post-bankruptcy leader quit back in January, and the new president and chief executive officer will take over at the beginning of May. He previously worked at Target Australia (which, confusingly, is not affiliated with the U.S. retailer Target) and was in charge of e-commerce at Sears Canada. [Press Release] [Fortune] [More]

Amazon Sues Executive Leaving To Work For Target Under Non-Compete Agreement
Last month, Target announced that they had hired a top executive in supply chain and logistics who was a longtime Amazon employee. He was scheduled to start his new job in Minneapolis next week, but Amazon has filed a lawsuit to prevent him from starting, citing a non-compete contract that he signed in 2012 and confidential information that the executive, Arthur Valdez, shared during his job interview. [More]

Delta Executives Are Open To Ideas From 8-Year-Olds, Send Cool Airline Swag
AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson doesn’t want to hear customers’ suggestions, referring customer mail containing actual suggestions to his legal team. That’s fair, we suppose: he wouldn’t want a customer to sue later on if a suggestion became a multimillion-dollar idea. Maybe the secret to getting a nice response to your suggestions from a CEO is simple: you need to be 8 years old. [More]

Legislation Would Hold For-Profit College Leaders Accountable For Misrepresentations
Lawmakers on Tuesday continued their mission to protect consumers from unscrupulous players in the for-profit college industry by introducing legislation that would impose stiffer penalties and restrictions on the leaders of such institutions. [More]

Senators Call For Attorney General Investigation Into Executives Of Corinthian Colleges
Bankrupt for-profit college chain Corinthian Colleges Inc. is already party to a number of state and federal investigations related to the alleged deceptive recruiting practices at its Heald College, WyoTech and Everest University campuses. Now, a group of senators are hoping to add another investigation to the roster. [More]

E-Mail To Top Execs Makes AT&T Realize, Oh Yeah, My Phone Is Defective
Reader L. needed help from AT&T. Local stores refused him a warranty repair on his Samsung Galaxy S4, saying that he had obviously dropped it and cracked the screen. He insists that he did not, and escalated, drafting a letter to a few top AT&T executives. Within a day, he had a response, a new phone, and an apology. [More]

How An EECB To DirecTV Gave Me A Glimpse Into An Alternate Reality
Eric was living in two different realities simultaneously. In one, he was a frustrated DirecTV customer who was trying to get new and modern equipment by using the regular customer service channels, and no one would help him. In the other timeline, he was a Consumerist reader who had fired off an Executive E-mail Carpet Bomb when DirecTV couldn’t get it together and had an installer right there in his house within only a few hours. [More]

Here Are Your Sexiest CEO In America Tournament Finalists!
Every year, when our Worst Company in America tournament rolls around, some yaysayers wonder why we can’t make it more positive. “Where’s the Best Company in America?” they ask. Things like “good customer service” and “corporate responsibility” are important and all, but no one else is asking the real hard-hitting question: how easy are companies’ chief executives on the eyes? [More]

EECB Gets Dell's Attention, Better Computer Shipped Overnight
The Dell Inspiron 2305 is a slick-looking all-in-one touchscreen desktop computer. The one Mike received wasn’t as fun to live with as it was to look at, though. He had his computer replaced once, but the replacement had video card problems that led it to freeze. Frustrated, he lobbed an executive e-mail carpet bomb at Dell higher-ups, and it was effective. Very effective. Soon, Dell overnighted a similar but more expensive computer to Mike’s house. [More]

IRS Goes After Executive Whose Pay Is Too Low
Targeting executives who pay themselves too little in order to shield some of the money they make from taxes, the IRS is focusing its sunshine-concentrating magnifying glass on potential offenders. [More]

Steve Jobs Calls In Sick
Apple CEO and pancreatic cancer survivor Steve Jobs announced he’s taking a medical leave of absence. He’ll retain his title and remain involved in major decisions, but the COO will take over day-to-day operations. [More]

GM Wants To Be Able To Pay Executives More Money
General Motors Co. Chief Executive Daniel Akerson says he’d like a little more leeway on executive compensation from the Obama administration because the company is having trouble attracting quality executives. [More]