Even as the number of remaining RadioShacks dwindled to below 100, the once-popular retailer held off on closing the one store left in its hometown of Fort Worth, TX. But when that lone holdout shutters this weekend, it will leave a huge swath of Texas without a RadioShack for the first time in decades. [More]
The Shack

RadioShack Closed All But 70 Stores This Weekend
Unless you happened to walk or drive past a RadioShack this weekend, you may not have realized that Memorial Day weekend 2017 marked the end of almost all of the chain’s stores. It once had more than 7,300 locations, and now it’s down to 70 corporate stores and a few hundred franchisees. [More]

RadioShack Stops Caring, Brushes Off Profane Posts By Rogue Closed Store
When RadioShack went bankrupt for the second time in two years and decided to close hundreds of stores, it forgot to do one important thing: Make sure the employees it fired didn’t have access to their stores’ social media accounts.

RadioShack Warns State It May Lay Off All Headquarters Employees
As twice-bankrupt electronics retailer RadioShack cuts back on its remaining network of stores across the country, the company has notified the state of Texas that it may close its corporate headquarters in Fort Worth at the end of May, or at minimum lay off some of the people who work there as its store network shrinks even more. [More]

Woman Arrested For Burglarizing RadioShack That Was Left Unlocked Overnight
A woman in California was arrested for burglary in a RadioShack store (yes, there are still RadioShack stores) but here’s the thing: the front door had been left unlocked overnight. Police were summoned because triggered a silent alarm inside the store, and the cops said they found the woman inside when they arrived, taking merchandise. An employee apparently had set the alarm, but forgotten to lock the actual door. [CBS Sacramento] (Warning: auto-play video at that link) [More]

RadioShack Names Second CEO Since Bankruptcy, 10th In Last 10 Years
RadioShack is importing its new CEO from Australia. Their original post-bankruptcy leader quit back in January, and the new president and chief executive officer will take over at the beginning of May. He previously worked at Target Australia (which, confusingly, is not affiliated with the U.S. retailer Target) and was in charge of e-commerce at Sears Canada. [Press Release] [Fortune] [More]

RadioShack’s VP Of Stores Keeps Reminding People That It Still Exists
RadioShack declared bankruptcy last February and closed around 2,300 of its stores. Around 1,700 of the company’s stores didn’t close, though, and the Shack’s leaders want you to know that not only are they still around, but they’re making progress toward their goal of becoming a neighborhood electronics store. [More]

Nick Cannon Insists That RadioShack Has Always Been Cool
Don’t ask rapper and actor Nick Cannon how he’s going to make RadioShack cool now that he’s their spokesman and “chief creative officer.” That, my electronics-shopping friends, is not his job. That’s because The Shack never stopped being cool. Got it? They’re just marginally cooler now that they have Nick Cannon’s own brand of headphones. Yeah, that’s it. [More]

Bankrupt Former RadioShack To Pay Its Property Taxes
As the company we once knew as RadioShack winds down its affairs, it’s taking care of some important pieces of business. Like paying its taxes. This week, the company negotiated to pay its property tax balances on its former properties in Texas. [More]

RadioShack Executive Wants You To Know That RadioShack Is No Longer RadioShack
When I mention RadioShack, which I occasionally do for some reason, people often express surprise that the electronics chain still exists. That’s because they either assume it had shut down years ago, or didn’t know that some of the chain’s stores survived its recent bankruptcy. Only that’s what the people running this new RadioShack want us all to know: the new RadioShack isn’t the continuation of the old RadioShack. Maybe they shouldn’t have kept the name after all. [More]

Texas Attorney General Still Seeks RadioShack Gift Card Justice
RadioShack still says that they can’t identify the purchasers or the holders of the estimated $46 million worth of gift cards that are still out there for the chain. While there are still RadioShack stores, those are owned by a different company and won’t accept the old gift cards. The Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton, wants to make sure that gift card holders know that the Shack owes them money. [More]

Texas Attorney General Says RadioShack Knowingly Sold Gift Cards That Would Soon Expire
If the leadership of a company knows that they’re about to file for bankruptcy, should they stop selling gift cards? That’s what the Attorney General in Texas contends: that RadioShack knew after the 2014 holiday season ended that it would be declaring bankruptcy soon, and that gift cards they had issued would lose their value at the time of the bankruptcy or shortly afterward. Yet they sold ’em anyway. [More]

RadioShack Seeks Relevance Through Wu-Tang Clan Affiliation, YouTube Dance Party
RadioShack is in the middle of a bold retail experiment: is it possible to acquire a venerable brand with a deteriorated reputation through bankruptcy and rehabilitate it into a place where people actually want to shop? The Shack’s new owners are harnessing the power of song and dance to try this…well, and also portable speakers. And rap. [More]

Former RadioShack’s Lawyers And Lenders Agree To Keep Talking About Settling
Since the beginning of RadioShack’s bankruptcy proceedings back in February, the lower-ranking or “junior” lenders in the company’s debt pile have claimed that the entire proceedings were full of shenanigans. As the proceedings wind down and lenders and lawyers sort out the final disposition of everything, everyone at least agrees on one thing: the bankruptcy will not convert from a Chapter 11 to a Chapter 7 to save money on lawyers. [More]

Here’s Your Last Chance To Do Anything With A RadioShack Gift Card
If you’re a person interested in retail bankruptcy, you’ll want to learn about how unsecured creditors hope to extract money from the smoldering remains of RadioShack. If you’re someone who recently discovered that they’re stuck with a RadioShack gift card, you’ll want to learn about how you can file your own claim against this trust and maybe get a tiny bit of money back. [More]

Bankruptcy Court Approves Sale Of 1,740 RadioShacks To Standard General
The Great RadioShack Bankruptcy Auction Standoff may be over. The 94-year-old electronics retailer declared bankruptcy in February, and then closed around half of its stores, selling their leases. The company wanted to rid itself of the rest of its stores before April began so they won’t have to pay April rent on all of those stores out of money that should be going to their creditors. [More]

RadioShack Bankruptcy Auction Continues: Unsecured Creditors May Not Get Much
Today is day 2 of the RadioShack bankruptcy auction. While selling the assets of a company that was once worth billions of dollars that still has thousands of stores isn’t a simple endeavor, the proceedings are going even slower than anticipated because other creditors object to the current high bid from Standard General. [More]

Only One Bidder For Radio Shack’s Remains Wants To Keep Any Stores Open
In the bankruptcy auction for the smoldering remains of RadioShack, only one bidder is interested in keeping the chain open as a business. That’s Standard General, which also happens to be the lender that bailed out the company last year in a last-minute attempt to save the business. [More]