Facing the possibility of hefty checked-baggage fees, many travelers have resorted to testing the structural integrity of their carry-on bags — laptop bags packed with more clothes than electronics; purses bursting at the seams with shoes, food, books, and anything else that will fit. But one major airline is telling travelers to put some of their bags on a diet. [More]
emotional baggage

New Legislation Would Cap Checked-Baggage Fees At $4.50
If you go to the airport today and check any bags, there’s a good chance you’re going to pay around $25 per checked bag for the luxury of not having to lug your stuff around and cram it under the seat in front of you. A recently introduced bill in the House of Representatives would not only put a cap on checked-baggage charges, but would slash the current level to $4.50/bag. [More]

Delta Makes 20-Minute Bag Guarantee Permanent, But Still Severely Limited
Back in February we told you that Delta was testing a limited-time guarantee for its SkyMiles frequent fliers — Your checked bags will be at the carousel within 20 minutes or you get 2,500 miles. The airline has decided that the program is worth continuing, but it’s still incredibly restrictive. [More]

Delta Testing 20-Minute Guarantee On Checked Bags For Frequent Fliers. What’s The Catch?
If you’ve been stuck waiting for your bags at an airport luggage carousel in recent years, you’ve probably overheard someone grouse — or maybe done a bit of grousing yourself — that “I paid these guys extra to check my bags; the least they could do is not make me stand around like a fool for an hour.” In an effort to cut down on said grousing, Delta has quietly launched a limited-time test of a 20-minute guarantee for baggage delivery for its SkyMiles members, though there are so many conditions that it may be an empty promise. [More]

Delta Changes Bag Policy For Armed Forces Members
Earlier this week, a group of U.S. soldiers returning from Afghanistan made headlines when they posted a YouTube video to voice their displeasure with Delta Airlines over the carrier’s checked baggage policy for active duty members of the armed forces. [More]

Delta Waives Fee For First Checked Bag If You Use Their AmEx Card
In a world where fees for checked baggage top the list of annoying things about air travel, it’s a small victory to learn that Delta has decided to offer an incentive to travelers with the airline’s co-branded American Express card — no fees for the first checked bag for you and up to eight other members of your party. [More]

Unevenly Packed Bags Results In $1500 Delta Disaster
Reader Ariel writes in after Delta refused to let her check her bags curbside because one was 5lbs too heavy, despite the fact that her other one 10lbs under. She says she was told it was Delta’s policy that she couldn’t move 5lbs of her crap to the other bag. This set off a chain of events that cost her $1500. [More]