
Email Addresses For A FedEx EECB

Email Addresses For A FedEx EECB

Should you have just cause to take your complaint with FedEx to the highest levels of the company, load these email addresses into your Executive Email Carpet Bomb (EECB (Confused? Here’s How To Launch An Executive Email Carpet Bomb)).

United Health Care Billing Nightmare

United Health Care Billing Nightmare

UPDATE: EECB Scores Direct Hit On United Health Care

BusinessWeek: "Consumers Are Fighting Back"

BusinessWeek: "Consumers Are Fighting Back"

BusinessWeek’s cover story from their March 3rd issue, “Consumer Vigilantes,” looks at last year’s wave of stories about consumers who took matters into their own hands, either by smashing up a Comcast office with a hammer, starting a “Comcast must die” blog, or sending EECBs to unsuspecting executives. “Frustrated by the usual fix-it options–obediently waiting on hold with Bangalore, gamely chatting online with a scripted robot–more consumers are rebelling against company-prescribed service channels,” BusinessWeek writes. What we can’t figure out is how they got those three guys to actually pose with those goofy masks on—sometimes it’s okay to say no to the photographer. Delivers The Bill, Forgets The Flowers Delivers The Bill, Forgets The Flowers forgot to deliver flowers to Tip’s girlfriend on Valentine’s Day, but that didn’t stop them from delivering the bill. When calls to didn’t go through, Tip launched the fearsome Executive Email Carpet Bomb. He wrote:

Perhaps $75 is not a lot to you. Perhaps the happiness of your customers does not mean a lot to you either. Perhaps, for a company that’s been around for nearly 100 years, you simply forgot to mark your calendar that yesterday was Valentine’s Day.

EECB Stops Improper Searches At New Mexico Walmart

EECB Stops Improper Searches At New Mexico Walmart

Yesterday I sent an e-mail bomb to several executives at Walmart. The concern was that the store was requiring you to provide your receipt upon leaving the store (as in Sam’s club, but at Walmart). As we all know, this is a hot topic issue, and I expected Walmart to ignore my e-mails. But to my surprise, after writing my e-mail on Sunday afternoon, I got a reply shortly after 8am! Here is my letter —

Launch A Virgin Atlantic EECB

Launch A Virgin Atlantic EECB

Here are email addresses you can use to launch an executive email carpet bomb against Virgin Atlantic Airlines. Good for when you’ve made multiple attempts to resolve an issue with regular customer service but for some reason they just can’t get it right.

Launch An ACS EECB

Launch An ACS EECB

Here are email addresses you can use to launch an EECB (executive email carpet bomb) against ACS, a student lending company that’s a subsidiary of PNC bank.

EECB Scores Direct Hit On Student Lender ACS

EECB Scores Direct Hit On Student Lender ACS

Adam shares his success story in using an EECB (executive email carpet bomb) to get his student loan company to fix his botched loan after a year of runarounds and empty promises:

In January 2007, I took out a Graduate Plus Loan to cover a couple of courses at George Washington University. I was in-school half-time from mid-January to mid-May of 2007. Accordingly, I should have been covered by an in-school deferment through May of 2007. Well, unknown to me, my lender, ACS (as sub-lender to PNC bank) decided that I actually needed to be making student loan payments while in school and never decided to tell me about it! Took My $450, Sent An $18 Part Instead Of An XBOX Took My $450, Sent An $18 Part Instead Of An XBOX

Here is an account of the horror I went through with I post this in hopes of helping others avoid their company, and their atrocious customer service. I apologize for the length/grammar, but I’m kind of writing this in a hurry.

Borders Corporate Email Address Format

Should you ever have need to send email to a a bunch of people there, the format for Borders Group, which owns all the Borders iterations, Waldenbooks, Schulers Books, and Books Etc, is

EECB Scores Direct Hit On Overstock's CEO

EECB Scores Direct Hit On Overstock's CEO

Reader Alison is enjoying her Sunday morning even though failed to send her the shipping label she needs to return a defective DVD player. At 10 a.m., she launched the feared Executive Email Carpet Bomb at twelve Overstock executives. Shortly before 1 p.m., CEO Patrick Byrne personally responded. Read her story, after the jump.

EECB Scores Direct Hit On AT&T

EECB Scores Direct Hit On AT&T

Love your site and visit it daily. Here is a story of a recent Executive Carpet bomb. Just thought you would like the other readers to see that these actually work….

Tech Didn't Show Up? Email Time Warner Cable

Tech Didn't Show Up? Email Time Warner Cable

Reader G writes in with a success story. After her husband took off work to meet a Time Warner technician, they found out that their appointment time had been mysteriously changed. A quick search on Consumerist for some Time Warner executives and a polite email later, G had a technician at her home.

If Your Apple Is A Lemon, Try Emailing Steve Jobs

If Your Apple Is A Lemon, Try Emailing Steve Jobs

Yep, it’s another one of those “email Steve Jobs” posts.

Email Addresses For 19 Dell Executives

Email Addresses For 19 Dell Executives

Computer on fire? Video card ruined? Don’t let Dell’s Indian CSRs tell you it’s your fault. When escalating fails and all normal channels of recourse are exhausted, send an email to Dell’s top executives. After the jump, 19 email addresses for Dell executives that you can use to launch the mighty and feared Executive Email Carpet Bomb. [More]

Email Addresses For Comcast Executives

Email Addresses For Comcast Executives

If you have a problem with Comcast, and you’ve called customer service, and you’ve escalated to a supervisor, and maybe even hung up and tried a different person, and you’re still getting nowhere, here are some executive email addresses you could use to launch an Executive Email Carpet Bomb against Comcast…

Email Addresses For Circuit City Executives

Email Addresses For Circuit City Executives

If you have a problem with Circuit City, and you’ve called customer service, and you’ve escalated to a supervisor, and maybe even hung up and tried a different person, and you’re still getting nowhere, here are some executive email addresses you could use to launch an Executive Email Carpet Bomb against Circuit City.

EECB Pressures US Airways To Reissue Unused Ticket, Waive Reissue Fee

EECB Pressures US Airways To Reissue Unused Ticket, Waive Reissue Fee

Reader Matt screwed up. He forgot to cancel his reservation with US Airways when his friend’s delayed passport application forced them to change their travel plans. The situation was entirely Matt’s fault, and US Airways justifiably refused to reissue the ticket. Matt, however, swayed the airline by wrapping an excellent mea culpa cum plea into the feared Executive Email Carpet Bomb.