Friday is Valentine’s Day, the annual Festival of Pink and Red Dead Plants and Sometimes Chocolate. This year, the timing of the holiday poses a special challenge to florists and other gift-deliverers: The 14th falls on a Friday, and the next business day is a federal holiday when many workplaces close. That’s tricky enough, but what about the blast of ice and snow currently threatening much of the country? [More]
east coast

Longshoremen’s Port Strike Averted: The Flatscreen TVs Must Flow
Somewhere, fictional union local president Frank Sobotka of the port of Baltimore is very pleased. The International Longshoremen’s Association had threatened to go on an East Coast strike beginning this Sunday, preventing most nonperishable cargo sent across the Atlantic from reaching its destination and causing an economic containertastrophe. [More]

Time Warner Cable Customers Can't Play World Of Warcraft
We don’t play World of Warcraft, but if we did, it looks like we’d have to cancel Time Warner Cable and install FIOS in order to guarantee a connection to Blizzard’s servers. That’s what some East Coast WoW players are saying—they’ve been suffering disconnections and game-killing lags for months now, and Time Warner Cable seems unable to solve the problem. They swear they’re not doing anything to disrupt or throttle gamers, and say that “customers who are having problems on the local level should contact customer service.” Based on the 24-page thread on Blizzard’s forums, TWC’s customer service has yet to resolve the issue.