After years of pushing bright yellow pricey vacuum cleaners, Dyson says it’s now working on a new set of wheels — and these won’t fit in your hall closet. [More]

Dyson Bladeless Heaters Recalled Because A Fire Is Too Much Heat
We know that a lot of our readers are fans of Dyson vacuums, but we aren’t sure whether any of you are into their air multipliers, which are totally not mini-portals to a distant dimension. Someone out there is, because they’ve expanded the line to include portable heaters. Some of these units have been heating a little too much lately, and 380,000 of them have been recalled in North America. [More]

I’m Stuck Without A Vacuum When My Dyson Gets Sucked Into A Black Hole
Dyson vacuum cleaners have so much cachet that they’re a hot item with shoplifters. Reader Peter isn’t so thrilled with his Dyson, though. He was somehow under the impression that spending $400 on a device with a famously good warranty meant that getting his vacuum fixed or replaced would be a swift and simple process. It was not, but to be fair: the problems weren’t entirely Dyson’s fault. [More]

My Dyson Vacuum Cleaned My Carpet, Then Shredded It
Consumer reactions to Dyson vacuum cleaners reminds me at times of reactions to Apple computers. (Remember that? When Apple only made computers?) Fans rave about the vacs, can’t imagine life without them, and claim they’re worth every penny. Detractors grouse about the prices and claim they’re equal to or even worse than similar but much cheaper competitors. R. is now a Dyson detractor, but only after buying one and having it break. Now he says that his carpet is wrecked and he has a useless $600 vacuum cleaner. [More]

Thieves Suck Dyson Vacuums Off Store Shelves, Onto Black Market
Despite the much-publicized Tide thefts earlier this year, the idea of massive theft rings targeting household cleaning supplies seems kind of weird. It shouldn’t. It makes sense that Dyson vacuum cleaners are an ideal target for thieves: they’re pricey, and their great brand recognition gives them an impressive black-market resale value. That’s why dirtbags are stealing Dysons by the warehouseful nationwide. [More]

At Least I Tried To Buy A Vacuum From Best Buy
Gregg ordered a new Dyson vacuum this past weekend, and used a Best Buy gift card toward the purchase. When he arrived at the store, his order wasn’t ready, even though the exact item he had ordered wasn’t on the sales floor. They couldn’t rush the online order process, couldn’t give him back the $30 from the gift card for his in-store purchase, and couldn’t do much of anything useful. So he waited for a refund and bought the same item from Lowe’s. The notification e-mail never did come through. [More]

Target Sells You A Vacuum Full Of Crud, Won't Take It Back
Isabelle’s $300 Dyson vacuum from Target arrived on her doorstep without some of the parts, and filled with dirt from someone else’s house. Wanting to receive the item she actually had ordered, she dragged it to the nearest Target in a taxi and was told that she was obviously trying to pull one over on Target by returning this vacuum when she so clearly had used it and kept the handle. Clearly. [More]

Dyson Fixed My 5-Year-Old Vacuum For Free Without Receipt
As anyone who ever looked at the price tag on a Dyson knows, the vacuum cleaner company charges a premium for its devices. But for Consumerist reader Matt, his recent customer service experience with Dyson has him believing the high sticker price was worth the investment. [More]

Target & UPS Try To Destroy My Dyson During Shipping
It’s a conspiracy! At least according to Consumerist reader Terrance, who says Target’s poor packing job combined with UPS paltry efforts to handle his Dyson with care resulted in a sham of an attempt to deliver his product intact. [More]

It's Sort Of Like A Flowbee For Dogs, Except Not
My dog thinks that I’m always looking for new and innovative ways to torture her, such as toothbrushes, ear drops, and baths. She should be grateful that I don’t have a Dyson vacuum, since the company is launching a carefully designed pet-vacuuming attachment, which will go on sale in the U.S. in January 2011. [More]

Dyson's Freaky Air Multiplier Really Works
Dyson claims that its Air Multiplier, which looks sort of like an interdimensional portal from a bad sci-fi movie, can “generate smooth, uninterrupted airflow with no unpleasant buffeting” and “amplify the surrounding air.” And according to the lab geeks at Consumer Reports, it really works. Too bad that, at $300, it’s priced closer to an interdimensional portal from a bad sci-fi movie. [More]

Email Dyson's CEO
Should you ever have cause to complain about the greatest vacuum cleaner in the world, this is James Dyson’s email address:

Kenmore Beats Dyson In Consumer Reports Upright Vacuum Test
Dyson is not the Excalibur of upright vacuums, it’s the Kenmore Progressive with Direct Drive 35922, according to survey and test results released in the latest issue of Consumer Reports.

Dyson Sends You A New Vacuum Because You Broke Yours
Reader Daniel is overjoyed. He broke his Dyson vacuum and when he called to see if he could buy a replacement part, he found that it was too expensive because you have to buy one whole half of the vacuum. So he said, “No Thanks.”

The News; Whiskered, Stone Ground Finish
• For a dollar under a hundred, you can get the trifecta of Comcast fuckover! [CT] “Comcast offers bundled service for $99 a month”