It’s been more than four years since the Center for Science in the Public Interest and others filed its lawsuit against Coca-Cola for allegedly overstating the health benefits of vitaminwater and the case has still not been resolved. It has, however, inched closer to trial after a federal magistrate recommended that the case go forward as a class-action suit with regard to the products’ labeling, but that the plaintiffs could not sue for damages as a group. [More]

Vitaminwater Labeling Lawsuit Can Continue, But Plaintiffs Probably Won’t Be Able To Seek Damages

If Gooey Blobs Of Mold Count As Vitamins We’ll Have To Pass On That VitaminWater
Yeah yeah, we know: Penicillin is mold*. But healthy or no, nobody wants to take a slug of a liquid beverage and find a globular bunch of moldy stuff trying to get down your throat. Grody to the max, right? Reports of contaminated vitaminwater are hitting the news, as one enterprising consumer even sent his blobular grossness off to a lab to be tested. The result? Mold. Not a vitamin. Nope. [More]

Consumers Group Asks FTC To Stop Misleading Vitaminwater Marketing
Sick of seeing Vitaminwater continue to market itself as some sort of health drink, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, the National Consumers League has called on the Federal Trade Commission to intervene and put an end to what it believes are Vitaminwater’s deceptive practices. [More]

Vitaminwater Isn't Healthy, Rules Federal Judge
A federal judge ruled this week that Vitaminwater will not, as its labels promise, keep you “healthy as a horse.” Nor will it bring about a “healthy state of physical or mental being”. Instead, Vitaminwater is really just a sugary snack food; non-carbonated fruit coke disguised as a sports drink. Because it’s composed mostly of sugar and not vitamin-laden water, judge John Gleeson held that Vitaminwater’s absurd marketing claims were likely to mislead consumers. [More]

Ah Yes, Facebook Flavored Vitaminwater. We Needed That.
Coca-Cola has announced the debut of a Facebook-flavored Vitaminwater called “Connect.” Facebook apparently tastes like “black cherry-lime,” which, by the way, does not sound delicious to us. [More]

Coke Sued Over VitaminWater Claims
The Center for Science in the Public Interest has announced a class-action lawsuit against Coca-Cola over its VitaminWater line, on the grounds that it makes deceptive claims about the nutritional benefits of its drinks.