Back in the early ’60s, Arch West not only had the name of a go-getter marketing executive, he also had a job to match as VP of marketing for Frito Co. He also had the vision to create Doritos, the snack that has filled the bellies and stained the fingers of countless nibblers across the globe. Sadly, West recently passed away at the age of 97, but he’s going out in style. [More]

Marketers Reintroducing Vintage Package Designs
Everything old is new again. To tap into your nostalgia and your wallet, brands are dusting off old package designs not seen since the 60’s and 70’s and putting them back on the shelves. [More]

Taco Bell Testing Shells Made From Nacho Cheese Doritos
Shut the front door and hand me a bib and some wet wipes to wipe the flavored dust from my trembling mouth! Word on the street is Taco Bell is taking a logical, tasty step in testing out nacho-flavored Doritos as shells. [More]

Pepsico CEO Says "Doritos Are Not Bad For You"
“Doritos are not bad for you,” PepsiCo Chairman and CEO Indra Nooyi told Fox Business News moments ago. “Doritos are nothing more than corn mashed up, fried up in oil, and flavored in the most delectable way.” [More]

Doritos: Sorry For Only 3 Chips In Your Bag, Here's Some Free Coupons
An important update to yesterday’s late-breaking story about a man who opened up his bag of Doritos to find there where only three chips inside. As predicted, after reader D contacted the maker, Frito-Lay, they sent him some free coupons. [More]

Doritos Bag Contains Only Three Chips
Reader D said that he opened up a small bag of Doritos Nacho Cheese chips to find only three chips and one “chiplete” inside. [More]

Beware The Fraudulent Doritos Coupon
Frito-Lay is warning consumers to watch out for fake free bags of Doritos coupons being distributed via email. If you are an unsuspecting victim of this subterfuge and receive the coupon in your inbox, watch out! You might get to check out and not be able to get a free bag of Doritos with a value of up to $5. Here’s how you spot the real deal and the phonies, just like Holden Caulfield: [More]

This Package Of Doritos Is Extreme
This package of Doritos contains Doritos and yet, is so much more.

Grocery Growth Ray To Hit Ketchup, Chips
A grocery growth ray is set to hit a popular condiment and several kinds of baked corn with names ending “tos.” To push the brands as being good values, Heinz will be selling slightly larger ketchup bottles, and Frito-Lay is adding 20% to Tostitos, Fritos, Cheetos and Doritos – without raising the price. Unlike the grocery shrink ray, you can bet this change will be loudly trumpeted on the package.

These Doritos Are Going To Last A While
Hey guys — Just wanted to let you know that with all of this grocery shrink ray action that is going on, it is nice to see some companies doing something to make their product last a little longer. The only question is…what kind of preservatives are in these Doritos so they will last until August 39th???

How About Those Super Bowl Ads!
Last night’s commercials were a tame batch of disappointment. Everybody wanted cutesy animals—squirrels, horses, ponies, pigeons, crickets, dogs, lions, and lizards—to endorse their products. After the jump, the four spots that caught our eye.

Free Doritos In North Carolina
“A cargo container that apparently fell from a ship washed up on the Outer Banks of North Carolina today and spilled thousands of bags of Doritos brand tortilla chips on the beach. Scavengers collected the chips, which were apparently still fresh due to their airtight packaging. It was unknown which ship had lost the cargo or to what port it was bound.”

Happy Memorial Day!
Happy Memorial Day, everyone! John Brownlee here. After a 7 hour flight from Dublin to Boston magically transmogrified into a 19 hour ordeal, I’m finally in Boston for a couple weeks. Say, when did they change that Doritos package, anyway? I don’t approve. There’s a Memorial Day Parade going on outside my window. Immediate observation: Malden High School lets fat girls be cheerleaders now. A good move. Those cheerleader pyramids need a firm base.