Who wants a plain ol’ burger when you can have a burger burrito? Or cheese sticks when you can have Cheetos-dusted sticks fulfilled with macaroni? In 2016, you could have these interesting mashups and so much more, as fast food restaurants and snack companies continuously tried to one-up each other. [More]

Pepsi: We’re Trying To Sell You Healthier Snacks, But You Keep Buying Cheetos
Pepsi, despite what you may think, really just wants to sell you health food. And it’s all ready and waiting to start putting less-fried, less-salty options in your hand. The problem, the company says? You just won’t stop buying chips. [More]

Mac n’ Cheetos Now Available At Sheetz For Some Reason
Are you disappointed that you missed out on Mac n’ Cheetos during their fleeting availability at Burger King? No need to be sad: the orange breaded carbohydrate globs will be available at the regional convenience store chain Sheetz, which is useful if you happen to be traveling anywhere between Ohio and North Carolina. [More]

Burger King’s “Slightly Congealed” Mac N’ Cheetos Underwhelm Customers, Food Reviewers
It’s been exactly a week since Burger King made every cheese lovers’ dreams (or nightmares) come true by shoving glowing, orange-ish mac and cheese inside a hollow, fried giant Cheeto. So, how has the fast food company’s Mac n’ Cheetos concoction been received since it officially hit stores on Monday? Let’s just say the initial feedback is underwhelming. [More]

Burger King Unleashes “Mac n’ Cheetos,” Which Is Exactly What It Sounds Like
If you’ve ever looked at a plate of glowing, orange-ish mac and cheese and thought, “Hey, this looks a bit like a Cheeto… they should put mac and cheese inside of huge Cheetos… where’s my shoe?” then Burger King has apparently been reading your mind, announcing the test of, what else, “Mac n’ Cheetos.”

Cheetos Will Sell Cinnamon-Sugar Puffs This Spring
Have you ever looked at a bag of Cheetos and wondered how delicious they would be if, instead of a mysterious orange “cheez” substance, the snacks were covered with cinnamon and sugar? No, we never thought of that, either, but the nice people at Frito-Lay have. They’re making dessert Cheetos into a real thing, which will be a limited-time product available around Easter. [More]

Reader Review: Mountain Dew Cheetos “Not At All Unpleasant”
Reader Aaron was intrigued. He likes both Mountain Dew and Cheetos, and learned from our site that an unholy hybrid of these two products was now available in snack food form in Japan. He knew what he had to do: order them and eat them. [More]

Mountain Dew Cheetos Are Now A Reality…In Japan
Strange and magical things come out of Frito-Lay Japan. Things that we in Frito-Lay’s home country never get to see. The latest bit of corporate synergy/snack food horror to hit shelves across the Pacific? Mountain Dew flavored Cheetos. [More]

Flamin’ Hot Cheetos’ Red Dye Sending Parents Rushing Needlessly To ER With Snack-Happy Kids
“Honey, could you come to the bathroom for a minute and look at what Bobby’s done?” “Oh my, that is quite a vibrant shade of red, let’s panic and take him to the emergency room.” I don’t have kids but I imagine that’s how the conversation would go if your child’s bathroom output was an unnatural color, but it turns out it’d be an unnecessary visit. In fact, doctors are peeved at Flamin’ Hot Cheetos for sending parents needlessly rushing with their kids to the emergency room, all because of that pesky red food dye that’s used to show just how flaming hot those Cheetos really are. [More]

Inside A "Big Food" Product Development Meeting
Where do they come up with all those great ideas to make 500 different snack foods out of the same four crappy ingredients and then try to trick us into thinking they’re healthy? This amusing xtranormal video takes you inside a hypothetical product development meeting at a “Big Food” company. It starts off slow but then delivers hit after hit as they skewer each of the different labeling and ingredient tactics food manufacturers use, like adding Vitamin D to Cheetos and saying they “support healthy bones.” [More]

How To Tell If You Have Religious Food
Last week, a couple in Dallas discovered a Jesus-shaped Cheeto in their bag of Cheetos. They promptly named it Cheesus, which is a masterstroke of marketing (although not that original, it turns out), and are considering auctioning it off on eBay—with the implied threat that if it doesn’t sell, they may just eat it. The big question you may be asking yourself now is, “How can I get in on this racket?”

Grocery Growth Ray To Hit Ketchup, Chips
A grocery growth ray is set to hit a popular condiment and several kinds of baked corn with names ending “tos.” To push the brands as being good values, Heinz will be selling slightly larger ketchup bottles, and Frito-Lay is adding 20% to Tostitos, Fritos, Cheetos and Doritos – without raising the price. Unlike the grocery shrink ray, you can bet this change will be loudly trumpeted on the package.

These Doritos Are Going To Last A While
Hey guys — Just wanted to let you know that with all of this grocery shrink ray action that is going on, it is nice to see some companies doing something to make their product last a little longer. The only question is…what kind of preservatives are in these Doritos so they will last until August 39th???

Move To Japan So You Can Eat Strawberry Cheetos
Yes, you read that correctly. Strawberry Cheetos. They’re really Cheetos, and they’re really from Frito Lay, but they are only available in Japan.