Domino’s committed sins against food, but now the chain has atoned for them, and the market has rewarded the chain. It has improved its pizza and come out with ordering and delivery innovations that are mostly gimmicks for publicity, but they do their job and gain publicity. [More]
domino’s pizza

Burger King, KFC & 14 Other Restaurant Chains Still Earning “F” Grades For Antibiotics Policies
Last year, a coalition of public health advocates released a report card grading the nation’s 25 biggest restaurant chains on their antibiotics policies. An astounding 20 of these chains earned “F” grades, usually for completely failing to address this issue. The newest report card shows that a number of restaurants have inched their way out of the basement, but the large majority of these companies appear to be completely ignoring antibiotics concerns. [More]

Rude Note On Domino’s Box Scolds Customer For Late Order
Having worked in the foodservice industry, I am familiar with that unique sensation of “C’mon… seriously?” when someone wants to place an order only minutes to go before shutting down for the night. At the same time — unlike the workers at a Texas Domino’s store — I never vented my frustration with a mean little note for the customer to take home with them. [More]

ESPN Admits: Tweets By Adam Schefter & Chris Mortensen Were Unmarked Ads For Domino’s
Plenty of famous people post Tweets, Facebook updates, and Instagram photos where they mention a product or company name that they truly enjoy. But if those celebs are getting paid to slap their name on these messages, they need to be transparent about it. A pair of sportscasters at ESPN apparently missed that memo when they recently name-dropped Domino’s Pizza on Twitter. [More]

Domino’s Driver Stabs Customer For Complaining About Pizza Being 90 Minutes Late
Remember when Domino’s Pizza used to guarantee that you’d get your order in 30 minutes? The company stopped that promotion because some drivers were putting lives at risk with their dangerous driving. But it looks like delivering a pizza 90 minutes late can be just as harmful. [More]

Florida Domino’s Shuts Down Because Live Roaches Shouldn’t Be Near Food
If the thought of bugs crawling around in a restaurant kitchen near food terrifies you, it’s best to stop reading now. A Florida Domino’s had to shut down temporarily after inspectors say they witnessed more than 20 lives roaches crawling on a table on the cook’s line and hanging out in a bin of onions. [More]

Domino’s Offering 50% Off All Pizzas Ordered Online Through March 22
Because sitting in front of the TV watching basketball game after basketball game can really get your appetite worked up, Domino’s is trying to capitalize on March Madness by offering a 50% discount on all pizzas ordered online this week. [More]

Customer Sues Domino’s Because Intestine-Piercing Wire Bristles Are Not A Pizza Topping
If you’ve ordered enough pizzas, you’ve probably come across a few with a stray topping that shouldn’t be there. In most cases, the worst that can happen is you eat some green pepper, sausage, or mushroom that you hadn’t intended on consuming. But one Washington state man claims he didn’t realize until it was too late — and he was having emergency surgery — that he’d eaten some Domino’s Pizza topped with wire bristles. [More]

Court: Domino’s Not Responsible For Sexual Harassment Of 16-Year-Old Employee
When a worker at a fast food franchise acts like an a-hole, it’s obviously his boss’s immediate responsibility to investigate and discipline that employee if necessary. But does the corporate office share any liability when things go wrong at the franchisee level? What about when people from company HQ are involved in the decision of whether or not to dismiss an employee? According to California’s highest court, the buck stops at the franchisee’s door. [More]

Domino’s Hit By Hackers Demanding Ransom For European Customers’ Data
Oh look, another day, another hack attack. In the second spate of hacking we’ve heard reported just today — and it’s only Monday, folks — hackers in Europe are holding are holding the accounts of Domino’s customers in Belgium and France for ransom. [More]

Now You Can Pay For Your Domino’s Pizza With Google Wallet (And Score Free Chicken)
Facing more competition in the online pizza-ordering business, Domino’s is trying to stand out in the crowd by saving customers the hassle of having to type in the 16 digits of their credit card numbers. It’s also giving away free chicken. [More]

Domino’s Hires Back 25 Workers Fired During Wage Dispute
Last week, a Domino’s Pizza franchisee in New York City terminated the employment of 25 workers who had filed complaints about being underpaid. That’s kind of against the law in New York, and so after receiving a little talking-to from the state Attorney General, the franchisee has agreed to re-hire the previously dismissed employees. [More]

Jury Orders Domino’s To Pay $32M In Lawsuit Over Deadly Crash Involving Delivery Driver
A Texas jury is holding Domino’s Pizza partially responsible for a car accident involving a delivery driver that killed one woman and left her husband with brain damage. The victims’ family claimed that it was Domino’s fault that the driver was driving in a car with allegedly bald tires. The jury agreed, awarding the family $32 million and saying that Domino’s should have had inspection rules in place to keep such a vehicle off the road. [More]

Domino’s Pizza Is So Used To Complaints, It Can’t Take A Compliment
You know how some people are conditioned to believe that any statement directed at them must be a complaint, so they don’t know how to react when someone says something nice? That’s apparently the mindset of whatever robot responds to customers on the Domino’s Pizza Facebook page. [More]

Domino’s Has A Very Limited Notion Of What “All Your Favorite Toppings” Means
Given that Domino’s has around two dozen toppings to choose from, and that some folks love to layer their pizza with multiple toppings, a franchisee could lose big by offering a pizza with “all your favorite toppings” for as little as $9. That is, until you see that Domino’s thinks you wouldn’t possibly want more than three toppings. [More]

Dear Domino’s: Maybe Cut The Marketing Budget, Boost Employee Training
Misti has some advice for Domino’s that perhaps would be wise for other businesses to follow: spending money on marketing is all very well and good, but ultimately pointless if you don’t train franchisees and staff on how to not treat customers like crap. [More]

Domino’s Franchisee Finally Forced To Pay Up After Treating Workers Like Indentured Servants
Did you know that the days of indentured servitude are gone? Yes, it’s true! There is such a thing as a federal minimum wage and regulations regarding how you treat your employees. As such, a Domino’s Pizza franchisee is on the hook for $371,675 in back wages after an investigation by the Labor Department unearthed some disturbing patterns in how it treated its workers. [More]

Branded Vrooming Noises Are Way Better Than An Internal Combustion Engine
I can’t be the only one around here who read The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary as a child and was disappointed that toy vehicles that move if you make vrooming sounds don’t exist in the real world. Domino’s in the Netherlands, on the other hand, has taken this concept and made it a reality. Except backwards. Which is why your pizza can now be delivered on a scooter that makes human-recorded vrooming sounds and advertises Domino’s as it rolls down the street. [More]