
How To Bake Your Own Bread

How To Bake Your Own Bread

Making bread is fun, and kneading dough burns calories. Did you know that when people used to make their own bread everyone had sexy triceps? Even grandmothers had arms that looked good in a tank top. True story.

Make Envelopes Out Of Recycled Paper

Make Envelopes Out Of Recycled Paper

If you are like us, you have tried to make an envelope because you were out of envelopes but you wanted to mail something and the mailbox was much closer than the store.

Home Depot Guts Your Kitchen, Never Comes Back

Home Depot Guts Your Kitchen, Never Comes Back

Home Depot has been fined $750 by Westchester County, NY for operating without a license after one of their subcontractors allegedly gut the kitchen of a resident, dumped the debris on the customer’s driveway, then never showed up again.


Top 10 Ways to Repel Mosquitoes with minimal cash outlay.

How To Repair A Plastic Bumper

How To Repair A Plastic Bumper

Plastic bumpers are a real snagglepuss to repair but it can be done, and for less than your deductible, this Instructable by Popular Mechanics tells us.


Lifehacker has a bunch of neat ideas for staying cool. A timely post, as our brains were boiling today.

Make A Hex Key/Allen Wrench If You Only Have A Knife And A Pencil

Make A Hex Key/Allen Wrench If You Only Have A Knife And A Pencil

If you’re biking along and need to tighten something up on your bike, like your bike seat, here’s a trick to remember even if you forgot your hex wrench.

How To Teach Your Kids To Clean Their Own Rooms

How To Teach Your Kids To Clean Their Own Rooms

DIY Site Curbly has an excellent post about teaching your kids to clean their own rooms.

How To Clean Your Coffee Pot

How To Clean Your Coffee Pot

Coffee taste gross? Buying it away from home instead of making it yourself like you know you should? Time to clean the coffee pot.

How To Remove Watermarks From Wood

How To Remove Watermarks From Wood

Place a cotton cloth directly over the stain and with a dry iron (NO STEAM!) press down for several seconds on the cloth. Remove and check the stain. Keep doing until the watermarks are completely gone. It could take a minute or two to get the stain out completely.

Yes! We are going to try this. Wish us luck.—MEGHANN MARCO

Worst Drop Cloth Ever: Reader Has To Replace His Carpet

Worst Drop Cloth Ever: Reader Has To Replace His Carpet

A drop cloth is one of those items that doesn’t have varying degrees of effectiveness. It either works or it doesn’t. In Matt’s case, it didn’t work. Matt bought a canvas drop cloth from Home Depot. He did this because he was under the impression that a canvas drop cloth would prevent paint from getting on whatever he placed it over. Unfortunately for Matt, the drop cloth was too thin and paint soaked right through, ruining his carpet. Read Matt’s email inside.

How To Unshrink Wool

How To Unshrink Wool

It’s actually very easy to unshrink a wool garment you shrank in the wash.

How To: Tailor Your Shirt With The "Pinch And Pin"

PREVIOUSLY: How To: Sew A Button On The Right Way

Be Your Own Credit Repair Service

Be Your Own Credit Repair Service

Ever wonder how credit repair services work? According to the FTC, they take your money, often illegally, and then perform services that are available to any and all consumers. The shops start by charging an initial registration fee from $20 to $100. This is against federal law, which prohibits payment until the repair has been performed. The shops then charge a fee to obtain your credit report, even though you can access one free copy of your report each year at

Harness The Power Of Terra Cotta To Keep Brown Sugar Soft And Granulated

Harness The Power Of Terra Cotta To Keep Brown Sugar Soft And Granulated

We hate getting halfway through a recipe only to find our brown sugar solid as a rock. Thankfully, Curbly has discovered a way to keep us rolling in lusciously soft brown sugar.

So, some genius Canadians came up with this adorable option: a bear-shaped chunk of terra cotta that keeps your brown sugar pliable and granulated. And at the best price of three dollars (plus shipping), it’s a pretty good deal. But three dollars is three dollars, and when you can DIY one for 29 cents, you could better spend the remaining $2.70 on postage to send me the delicious goods you’ve baked with your eternally soft brown sugar.

We never knew terra cotta soaked in water for 30 minutes could suppress brown sugar’s petrifying urges. Check out Curbly for the full instructions. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

Make A Camera Tripod From A Tennis Ball

Make A Camera Tripod From A Tennis Ball

This nifty Instructable shows you how to make a tripod for light-weight cameras by cutting up a tennis ball.

Baking Soda Is Very Useful

Baking Soda Is Very Useful

Here’s your semi-annual reminder that cleaning things with baking soda is hip. (And don’t forget, you can bake with it, too.) DIY blog Curbly has a nifty list of baking soda ideas, some of which were new to us.

Increase The Value Of Your Garage

Increase The Value Of Your Garage

Hey! That old garage could be worth money! If you’re like most American homeowners, you fill your garage with crap and let your car sit out in the rain. This is stupid. Stop doing this. By cleaning up your garage and making it into a useful space, you can increase the value of your home and protect the value of your car. (Psst, a good garage can add 14% to the value of your home, according to Bankrate.)