
Lifehacker Roundup

Lifehacker Roundup

“MapsKrieg helps you find apartments, houses for rent, sublets and more by mashing Craigslist listings with Google Maps.”

Make Your Own Vintage Jeans

Make Your Own Vintage Jeans

Curbly has a neat idea for making your own pair of vintage jeans. Take a pair of old jeans and soak them in a tub of hot water and an old sock filled with coffee grounds. In the morning, they’ll have a nice patina. For further distressing, you can use a cheese grater for small scuffs and tears, or put objects in the pocket and sandpaper over them.

Make Scouring Pads From Mesh Produce Bags

Make Scouring Pads From Mesh Produce Bags

We never know what to do with those annoying produce-protecting mesh bags from the supermarket. Thanks to a handy Instructable, we now know to turn them into scouring pads.

Stop Tktktkkt Sound By Wrapping Cellphone In Aluminum Foil

Stop Tktktkkt Sound By Wrapping Cellphone In Aluminum Foil

If you have a problem with your cellphone making an annoying tkkttktktk sound come out your speakers, this Instructable says wrap it aluminum foil. Doing so should prevent the EMF gremlins from escaping and wrecking havoc on your audio equipment.

D.I.Y. Related Emergency Room Visits Increasing

D.I.Y. Related Emergency Room Visits Increasing

The CDC clams that: “Each year, approximately 36,000 people are treated in hospital emergency departments for injuries using chain saws.” And then, of course, is the fact that although nail gun injuries are increasing rapidly— work-related nail gun injuries have stayed the same. What’s going on here?

Lifehacker Roundup

Lifehacker Roundup

“…six must-know facts about HDTVs, which he says most people don’t use properly.”

More Cool DIY Wallets

More Cool DIY Wallets

We just love these DIY wallets. They’re so fun. Here’s a NES Controller Wallet and a Cassette Tape Wallet. and don’t forget The Three Card Monte Origami Wallet.

Make Your Own Noise Blocking Headphones

Make Your Own Noise Blocking Headphones

Here’s an easy and cheap way to make your own noise blocking headphones. All you need is a pair of ear-protection earmuffs ($15.50), a cutting tool, and airline/walkman style headphones.

DIY Wallet Round-Up

DIY Wallet Round-Up

We know how much you all love to make duct tape wallets, well, Instructables is having a DIY wallet contest and oh my are the entries flying in. There’s a phone book wallet, a James Bond wallet with a little camera, a RFID blocking wallet for you tin-foil hat types, a newspaper wallet, and a jeans wallet. And, of course, we love the wallet made from a computer keyboard. So many wallets! —MEGHANN MARCO

Make Your Own Replacement Snow Shovel Blade

Make Your Own Replacement Snow Shovel Blade

“This last winter broken snow shovels starting appearing everywhere. I tried to track down replacement parts, but it turns out that replacement scoops don’t seem to exist. So I set about to make a simple replacement scoop using basic tools and found materials,” writes the author of this Instructable.

Lifehacker Roundup

Lifehacker Roundup

“Sure a Roth IRA is great… there are a few other options for those of us going solo, like an individual 401(k), SEP IRA, or SIMPLE plan.”

Lifehacker Roundup

Lifehacker Roundup

“Gmail’s good, but it could be better”

How To: Build Your Own WiFi Signal Booster

How To: Build Your Own WiFi Signal Booster

Boosting a WiFi signal can be an expensive proposition, requiring the purchase of either a second wireless router, or a wireless signal booster. Unless, of course, you build one yourself. From Instructables:

The parabolic Asian cooking (dumpling) strainer is the perfect candidate for this project. I was able to pick up 20 more access points in the city and connect to a network a few blocks away! This is BY-FAR the most simple of all Wifi extensions!

To build the booster, you need a USB extension cable, any USB WiFi adapter, and a tight-mesh parabolic cooking strainer. To reach WiFi signal heaven, stick the USB WiFi adaptor through the center of the parabolic strainer and connect it to the USB extension cable.

Lifehacker Roundup

Lifehacker Roundup

“Using the 2x4s to create small steps inside the cabinets, you can get a nice tiered look at everything in your cabinet – nice for those of us who tend to lose track of everything hidden at the back.”

Make Beautiful Things Out Of Cheap Unfinished Furniture

Make Beautiful Things Out Of Cheap Unfinished Furniture

Ikea is a good source for dirt-cheap ugly unfinished furniture—but who says it has to stay ugly? Ikea Hacker has a few hacks from Angelique, one of their readers. She adds creative finishes to basic IKEA children’s furniture and picture frames. Her techniques look easy enough for a novice to replicate, and sort of fun, too. We love the ferns. We love cheap furniture. —MEGHANN MARCO

Fellowes "Screen Cleening Wipes" Leave Nasty Junk All Over Screen

Fellowes "Screen Cleening Wipes" Leave Nasty Junk All Over Screen

A reader says he bought some Fellowes Screen Cleaning Wipes and, “to my amazement, they leave a sticky white residue.”

How To: Make A Cellphone Charger Box

How To: Make A Cellphone Charger Box

Organizing the chargers for your cellphone, PDA, Nintendo DS, etc. can be hugely annoying and expensive. Why expensive? When you leave chargers plugged into the wall, they’re still drawing electricity—even when your phone isn’t plugged in.

Lifehacker Roundup

Lifehacker Roundup

“Pour on enough to cover the soiled area and let sit for 15 to 30 minutes. Vacuum to remove the grains.”