You might have heard that tomorrow is Election Day, a day when Americans will vote not only on who will lead our country for the next four years, but also on numerous ballot initiatives that could affect consumers in many states. To mark the occasion, several businesses are offering up special freebies and discounts. [More]

Target Confirms Holiday Plans: Gift Guides, Free Shipping, Rotating Promotions
Yes, we’re going to have to accept that the holiday shopping season has begun. Today, Target announced its holiday promotional plans, which include discounts that rotate through departments, free shipping for online orders, and app-based toy coupons. [More]

McDonald’s Franchisees Say Company Should Kick “Discounting Addiction”
Though McDonald’s has been riding high on all-day breakfast since its launch last year, the company’s franchisees say the novelty is fading. Part of the problem, several complain, is McDonald’s love of discounts. [More]

Lyft, Budweiser Team Up To Fight Drunk Driving With Free Rides In Some States
Instead of stumbling to your car after a night of drinking beer, Lyft and Budweiser want you to stumble into a chauffeured vehicle, and have teamed up to offer free rides to encourage folks to make the safer choice. [More]

Office Depot Rewarding College Students Who Resist Their Smartphones During Class
While no one on the Consumerist staff has been in college in, uh, some time, we can imagine it must be tough to focus on education when you’ve got a smartphone in your pocket, just begging you to play KandyKaboozle or text your friend a few seats away. There are some out there who can resist, however, and for those strong-willed folks, Office Depot has a new rewards program that lets students earn points toward discounts. [More]

Signs That Say ‘Final Sale’ May Not Mean What You Think They Do
When you see the words “final sale” on a sign at your favorite retailer, that means that an item is as marked down as it’s going to get, right? Well… maybe not. Watch for fine print on that signage: what you might think just means the last markdown on an item could actually mean “no returns.” [More]

10 National Ice Cream Day Deals To Help Beat The Heat
National Ice Cream Day is officially July 17, or so the ice cream gods have proclaimed, but many businesses are either starting the festivities early or extending the sweet treat deals beyond Sunday. Here’s what you’ll need to know to get your brain freeze on. [More]

Here’s Where To Get Your National Pancake Day Deals & Freebies
Congratulations, flapjack lovers, today is your day: it’s National Pancake Day, which means restaurants are offering up discounted or free food. But even if flat breakfast fare isn’t your thing, there are plenty of other spots handing out deals and freebies today. [More]

Toys “R” Us & Babies “R” Us Offering Discounts For Return Of Potentially Dangerous Products
Each year manufacturers and federal safety regulators initiate safety recalls for a number of baby- and child-focused products. One major retailer wants to ensure you’ve rid your home of these potentially dangerous items by offering discounts if you trade in the goods for new ones. [More]

Amazon Cutting $26 Off The Price Of New Prime Subscriptions This Weekend
Every now and then, Amazon finds itself in a generous mood for whatever reason, and will offer up special discounts to boost the buzz surrounding its Prime subscription service. This time, it’s a weekend discount that lops $26 off the regular price for an annual membership to Prime… for new subscribers only, of course. [More]

Uber Cuts Prices In 100 Cities — But Don’t Expect The Discounts To Last Forever
It’s that time of year again, when the cold has seeped into your bones, and winter’s relentlessly gray sky has you huddled under a pile of blankets inside where it’s safe and warm. But if you’re holed up at home, how is Uber going to make money? By trying to draw customers out of their winter dens with steep discounts in a slew of cities. [More]

Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s Accused Of Inflating “Original” Prices To Make Discounts More Attractive
Over the past several months, consumers have sued a number of retailers accusing them of advertising “false” original prices on discounted or outlet merchandise. Joining a list that includes Kohl’s and Kate Spade are Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s. [More]

Lawsuit Claims Kate Spade Advertised Imaginary Outlet Prices
In yet another of alleged imaginary discount prices, Kate Spade shoppers have filed a proposed class-action lawsuit claiming that the brand’s outlet stores sold items marked as a steal of a deal, when really they were never sold at a higher price or in higher-end boutiques in the first place. [More]

Walmart Starting Cyber Monday On Sunday Because That’s What Happens Now
Here’s a proposal: why don’t we toss out all the special names for the big holiday shopping days and just accept the fact that retailers are going to throw sales at the public before, during and after Thanksgiving? Walmart seems cool with that, as it’s moving its Cyber Monday sale-a-palooza to Sunday. [More]

Walmart Employees Want A Discount On More Grocery Items
After a successful effort to raise wages for many workers, Walmart staffers are focusing on a new goal: they want employee discount on more grocery items, as well as the 10% discount they already receive on all other merchandise. [More]

26 Deals & Freebie Offers For Veterans And Active Servicemembers Today
Today is the day when we as a country take time to pause, appreciate and honor the veterans and active service members who have served our country. As part of that show of gratitude, many retailers are offering up freebies or deals for veterans as thanks — from free coffee to free haircuts. [More]

Study: Shoppers Still Prefer Paper Coupons Over Digital Discounts
Though we are living in an increasingly digital world with a smartphone app for everything under the sun, when it comes to scoring discounts on everyday products, shoppers would rather stick with what they know best: coupon-clipping the old-fashioned way, with the daily newspaper and a trusty pair of scissors to do the job. [More]