Don’t have a car, but want to make a few extra dollars picking up strangers and taking them point A to point B? A new partnership between Lyft and Hertz car rentals aims to let you do just that — and get free gas, kind of. [More]

Amazon Chops $32 Off Amazon Prime Membership Price In One-Day Sale For New Subscribers
Amazon is in a pretty good mood after snagging five Emmys for its original series, Transparent, and to celebrate, it’s giving new subscribers to its Prime service $32 off the usual price. [More]

Tesla: Refer A Friend, Get $1,000 Off A $70,000 Model S
In the market for an electric car, but the high price tag scaring you away? Would $1,000 off be enough to spur you to purchase that $70,000-plus vehicle? That’s apparently what Tesla’s betting on. [More]

15 Years Into Agreement To Provide St. Paul’s Elderly A Cable Discount, Comcast Reps Have Never Heard Of It
The Minnesota city of St. Paul sits, like its twin Minneapolis, squarely in Comcast territory, with nary a competitor in sight. But the franchise agreements that create local monopolies can also be used to residents’ benefit: as part of the contract that lets them be the exclusive cable company in town, Comcast offers low-income and elderly St. Paul residents a discount off their cable bills. Great, right? Well, it would be… if anyone in town could actually sign up for it. [More]

Costco Sold Nearly 400,000 Cars Last Year Just To Keep Members Happy
Toilet paper, giant jars of mayonnaise, enough shampoo to last a year: These are all items one might imagine being on a list for a quick trip to Costco. One thing we generally don’t expect: a new car. But that’s exactly what consumers are picking up at the warehouse store. [More]

Domino’s Offering 50% Off All Pizzas Ordered Online Through March 22
Because sitting in front of the TV watching basketball game after basketball game can really get your appetite worked up, Domino’s is trying to capitalize on March Madness by offering a 50% discount on all pizzas ordered online this week. [More]

Americans Don’t Think Personal Data Is Secure, Still Trade It For Coupons
What information are you willing to give up to get a discount or other benefits from a retailer? The consulting company Accenture wanted to know how comfortable we are with all of this, and what information we might be willing to give up for rewards from merchants. Broadly speaking, it depends on what they’re offering. [More]

Man Celebrating 101st Birthday At Restaurant That Gives Discounts Based On Age Gets $0.07 Refund On Meal
There are many perks of growing old — seeing your kids have kids, wearing shirts that say “World’s Best Grandma,” calling rowdy youngsters “whippersnappers” and more — and getting discounts on things is definitely not the least of those. But one centenarian learned that he’d reached a point where you can actually get a free mail and get paid just for your age. [More]

Retailers Figure Out They Shouldn’t Offer Discounts To Customers Who Don’t Care
Retailers are now able to compile and sort through massive amounts of data about their customers, and they’ve used that information to figure out which customers simply don’t care about discounts, and make their purchasing decisions without paying attention to them. Logically enough, retailers simply don’t send discount offers to these customers. [More]

Twitter Testing Tweets That Double As Digital Coupons
Twitter is already flirting with offering users the ability to purchase things from within their feeds with its “Buy” button, and now the social media company is dipping its toes into discount waters with a new test of digital coupons. [More]

Guy Saves Hundreds By Displaying Homemade “Ginger Discount” Card At Local Businesses
As if we need further proof that redheaded folks are smooth, savvy and otherwise generally awesome, one flame-haired fellow in Scotland is taking advantage of his coif’s color by flashing a homemade “Ginger Discount Card” to save on tabs at the bar, restaurants and anywhere he can buy stuff. [More]

Restaurant Offering 15% Discount For “Praying In Public” Says It’s More About Gratitude
If a restaurant wants to offer a discount on a customer’s check, it can go right ahead and do that. But when the discount is tied to showing gratitude for your meal, how the heck is a restaurant supposed to decide who’s grateful and who’s not? [More]

Watch Out For Groupons With “Reservation Required”
Reader Aaron is annoyed at Groupon. He bought a voucher for a local restaurant: a sushi place, to be exact, but the type of business doesn’t matter all that much. What does matter is that he paid for a voucher, which required that he make a reservation at the restaurant through Groupon’s app. This wouldn’t be a problem if he could get a reservation. [More]

T-Mobile Removes More Discounts, Upsets More Customers
T-Mobile’s whole “uncarrier” schtick is supposedly about disrupting the normal pricing scheme and financial ecosystem of mobile phones. Discounts based on your workplace, college, or group affiliations have been a big part of the traditional carrier pricing model, and T-Mobile didn’t expect an outcry when they did away with them. Now Big Magenta is doing away with discounts for members of certain organizations. They are not pleased. [More]

Dollar Store Bubble Bursting? Family Dollar Closing 370 Stores, Cutting Prices
Once upon a time, dollar stores were living the high life, enjoying increased revenue and making plans for expansion. Okay, that was just a year ago, but still, a lot can change in a year. And that’s definitely the case for Family Dollar, whose recent revenue drop has executives taking some pretty serious action. [More]

Study: Most Supermarket Coupons Pile On The Savings For Junk Food, Sugary Drinks
There you are, making sure every single store coupon you can possibly use is going to cut down on that grocery bill. But while the prices are slimming down with the discounts offered by supermarkets, the foods with the most discounts could be expanding your waistline. [More]