Last year, Tyson, the nation’s largest poultry provider, announced it would cease using controversial antibiotics at its hatcheries, but left the door open for continued use of the growth-promoting drugs for birds as they matured. Today, the company is pledging to go even further by eliminating “human antibiotics” entirely from its flocks by Sept. 2017. [More]
tyson chicken

My Melted Tyson Chicken Strips Look Less Than Tasty
Ah, the joys of cooking in the microwave! Reader Darren has bought and enjoyed Tyson pre-cooked “Grilled & Ready” chicken strips, so he thought he knew what he was in for when popping a couple in the microwave. He thought wrong. [More]

Shylockian Shrink Ray Extracts Pound Of Flesh From Tyson Frozen Chicken Wings
BUH-KAW! Tyson’s five-pound bag of frozen chicken wings is now Tyson’s four-pound bag of frozen chicken wings.