
Reach The Dell Customer Advocates

Reach The Dell Customer Advocates

If you’ve exhausted the normal routes of solving your problems with Dell, try sending an email to

Dell Will Sell Computers At Best Buy

Dell Will Sell Computers At Best Buy

Dell is going to start selling laptop and desktop computers at 900 Best Buy locations in the U.S. says the WSJ. Dell has already started hocking their wares at Walmart, and has deals with “Staples Inc., France’s Carrefour SA and Gome, China’s largest electronics retailer.”

Email Addresses For 19 Dell Executives

Email Addresses For 19 Dell Executives

Computer on fire? Video card ruined? Don’t let Dell’s Indian CSRs tell you it’s your fault. When escalating fails and all normal channels of recourse are exhausted, send an email to Dell’s top executives. After the jump, 19 email addresses for Dell executives that you can use to launch the mighty and feared Executive Email Carpet Bomb. [More]


Ben Curtis of “Dude, you’re getting a Dell” infamy is now tending bar at New York’s Tortilla Flats. [NYMag]

UPDATE: DHL Laptop Thieves Busted After Reader Complaint

UPDATE: DHL Laptop Thieves Busted After Reader Complaint

Sue, whose Dell laptops were stolen by dirty, dirty DHL thieves writes in to update us.

DHL "Loses" Two Brand New Dell Laptops In A Row

DHL "Loses" Two Brand New Dell Laptops In A Row

Here’s a lovely coincidence: DHL keeps “losing” brand new shiny laptops from Dell. How mysterious!

Dell Arbitrarily Decides Your 2008 Warranty Ends In 2007

Dell Arbitrarily Decides Your 2008 Warranty Ends In 2007

Dell has decided that Saundra’s warranty, which ends in 2008, ends in 2007, and won’t repair her motherboard for free. Saundra has informed them of the error and sent them the relevant documents, to which Dell has shrugged. Saundra has now decided to sue Dell in small claims court. Which mall kiosk which she deliver the court papers to? Who knows, there’s got to be thousands of them around the nation… Her story follows.

Dell Says It Will Go Carbon Neutral By 2008

Dell Says It Will Go Carbon Neutral By 2008

Being “green” is so hot right now. Everyone’s talking about it, even Walmart, and now their best computer buddy is joining in for some of the hot, hot PR action.

Dell Sends You Halo 3 Slightly Early

Dell Sends You Halo 3 Slightly Early

Reader pr0zac would like the world to know that Dell sent him Halo 3 slightly early. He’d like to thank Dell (and DHL) and apologize to everyone who has to wait, um, a couple hours.

Does Anyone At Dell Handle Busted Hard Drives?

Nobody at Dell can help Kevin return two broken hard drives. Kevin’s Seagate 320GB FreeAgent drive refuses to power on, and his 160GB Western Digital won’t boot. Kevin sent Dell a note after wrangling with eleven CSRs over five hours:

I called tonight due to 2 harddrives I purchased 26 days ago. Both drives have completely failed. One is knocking and the other won’t power on at all. I called Dell and have been transferred to 11 people and 3 different calls:

Dell Laptop Catches Fire In Shanghai Office

Dell Laptop Catches Fire In Shanghai Office

Just when you thought it was safe taste to eat a pomegranate… a Dell laptop catches fire and self destructs! This time, on 9/03, in a Shanghai office.

Dell Tech Chatbot Tries His Best

Dell Tech Chatbot Tries His Best

April’s Dell said it couldn’t find “systems 32 config” and after going through a series of troubleshooting steps with a Dell tech in chat, he said it was due to a bad sector on the hard drive and it would need to be replaced. While that very well may have been the case, we were amused by how the conversation wrapped up, as shown in the logs April posted to the RolePlay Gateway message board…

Dell Having Trouble Fitting In At Walmart?

Dell Having Trouble Fitting In At Walmart?

In recent visits to five Wal-Mart stores in the San Francisco Bay Area, however, found a company still struggling to find its footing in the rough world of retail.

Hey Dell, Where Are Those "Very Cool" Laptops Your Customers Ordered?

Hey Dell, Where Are Those "Very Cool" Laptops Your Customers Ordered?

They laptops were originally supposed to ship on June 26. According to Dell’s website, their current ship date is August 28. Dell’s customers are mad, mad, mad. They got no warning that their computers would take weeks and weeks to ship. We’re also getting reports that Dell is giving customers the run around when they try to cancel.

Massive Layoff At Dell Call Center

Massive Layoff At Dell Call Center

Dell’s Oregon based call center experienced a massive layoff this morning, according to KPIC. All of the employees were herded into a conference room and told that their positions had been eliminated.

Dell Tries To Repair $10 Battery, Hoses $150 Video Card

Dell Tries To Repair $10 Battery, Hoses $150 Video Card

Dell sent a tech to replace the CMOS battery on Richard’s computer. The tech did replace the battery, but he also ripped out the I/O cable to the motherboard, and ruined Richard’s $150 video card. Richard writes:

The Sun And I Hate My Dell Laptop's Screen

The Sun And I Hate My Dell Laptop's Screen

I was very close to tossing my computer through some glass this morning.

Coca-Cola Is The "Best Brand," Microsoft Beats Apple

Coca-Cola Is The "Best Brand," Microsoft Beats Apple

Coca-Cola has come out on top of the “Best Brands” Harris Poll for the first time ever. Sony, the leader for the past 7 years slipped to number 2.