
Alienware: I Ordered A Computer 19  Days Ago, Can I Please Have It?

Alienware: I Ordered A Computer 19 Days Ago, Can I Please Have It?

Marc ordered an Alienware laptop 19 days ago and, despite frequently calling and escalating his issue to a supervisor, Alienware just won’t ship his laptop. Why? Computer glitches…or maybe its because they’re waiting on parts… or maybe it was because of his credit limit… or maybe it’s Dell’s fault for canceling his order…

Dell To Offer Crapware, Bloatware Free PCs

Dell To Offer Crapware, Bloatware Free PCs

Attention those who hate bloatware and crapware: Dell is offering PCs that are free of everything except Google Toolbar.

Strange Dell Fashion Show Announces New Line Of Pretty Colored Laptops

Unable to resist, we sent Gawker video wunderkid Alex Goldberg to tape the affair awesomeness. We hypothesize the fete was conceptually tied to Dell’s new line of Insprions which come in different colors, meaning that Dell has finally caught up to Apple, circa 1998.

Dell Admits Error In Asking Consumerist To Remove Post

Dell has said it was wrong for trying to get The Consumerist to remove a “confessions” post from a former Dell worker.

Dell Demands Takedown Of Our "22 Confessions Of A Former Dell Sales Manager"

Dell Demands Takedown Of Our "22 Confessions Of A Former Dell Sales Manager"

UPDATE: Dell Admits Error In Asking Consumerist To Remove Post

22 Confessions Of A Former Dell Sales Manager

22 Confessions Of A Former Dell Sales Manager

UPDATE: Dell Demands Takedown Of Our “22 Confessions Of A Former Dell Sales Manager”

How Many Hours On The Phone Does It Take For Microsoft To Fix A Simple Problem?

How Many Hours On The Phone Does It Take For Microsoft To Fix A Simple Problem?

Meet Tim. Tim has a simple request. He’d like to run Windows XP on his new laptop and Windows Vista on his old laptop. This requires him to switch the operating systems. Sounds easy. It’s not. Tim writes:

So, I’m running XP on the new laptop and Home Premium on the old laptop. I have the Dell OEM Home Premium disk and the Windows Anytime Upgrade disk with a CD key.

Dell: We're Selling PCs At Walmart!

Dell: We're Selling PCs At Walmart!

Dell announced today that Walmart will be selling Dell Dimension PCs in-store as part of a new retail strategy. From

In a statement, Dell spokesman Bob Pearson said, “Our customers are asking us for additional ways to purchase our products and we plan on delivering on a global level. Offering Dell Dimensions in Wal-Mart is a great example of this approach.”

Dell seems to be contemplating offering their computers in other retail outlets as well.

Dell declined to make executives available for an interview, and Mr. Pearson declined to give further details. He suggested that other retail moves might be in the offing, however.

Help New York Sue Dell By Filling This Complaint Trough

Help New York Sue Dell By Filling This Complaint Trough

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is suing Dell and he wants your help.

NY Sues Dell For So-Called "Award-Winning Service"

NY Sues Dell For So-Called "Award-Winning Service"

The computer manufacturer promises “award-winning service” available “24 hours a day, seven days a week,” but customers have to navigate a labyrinth to get any help. Dell also led customers to think they qualified for zero percent financing when very few people did, and some customers ended up paying 20% on the computer, the suit says.

Avoid Dell Hell By Ordering Through Dell Small Business

Avoid Dell Hell By Ordering Through Dell Small Business

Ordering through Dell Small Business and you’ll never step into Dell Hell. They have vastly superior reps and techs than those devoted to the Home and Home Office lines.

Stuck In Dell Hell? Try The Unresolved Issue Form

Stuck In Dell Hell? Try The Unresolved Issue Form

Chris said he was able to finally get his faulty Dell computer returned by filing out a report at their unresolved issue link. This was after a week of going through crappy Dell “trouble shooting” which treated him like a child and made him repeat steps over and over again. He writes, “I’m an advanced technician at my office, I manage over 50 computers and 8 servers, so when I tell Dell their box isn’t working, I mean it.”

The Best Of Dell Computer

The Best Of Dell Computer

On Monday morning I was heading to work like any other day.. little did I know that my home was being consumed by a raging fire.

Dell Reintroduces Windows XP

After hearing from over 10,000 users wary of Windows Vista, Dell has decided to once again sell computers loaded with Windows XP. Most computer makers stopped offering XP after Vista’s launch, even though many users, especially small businesses, are wary of the newfangled operating system. Dell did not consider these concerns reasonable at first.

But on Dell’s IdeaStorm Web site, where visitors can post suggestions for the company and vote on the ones they think are important, a plea titled “Don’t eliminate XP just yet” racked up more than 10,700 votes.

The consumer outcry has restored XP as an option to four Inspiron laptop models and two Dimension desktop models. Dell will only make Windows XP available to U.S. customers. Sorry foreigners, you are stuck with Vista. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

Microsoft Tells You To Call Dell For Windows Customer Service, Hangs Up

Microsoft Tells You To Call Dell For Windows Customer Service, Hangs Up

Recently we posted a Dell tech support chat in which the Dell rep cut the call short by blaming windows for a (probable) hardware issue, claiming a Windows Vista Upgrade was “third party software.” Oddly, it seems that Microsoft likes to pull the same trick on Dell owners.

AUDIO: Screaming Dell Customer Can't Figure Out How To Shutdown Laptop (Hint: Hold Down The Power Button…)

We can understand his rage. We’d be angry too if we were born so stupid we couldn’t figure out how to press and hold the power button.

Dell: Windows Vista Is Third-Party Software

Dell: Windows Vista Is Third-Party Software

03/27/2007 01:18:23PM Agent: “Did you purchase your copy of windows from Dell?”

Help Improve Tech Support At Apple, Dell, Gateway, And HP

Help Improve Tech Support At Apple, Dell, Gateway, And HP

Vocal Laboratories, a company that helps other companies improve customer service by surveying customer calls, is working on project to improve tech support at Apple, Dell, Gateway, and HP, and you can participate.