Last week, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a New York lawyer’s claims that “ladies nights” at bars were unconstitutional because they forced men to pay more. The lawyer says he’s going to appeal to the Supreme Court, but he admitted to the New York Daily News that the odds the court will agree to hear his case are “about the same as some pretty young lady paying my way on a date.” [More]

Being Frugal Makes You More Appealing
According to a new ING Direct study, the word that most comes to mind when a hypothetical blind date partner is described as frugal is “smart.” Sadly, “sexy” only came to mind about 3.7% of the time, but at least you’ll have more chances: an eHarmony review commissioned by Ron Lieber at the New York Times “found that both men and women were 25 percent more likely to have a potential mate reach out to them if they identified themselves as a saver rather than a spender.” [More]

How To Improve Your Chances On Dating Websites
The blog for recently looked at over 7,000 profile pictures of men and women on the dating site, and compared various poses with the number of new contacts made each month. If you’re using a dating site you might want to read through their findings and fine-tune your presentation. [More]

Love In The Time Of Internet Fraud
Online dating has resulted in many happy relationships out here in the real world, but also provides a unique opportunity for different kinds of scammers to quickly gain your confidence and manipulate your emotions in order to get past your normal scam-detecting defenses. So how do you protect yourself?

Scammers Also Use Dating Services To Look For Easy Marks
A reader received a weird message from a fellow member last night—it was a fairly transparent attempt by someone to establish contact with her via a false identity.

Man Sues For Teasing Him With Non-Active Profiles
The Daily News says that one Brooklyn man is fed up with writing emails to potential dates on and never getting a response. It’s not that he has a “bad personality” — it’s that the profiles are of people who have canceled.

How To Do Valentine's Day On The Cheap
Next Saturday is Valentine’s Day, and with the economy in the tanker many people are looking for celebrating the day of love without spending a fortune. Fortunately Trent at The Simple Dollar has several good suggestions for celebrating cupid’s day on the cheap. Here are some of our favorites:

Talking About Layoffs May Violate eHarmony's Terms of Service
Have your friends been laid off recently? Of course they have, almost nobody has a job anymore! Complaining about society’s newfound poverty, however, is apparently a violation of eHarmony’s terms of service, as the East Village Idiot recently discovered.

Better To Be Alone Than Shell Out For Shady Singles Club
Reader Brandon heard the “Events and Adventures” club for singles ad on the radio and decided to check ’em out. What did he find? They wouldn’t tell him their fee upfront and online, he found stories that might hint at why, tales of exorbitant upfront fees, worthless service, and instead of letting you cancel, they send you to collections…

eHarmony Doesn't Believe You're Really Divorced
eHarmony won’t let Morgan’s mom join until she proves that she’s really divorced. She tried to join last year, but was rejected because she was only separated for seven years, and not divorced. Now that her divorce is final, she wants to register without spending another hour filling out eHarmony’s “scientifically proven” matching questionnaire.

Love at First Exit: Dating at 65 MPH and 32 MPG
Bar scene too irritating? Internet dating not bringing you the social life you wanted? Prefer to drive around town with the top down, blowing kisses, hoping to meet Mr. or Ms. Right?

AirTroductions: Fuck Away Your In-Flight
Yesterday’s foiled terrorist plot to blow up nine jets led to some truly astonishing security measures. With those precautions come larger questions: is it more important to keep 100% of the people 100% safe 100% of the time by forcing them to give up their comforts, their smallest, most casual freedoms? Or is it worth the occasional atrocity to not live in a culture of fear — the terrorists only real victory?

Shockingly, E-Harmony Found Electronic, Harmonious
We’ve ragged on E-Harmony, the online dating service accused of having a vaguely creepy religious aura, and several months ago, we were plucking e-Harmony’s harp pretty hard.

eHarmony Discriminates Against the Bibulous
Here’s another way to get into eHarmony’s secret love club.

Married Man Sues For a Date
Last month we wrote about a lady who was upset with, an online matchmaking service. L.D. spent over an hour filling out the in-depth personality profile, only to be told at the end that e-harmony doesn’t let people who are legally separated to use its service. Reader Reviews of Real People
Whether you’re a bargain dating service buff or a connoisseur of the high-class matchmakers, it’s always optimal to do some research on your potential partner purchases. Especially in online dating, where descriptors like ‘loves movies’ means ‘can’t hold a conversation’ and ‘loves seafood’ means ‘nice body but cephalopod mouth parts, including beak and tentacles.’