
Lisa from Comcast Sparkles!

Lisa from Comcast Sparkles!

Lisa the Comcast CSR rocks. Hey, we don’t doubt it, despite the terrible company to which she is umbilically affixed. Girls named Lisa tend to rock. But this time, Lisa doesn’t merely rock by dint of her party-girl name, but by saving one of our readers a few bucks when he needs it most.

Can You Hear Me Whisper Now?

n marquee boldface, a revised Verizon customer agreement arrived in customer’s email boxes last night, screamed that contract language was changed as part of settling a class-action lawsuit and that, “UNLESS YOU TELL US THAT YOU PREFER YOUR EXISTING CONTRACT LANGUAGE, HOWEVER, THIS NEW CUSTOMER AGREEMENT WILL REPLACE YOUR EXISTING CONTRACT LANGUAGE.”

Circuit City’s 24/24 Guarantee Semantically Redefined

Circuit City’s 24/24 Guarantee Semantically Redefined

Ectoplasmic, barely visible air quotes waggle over Circuit City’s new “24/24” guarantee. Or, put more succinctly by reader Jon M: “Circuit City’s new ’24/24′ guarantee is a load of hooey.”

AOL Customer Retention in Words & Pictures

AOL Customer Retention in Words & Pictures

Be an AOL Retainer!

Be an AOL Retainer!

Paris Can’t Get Discount At Glasgow Hilton

Paris Can’t Get Discount At Glasgow Hilton

Even Paris Hilton can’t get a discount at the Hilton. Well, at least when not requesting one for no specific reason and failing to identify herself over the telephone.

AOL After the Storm

AOL After the Storm

Now that AOL has weathered the Vincent Ferrari storm, what’s it like to cancel? Has anything changed? Are the reps more courteous? Do they tell you bedtime stories over the phone?

HowTo: Record Phone Calls

HowTo: Record Phone Calls

Spurred by our query, Lifehacker posed that very question to their readers.

The Secret World of Packaged Goods Hotlines

The Secret World of Packaged Goods Hotlines

The nice thing about packaged goods is, you never have to call for help. Boil 6-8 minutes. Apply liberally. Just add water. Still, you can, if you want, call these companies. The numbers are right there on the products. We guess, once in a while, you’d lodge a complaint or a compliment. But what else on earth would you call about? What is unclear about candy or toothpaste that warrants a call to a professional?

Mo’ Moen In Customer Service, Please

Mo’ Moen In Customer Service, Please

Anyone ever noticed that the companies that offer the best customer service are always the ones that almost no one will ever have to call because they’re just too damn good? For example, Moen — a company that makes chrome kitchen faucets and other long-lasting plumbing fixtures.

An Evening Phone Call with British Telecom

When you get an unwanted phone call from a telemarketer, we don’t really recommend letting one exasperated hand slowly run down your insanely jactitating visage right before your knuckles all pop and you tear your own face clear off. Nor do we recommend threatening to pull the telemarketer inside out by his rectum. That is not responsible consumerism.

Tomorrow We Interview Vincent Ferrari

Tomorrow We Interview Vincent Ferrari

Late Tuesday evening, inside Gawker HQ, we’ll have the privilege of interviewing Vincent Ferrari, the famous AOL Canceller. Yes, that’s caps.

Further Musings On The Firing of Sleepy Comcast Tech

Further Musings On The Firing of Sleepy Comcast Tech

Brian’s Comcast Tech, fired. We already reported that, we know. But does anyone besides us feel bad for that poor sleepy tech?

Circuit City Executive Customer Service Contacts

If you have a difficulty with Circuit City and can’t find resolution through the normal route, you may appreciate this list of contacts.

How AOL CSR Retain$$$ You

Pure unalloyed gold (Thanks to Roonil!):

Robot CSRs Man All The Online Fax Chat Lines

Robot CSRs Man All The Online Fax Chat Lines

What chipper robots — programmed with the soul imprint of deceased valley girls; imbued with one-dimensional sentience by the spark of a mad creator — man the cancellation chats of eFax? Robots like Sharon W., Amy R. and now Megan F.

A Day In the Life of an Indian CSR

A Day In the Life of an Indian CSR

It’s easy to get frustrated by the Indian CSR on the other end of the phone. Feeding them your problems by telephonic umbilical to a far off, Curry-scented land, they can be alternately obsequious or surly, less than fluent or overly versed in corporate binder CSR jargon. And there’s nothing more insulting than one introduces himself as ‘Joe’ and starts talking about the local baseball team.

AOL Canceler on CNN, For Reals This Time

Vincent Ferrari may not have hit prime-time on CNN last night, but his clip yukking it up with Jeanee Moos has made its way to the net. Here’s a ghetto screen capture: