While Keurig is surely hoping there will come a day when its failed KOLD soda-making machine is but a misty, sparkling memory, it’s not the first company to reach for the stars, to fly too close to the sun, to try to capture lightning in a bottle… and fail utterly and completely, thereby forever securing a spot in the brand failure hall of fame, never to be forgotten. [More]
crystal pepsi

It’s True: Crystal Pepsi Is Coming Back For All Those People Who Forgot They Hated It The First Time Around
For better or worse (mostly worse), I’ve always been a big fan of soda, so when I was a senior in high school in Florida in the early ’90s, I was over the moon that my area would get to try Crystal Pepsi before some other parts of the country. Then I tasted the underwhelming clear cola for myself. Now, more than 20 years later, Pepsi gets to introduce a new generation of cola lovers to that same unique disappointment, with a limited time re-release of Crystal Pepsi that we’re pretty sure the world could have done without. [More]

Predictably, Crystal Pepsi Winners Are Already Selling Their Prizes On eBay
There are a lot of people out there who want to try or rediscover Crystal Pepsi for some reason. Pepsi, however, knows how to keep our interest and drive fans crazy, which is why so far they’ve only made the clear cola available to 13,000 lucky winners through a sweepstakes. Naturally, those winners are selling it off on eBay. [More]

Return Of Crystal Pepsi Confirmed, But You Can’t Actually Buy It (Yet)
A few months ago, the word on the street was that Pepsi was bringing back a carbonated ’90s icon, Crystal Pepsi. The clear-caffeine-free beverage lives in our collective memory a a product that was briefly very popular and then disappeared the following year. Pepsi has announced that the product will come back as part of a giveaway to promote the company’s rewards app, Pepsi Pass. [More]

For Better Or Worse, Crystal Pepsi May Be Coming Back
Back in 1992-93, my senior year of high school, every supermarket and convenience store in the Orlando area seemed packed to the gills with Crystal Pepsi. But almost as quickly as the clear cola appeared on the scene, it had vanished into the ether to join other failed fizzy drinks in the soda afterlife. But some still hold fond memories of Crystal Pepsi’s brief time among mortals and it looks like the product may be due for a return from the grave. [More]