
Say Cheese! You’re About To Be Robbed.

Say Cheese! You’re About To Be Robbed.

Making a withdrawal? An amateur photographer in the bank lobby pointing his camera at you? It might be best not to pose with those large, pregnant sacks, swollen with wads of cash and tattooed with dollar symbols. Smile! Say Cheese! You’re about to be robbed.

Vardan Kushnir, This Is Your Life!

Vardan Kushnir, This Is Your Life!

Vardan Kushnir, Russia’s spam king. He sent out over 25 million emails a day, finally ending in an open battle with Russia’s Deputy Minister of Communications in which the Deputy Minister had to concede defeat.

Reader Wants A Job. We Give Him One!

Reader Wants A Job. We Give Him One!

In an email with the subject “b.s. economy,” reader Leo whined to us:

Portrait of an Idio… Er, Identity Thief

Portrait of an Idio… Er, Identity Thief

Meet Shiva Sharma. Husband, father, identity thief, inmate of the Mohawk Correctional Facility in Rome, New York. Shiva has no idea how much money he’s stolen from other people, but by the time of his third arrest for identity theft, he’d been nailed in connection with over $150,000 in credit card fraud transaction.

Arson To The Rescue When SUV Owners Can’t Afford Gas

Arson To The Rescue When SUV Owners Can’t Afford Gas

Is the Charybdis of your SUV’s gas tank getting you down? Why not purge it in cleansing fire? For $300 dollars, a weasel in a black trench coat will be more than happy to steal your SUV for you and light it on fire so you can reclaim the insurance money. And you’ll even be in Rome: a spate of such arson crimes are sweeping California.

Pizza Delivery Superhero Thwarts Purse Snatching

Pizza Delivery Superhero Thwarts Purse Snatching

Pizza Delivery just got its own caped crusader. An orange spandex leotard painted across his doughy frame, additionally dressed in ivory tights and tunic, Cameron Evans of Galactic Pizza keeps the streets of Minneapolis safe from the superstitious and cowardly lot that prey upon the fine, upstanding pizza consumers of uptown.

KFC Takeaway Added to UK Miranda Rights

KFC Takeaway Added to UK Miranda Rights

As an Irishman, I am for all intents and purposes British. I eat crisps, not chips. I dress head-to-toe in vinyl Adidas tracksuits with my bangs greased in a straight line down my forehead. I refer to people I don’t like as “muppets” and “knackers.” My teeth are jagged brown daggers that stick out of my face at implausible angles. But even I have no idea what a ‘YOB’ is.

How Not To Steal A Sidekick

How Not To Steal A Sidekick

Shotgun Blast Settles $36.50 Gas Bill

Shotgun Blast Settles $36.50 Gas Bill

Now that prices of gas are skyrocketing, it’s perhaps understandable that you’d underestimate the cost of a full tank. But watch out! Being short on bread for a tank of gas could cause you to look down the cobalt blue double barrels of a sawed-off shotgun.

BREAKING: Little Girl Molested By Wal-Mart Sex Offender, Gets Jack Squat

BREAKING: Little Girl Molested By Wal-Mart Sex Offender, Gets Jack Squat

A Jury found Wal-Mart was not negligent in hiring a convicted sex offender who molested a 10 year old girl in a Wal-Mart electronics aisle six years ago.

Interviewing The Victims Of Identity Theft

Interviewing The Victims Of Identity Theft

The Dayton Daily News has a good article up interviewing the victims of identity theft and describing how their lives have changed because of it. Although we’re all concerned by the murky underworld of Eastern European hackers that prey upon badly secured financial records, the article is a good reminder that most identity theft actually originates with people close to you: friends, relatives and (natch) employees of the very institutions you trust to keep your financial details safe.

UPDATE: Little Girl Molested By Wal-Mart Sex Offender, Gets $25 Gift Certificate

Jury deliberations are underway to decide whether a teenager molested six years ago for 90 seconds by a WalMart employee deserves to receive up to $5 million in damages.

Little Girl Molested By Wal-Mart Sex Offender, Gets $25 Gift Certificate

Little Girl Molested By Wal-Mart Sex Offender, Gets $25 Gift Certificate

In the grand scheme of things, there are probably a few gripes with Wal-Mart more legitimate than their moral objection (or, as it all turned out, lack thereof) to purple ribbon. Like when your ten year old daughter is approached by a helpful Wal-Mart greeter with a bright yellow happy face button on his lapel who then proceeds to vigorously masturbate in front of her, right in the middle of the electronics aisle.

Eerie Severed Hands Teach Whispy Mustachioed Belgians About Pickpockets

Eerie Severed Hands Teach Whispy Mustachioed Belgians About Pickpockets

DRM Criminal Hacks Disney Movie, Is Able To Watch It

DRM Criminal Hacks Disney Movie, Is Able To Watch It

Via Boing Boing, we saw this account over at Geek With Family that rather nicely captures the absurdity of DRM legislation.

IRS Agent Steals Filers’ Identities

IRS Agent Steals Filers’ Identities

Tax Horror Story #2: A Dallas IRS goon has been arrested for identity theft and financial fraud.

Gizmondo’s ‘Fat Stefan’ Eriksson Arrested For Car Theft

Gizmondo’s ‘Fat Stefan’ Eriksson Arrested For Car Theft

You may remember Gizmondo founder Stefan ‘Fat Stefan’ Eriksson. He’s the guy who crashed a $1 million Ferrari, claimed a mysterious German man named Dietrich was the driver, identified himself to the police as a Deputy Commissioner for the counter-terrorism unit of a handicapped bussing service and apparently had a group of employees identify themselves as Homeland Security at the scene of the crime and tamper with evidence. There’ve been many other wrinkles, but who can keep up? ‘Fat Stefan’ is a highly entertain lunatic.

More Claude Allen: Bush “Shocked” By Target Fraud

More Claude Allen: Bush “Shocked” By Target Fraud

Bush on Claude Allen’s recent arrest for refund fraud at Target: “When I heard the story last night, I was shocked, and my first reaction was one of disappointment, deep disappointment – if it’s true – that we were not fully informed. Shortly thereafter, I felt really sad for the Allen family.”