
Former Bush Advisor Arrested For Target Refund Fraud

Former Bush Advisor Arrested For Target Refund Fraud

On February 9th, Bush’s longtime domestic policy advisor Claude Allen carefully waxed his handlebar mustache, adjusted his jet top hat and — throwing a smoke bomb to the ground — disappeared from the White House with the glint-eyed mystery of the master criminal. No one knew why he’d resigned his post… all that anyone could agree was that it was pretty dang mysterious.

RIAA Says Your iPod is a Crime

RIAA Says Your iPod is a Crime

The RIAA says ripping CDs to your iPod is illegal.

Zombie Bot Overlord Faces Prison For Ad Scams

Zombie Bot Overlord Faces Prison For Ad Scams

Another malware scammer bites the dust:

Starting in August 2004, Ancheta turned to a new, more lucrative method to profit from his botnets, prosecutors said. Working with a juvenile in Boca Raton, Fla., whom prosecutors identified by his Internet nickname “SoBe,” Ancheta infected more than 400,000 computers.

Price of Sex Unexpectedly Rises on Befuddled John

Price of Sex Unexpectedly Rises on Befuddled John

John Brownlee here. Before I started guest-blogging here, Joel asked me, as temporary co-chair of his consumerist Algonquin Round Table, if I had any swell ideas. Chomping on a cigar, he stretched the fat man suspenders with the dollar symbols he likes to wear just for such dramatic gestures as far from his nipples as they would go, then let them go with a snap that made me wince.Then he looked at me with an expression half composed of expectation, the other half contempt. But I wasn’t cowed – I did have a swell idea.