
Drunk Crashes Car Into Arby’s, Makes A Run For The Border

Police arrested 47-year-old Davis Katlaps of Lake Oswego, Ore., and charged him with driving under the influence after he reportedly blew .283 on an Intoxilyzer

Oregon’s legal limit is .08.

Part 3: I Was A Cybercrook For The FBI

Part 3: I Was A Cybercrook For The FBI

Part 3 of Dave Thomas’ story of working as a cybercriminal for the FBI story is up on Wired, The Boards Come Crashing Down.

I Was A Cybercrook For The FBI

I Was A Cybercrook For The FBI

Parts 2 and 3 of the Dave Thomas Cybercrook story are up on Wired. The excellent report by Kim Zeter, two years in the making, offers a fascinating insight into the world of identity thieves, credit card scammers, phishers and all sorts of electronic fraud. Follow along as Dave transitions from petty thief, to cyber-crime master under the name “”El Mariachi” and with a James Cagney online avatar, to informant on the noose for the feds.

Inside Organized Credit Card Fraud

Inside Organized Credit Card Fraud

It was November 2002, and Thomas, then a 44-year-old Texan, was in Washington to collect more than $30,000 in merchandise that a Ukrainian known as “Big Buyer” ordered from with stolen credit card numbers. His job was to collect the goods from a mail drop, fence them on eBay and wire the money to Russia, pocketing 40 percent of the take before moving to another city to repeat the scam.

Why People Shoplift Meat

The Purloined Sirloin [Slate]

Fake Comcast Worker Flees When Asked For ID

A man pretending to be a Comcast supervisor talked his way into a New Jersey home last Wednesday, but fled when asked for ID.

Stoned Master Criminals Threw Stuff Over Walmart’s Fence

Stoned Master Criminals Threw Stuff Over Walmart’s Fence

Two men, seen here, were apprehended after being caught by beach police while throwing merchandise over Walmart’s fence. On Dec 27, a Walmart employee flagged down the Virginia Beach Police and informed them, “there was a customer in the store who was taking items outside to the Lawn and Garden section and throwing it over the fence.”

Men in Walmart Smocks Steal $300,000 in Cash

    “Police are hunting for some big time thieves this morning in Philadelphia. Two armed men robbed a Northeast Philadelphia Wal-Mart Sunday morning. It happened shortly after 2 a.m. at the store on Roosevelt Boulevard. The suspects were wearing Walmart smocks. They made their way into the store, forced a manager into a safe and duct taped another employee before fleeing with about $300,000 in cash. No one was injured.”

Driver’s License Data Stolen in PA

Driver’s License Data Stolen in PA

If you’re one of 11,000 people from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, you might be at risk of ID theft after a driver’s license facility computer was stolen Tuesday. The computer contained photos, addresses and in about half the cases SSNs. The thieves also stole equipment for making driver’s licenses. Whoops. —MEGHANN MARCO

Man Hides in Furniture Box; Steals $80,000 from Kmart

Introducing our new favorite alleged thief, Greg G. Giannotta. Our buddy Greg, “hid inside a furniture box at Kmart until closing time and, according to police, swept the jewelry department nearly clean of merchandise.”

Kmart Has Your Huge Box of Pot

A huge-ass box of pot on its way to a Philadelphia drug dealer was mistakenly rerouted to the local Kmart, Saturday, where it was discovered by an employee in the stock room. Imagine their surprise when, instead of Martha Stewart towels staring up at them, the poor Kmart employee saw the, ahem, unfamiliar sight of 25lbs of marijuana. From the story:

Burger King’s Secret Sauce

A couple of police officers in Los Lunas, New Mexico ate about half of their Whoppers when all of a sudden, they noticed they were feeling pretty… mellow. Removing the bun, they discovered that the patties were peppered with mary jane. Pot. Marijuana to you squares.

Drunk Naked Guy Storms Starbucks!

Drunk Naked Guy Storms Starbucks!

A shattered window, a naked man, a Whitley Heights Starbucks in LA:

How-To Get Out Of A T-Mobile Restocking Fee: Get Mugged

How-To Get Out Of A T-Mobile Restocking Fee: Get Mugged

By T-Mobile’s logic, a broken phone that they sold you is your burden to bear. Is the battery faulty? You pay the shipping. $20.

UPDATE: Identity Thief Who Beat Up Fox Reporter On Camera Pleads Not Guilty

UPDATE: Identity Thief Who Beat Up Fox Reporter On Camera Pleads Not Guilty

Generally speaking, your hopes of a successful plea of “not guilty, millud!” fade into the ether the second you beat the crap out of a news reporter on live television.

Yo Quiero Your Stolen Cellphone

Although not as deliciously trashy as the infamous How Not To Steal A Sidekick story of June, we can glean a few interesting details about the criminals who stole the Practicalist’s cell phone and then inadvertently uploaded their snapshots to his Flickr account.

Operation FTB: Taco Bell Sauce Dumping Video

I officially hate these Taco Bell jackasses now. Pedestrian rhetoric and wooting in the Taco Bell parking lot leads to storming a busy Taco Bell and disrupting everyone’s meal as they just completely trash the place by dropping 400 pounds worth of garbage on the floor. They claim that they “returned the sauce out of kindness” after rejecting the idea of using it as a prank, but come on… this was the prank.

Joe Francis: Girls Gone Wild Founder, Violent Thug, Rapist

Joe Francis: Girls Gone Wild Founder, Violent Thug, Rapist

Breasts make men crazy. The hypnotic jiggling of rose-tipped orbs have been enough to make men do all sorts of insane things: bungee jump, wear leather pants, claim to have coined the phrase “Pardon my French.”