Sword-Wielding Would-Be Robber Demands Free Tacos At Mexican Restaurant

Another sword that should not be used to demand free food. (Mike Matney Photography)
While it’s true that the best things in life are free (Rainbows! Hugs!) there are some things we as consumers just have to pay for. It’s how the world works, and it’s how you get yourself a meal. The way not to do it, well, one of many ways, includes pulling out a sword and demanding free tacos.
A man in South Texas decided to go about things the wrong way, when he allegedly pulled out a sword at a mexican restaurant in San Antonio and threatened a waitress.
According to an affidavit (via the Associated Press) a 28-year-old man walked into the restaurant and ordered several tacos. But he then refused to pay and brandished a sword, which he of course had in a sheath because if youre going to own a sword, taking care of it is essential.
I digress. Taking a sword into any restaurant is not okay, but cops say he then threatened the waitress while sliding it out of the sheath. No one was hurt, and he walked out of the restaurant without the tacos.
He reportedly yelled something about getting free tacos or someone would die, but the restaurant and its customers remained safe as the waitress locked the door while he drove off.
Police arrested the suspect the next day and set his bail at $50,000.
Texan Allegedly Pulls Sword & Demands Tacos [Associated Press]
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