credit cards

Orbitz Misprices Tickets and Holds Your Credit Hostage

Reader Kristin gets the double whammy of poor service from online travel agency

The Geography of Usury

The Geography of Usury

If you’ve ever wondered why your credit card bills are postmarked in Utah, Delaware, Virginia, or South Dakota, and why your interest rates are higher than you think should be legal, the map above might help.

Tear This Document To Shreds To See Your Wells Fargo Extended Protection Plan

Tear This Document To Shreds To See Your Wells Fargo Extended Protection Plan

Over at This Is Broken, reader Mike wrote in with a scan of an insert in his latest credit card bill from Wells Fargo. “One of those side-tear envelopes where you tear off one side and slide the contents out. The other three sides remain sealed, to ensure that the text printed on the inside of the envelope cover is unreadable.”

Feature: Converting Credit Card Reward Points Into Free Flights

Feature: Converting Credit Card Reward Points Into Free Flights

An impassioned plea, sent weeks ago to our tips box. A certain level of confused hysteria is evident. “If I have a credit card with reward points, should I convert them into miles? When? How to tell whether I’m getting a good rate? Help!”

Chase Pitches Imaginary Credit Card

Chase Pitches Imaginary Credit Card

Here’s a great new trick to get consumers to fall for your credit card offer. Smudge the outside of the envelope with the outline of a credit card so they think there’s one inside. Then when they open it, there isn’t one! But hey, you got them to open the envelope, right? And that’s half the battle when you’re pitching 29% APRs.

AMEX Downgrades Double Rewards

AMEX Downgrades Double Rewards

AMEX announced it’s getting rid of double rewards for certain venues and changing its annual fees.

What’s The Ultimate Banking Solution?

What’s The Ultimate Banking Solution?

Complain: Mailing Address for Capital One CEO Richard Fairbank

Complain: Mailing Address for Capital One CEO Richard Fairbank

The thrust of the mounting consumer complaints against Capital One may explain the credit card’s fondness for filling their ads with barbarians.

Senator Reid Identity Theft Victim

Senator Reid Identity Theft Victim

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid canceled his Mastercard after someone stole it and ran up over $2000 in charges.

When Credit Is Safer Than Debit

When Credit Is Safer Than Debit

Because US law protects you much better when you’re using borrowed money instead of cash, some situations might call for a credit card and some a debit.

Online Fraudster Interviewed

Online Fraudster Interviewed

SmallWorldPodcast interviewed El Mariachi, a man who commits online fraud and identity theft. The interview reveals details about another scammer, Dillinger, who was involved with the ATM hacks of the ill-fabled “Russian Connection” scandal.

The News

The News

• If you can’t have Lay, there’s always other chips to go with the fish. [CT] “Enron-related case means test for new treaty”

MasterCard’s New Logo Gets Goatse

MasterCard’s New Logo Gets Goatse

Apparently, Mastercard really is for everything else, as communicated by its new logo.

CCA Gives Interest-Free Credit, Steals $400

CCA Gives Interest-Free Credit, Steals $400

There’s just nothing better than ripping open that fat envelope that slid through your mail slot and finding a shiny interest free credit card with a $10,000 limit on it waiting for you. How’d it get there? Such questions are for the gods. Better get spending before the bank realizes the mistake.

Letters to the Editor: All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Letters to the Editor: All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Some would envy Eilidh, being showered with golden jewelry by a male admirer.

Gaming Frequent Flyer Miles From Your Credit Card

Making a luxury purchase like a new car, a Nokia bling-phone, a face lift, a funeral, a blackmarket baby? Why not charge it to your airline-branded credit card and get yourself some free miles to boot?

Shamu Proves Retailers Don’t Care About Credit Card Signatures

Shamu Proves Retailers Don’t Care About Credit Card Signatures

Conclusive proof that signing your credit card slip is completely irrelevant: The Credit Card Prank II.

Frictionless Transaction Rubs the Wrong Way

The other day, Brian swiped his debit card at Academy sports and outdoor equipment palace. Being a good consumer, he always chooses credit over debit. However, instead of having to sign a screen or a slip, the cashier handed him his bags and receipt and said, “Thanks, have a good day.” No ID, no sig, nothing.