credit cards

100 Bucks Back With New CitiAMEX Card

100 Bucks Back With New CitiAMEX Card

If you’re looking for a new credit card, take a peek at the new Citi AMEX Diamond Preferred Rewards Card.

Nothing Can Save You From Hotels Stealing Your Credit Cards

A call with Washington Mutual confirms that besides vigilance, there’s nothing you can do to stop hotels from stealing your credit card information.

Cancel Recurring Charges, Even When They Won’t Let You

Cancel Recurring Charges, Even When They Won’t Let You

Recurring auto-biller won’t let you cancel your account online?

Hotel Workers Arrested For Stealing Guest Credit Cards

Hotel Workers Arrested For Stealing Guest Credit Cards

10 owners, managers and employees of 7 Joliet area hotels were arrested last night for selling guest credit card numbers. A scam, authorities say, that could be going on across the nation.

HOWTO: Choose Your First Credit Card

HOWTO: Choose Your First Credit Card

Choosing your first credit card is serious business. Reader Travis writes in with a question: How should he choose his first credit card? It’s a good question.

Reduce Credit Card APR: It Never Hurts To Ask

Reduce Credit Card APR: It Never Hurts To Ask

Acambras got her Citibank APR dropped from 13.99% to 2.99% just by asking.

BestBuy Doesn’t Want You Using Your Gift Card?

Does Best Buy have a policy designed to trick you into not using your gift card?

HOWTO: Avoid ID Theft

HOWTO: Avoid ID Theft

According a Gallup poll 19% of consumers report having their financial information stolen including a bank or credit card number.

Credit Cards Are Broken

Credit Cards Are Broken

Finally, a compelling legal argument for why credit cards should be considered a defective product.

Long-Distance RFID Snagging Possible, Already Done

Long-Distance RFID Snagging Possible, Already Done

After posting about the danger posed by magic wand credit cards, some readers pooh-poohed the notion that someone could build a device capable of reading RFID from a distance.

Foil RFID Thieves. Literally.

The tin-foil hat contingent may have finally hit on something right.

Build A Killer Cashback Deck

Blueprint For Financial prosperity has put together a list of the cards offering higher-than-normal cashback returns, and what transactions they’re best suited for.

No-Swipe Credit Card No Problem For Thieves

No-Swipe Credit Card No Problem For Thieves

Radio-frequency enabled credit cards allow consumers to complete transactions with a flick of the wrist, but new research shows that it’s not just consumers and merchants who will find the new system easier.

Be Billed For Paying Off Your Bills With BoA’s Magic Trailing Interest!

Be Billed For Paying Off Your Bills With BoA’s Magic Trailing Interest!

If there’s one thing we can comfortably count upon, it’s that the policy members of major corporations are geniuses. We’re not kidding. If they’d turned their attentions away from business and finance and to scientific matters, they would already have invented the time machine and I’d be able to experience first-hand what a great kisser I’ll be in ten years. Unfortunately for us all, instead, they exert their ingenuity to figuring out ways to keep us in massive amounts of debt, even after we’ve paid our bills.

Road To Overdraft Hell Paved With Floats

The short answer to the questions raised in “National City Bank Loves Inexplicable Overdraft Fees” is simple. If you’re a broke-ass, don’t fuck with float.

National City Bank Loves Inexplicable Overdraft Fees

National City Bank Loves Inexplicable Overdraft Fees

Let’s play a game. Can you spot the problem below?

HSBC: Fee Sharks?

HSBC: Fee Sharks?

Reader Chandra wrote to us today about her short-but-tumultuous relationship with HSBC’s credit card division. In the span of two months Chandra applied for a card, made a $300 payment (mailed 8 days early) on a $700 balance, got hit with a $35 late fee and a $15 pay-by-phone charge, and cancelled her account. She claims to have good credit and is just baffled by HSBC’s inability to process a payment without assigning a penalty.

AOL Visa Credit Card, Now Offering Discounts on Free AOL Service!

AOL Visa Credit Card, Now Offering Discounts on Free AOL Service!

Reader Alexa (or is it “Alex a” ?? Either there’s a spacebar issue, or someone is capitalization-challenged…) is the proud holder of an AOL Visa credit card, which provides the ultimate in credit card rewards: Free AOL service!