Although Crayola was originally set to announce which shade it would be dropping from its crayon collection on Friday, the company decided to speed up the news and let the world know today that it is yanking Dandelion yellow from the box. [More]

Crayola Is Getting Rid Of One Crayon Color From Its 24-Count Box
Carnation Pink. Dandelion. Cerulean. Any one of these or 21 other colors could soon disappear from Crayola’s 24-count box of crayons and there’s nothing any of us can do about it. [More]

Only Three Stores Opening On Thanksgiving At Mall of America
The Mall of America, tourist destination and temple of commerce, announced last month that it would not be officially opening on Thanksgiving Day, though it gave individual stores the option to open if they wanted. The only retailers to take the mall up on that offer were Sears, Macy’s, and The Crayola Experience, and Crayola is the only store staying open that lacks its own entrance. [More]

Crayola: Don’t Use Our Colored Pencils On Your Face
In another example of why it’s not a good idea to believe every viral thing you come across on the Internet, Crayola is warning customers not to use its colored pencils as makeup after some beauty bloggers posted tutorials on how to soften the drawing tools and use them as eyeliner. [More]

Crayola Apologizes After Hackers Post NSFW Pics To Kid-Friendly Facebook Page
Visitors to the Crayola Facebook page were seeing Brick Red, or perhaps blushing in shades of Carnation Pink on Sunday when they realized that some nogoodniks had taken over the account and decided to have a laugh by juvenile but not kid-friendly updates for the crown company’s 2.45 million fans to see. [More] Ships 50 Small Boxes Of Crayons In 50 Large Cardboard Boxes
Members of the Stupid Shipping Gang have invaded, where an order of 50 boxes of Crayola crayons shipped not in one or two larger cardboard boxes, but each in its own cardboard box. [More]

Crayola's Colorful Bubbles Delight Children, Stain Everything
How would you like to blow bubbles in bright colors? Sounds awesome, right? Crayola’s new washable Colorful Bubbles seem like an amazing idea, especially if their bright colors don’t stain. Except some parents are complaining online that they kind of, um, do. [More]