In the Recall Roundup for January, defective candles risk burning people and property, a coffeemaker sprays hot water somewhere other than the coffee grounds, and flammable and drawstring-laden children’s clothes made it to stores despite bans on both. Oh, and a toy monkey melts its own battery compartment. [More]
cracker barrel

Cops Bust Man Accused Of Pilfering The Plumbing From Burger King, Cracker Barrel And More
You know what’s annoying? Heeding the call of nature at a restaurant, only to find that the thing that makes the toilet flush is missing, and the necessary plumbing to tote away what needs toting is gone as well. Who would want to steal pieces of toilets? Police in Florida say a man has been accused of visiting local eateries and pilfering the plumbing for his own gain. [More]

73-Year-Old Veteran Says He Was Fired From Cracker Barrel For Giving A Muffin To A Needy Person
No business could survive on a model that allows employees to give away its products willy nilly, but does a few free condiment packets a corn muffin mean someone should lose their job? A73-year-old greeter at a Florida Cracker Barrel says he’s out of work after passing a muffin, a tartar sauce and a mayo packet to someone who looked needy. [More]

Customer Leaves Cracker Barrel Waitress $6,000 Tip After Asking Why She Was So Happy
You know you’ve got a special set of customers on your hands when they walk in and ask for the restaurant’s grumpiest server. But when that happened at a Cracker Barrel in Lincoln, Neb., the hostess said there weren’t any cranky servers. The customers wanted to make someone laugh, so instead the hostess sat them with the place’s happiest server. And she’d soon be even happier. [More]

October Recall Roundup: Never Trust An Ant
The federal government shutdown meant that our friends over at the Consumer Products Safety Commission weren’t diligently posting recalls to their website as usual, but that doesn’t mean that there were no dangerous products recalled since our last Roundup in September. Nope. [More]

Kraft Suing Cracker Barrel Old Country Stores, Claiming Rights To Cheese Since 1954
You might not be aware of it, but this town isn’t big enough for more than one company to sell Cracker Barrel branded products. At least that’s what Kraft is claiming in a lawsuit aimed at Cracker Barrel Old Country Stores Inc., after the company started to sell Cracker Barrel items outside of its own restaurants and stores. [More]

Is This Normal? Cracker Barrel Gives Me A Free Meal To Make Up For A Short Wait
It’s refreshing to read about good customer experiences, and in this case, we’re just as happily baffled as our reader Nicole. She’s looking for some consensus regarding Cracker Barrel — you see, she and her sister got a free meal, without asking for it or even complaining to wait staff after waiting a short time to get their food. [More]

Report: Woman Served Meal Only A Vampire Could Love
According to a news report in Houston, a woman stopped eating halfway through her meal at Cracker Barrel when she noticed what she believed to be human blood on her food. She suspects an injured worker at the restaurant left bloody fingerprints on her grub and is asking the restaurant to have the worker in question take a blood test. [More]

Cracker Barrel Maple Syrup Struck By Shrink Ray And Sugar Ray
Reader Kimaroo noticed that something was amiss with the with the single-serve bottle of maple syrup she receives with her French toast at Cracker Barrel. Not only did it seem smaller, she could have sworn that the bottle used to contain 100% maple syrup instead of “100% Pure Natural Syrup.” Fortunately, she had another bottle from a different Cracker Barrel visit stashed at home, and was able to compare the ingredients. Indeed, her maple syrup had been hit by the Grocery Sugar Ray: nearly half of its mapley goodness has been replaced with cane syrup.

7 Restaurant Dishes That Are Too Embarrassing To Order By Name
Perhaps you have noticed that restaurants like to give their food interesting names. Perhaps you have also avoided ordering the food by its interesting name because it’s completely ridiculous. We looked through dozens of chain-restaurant menus to find the 7 most painful-to-order names out there. Enjoy.

Only 119 Shopping Days Left 'Til Xmas, Cracker Barrel Reminds
Luke sent us this shot of Christmas Creep in full…