Airlines merge because it makes them more efficient: at least, that’s what they say. Does all of that cost-cutting behind the scenes translate to efficiencies on the runways and in getting planes in the air in a timely fashion? Well…no, not really. Sometimes two airlines merging has meant that they end up with a lower percentage of on-time flights than each of the two airlines originally did together. [More]

DOT Fines United Airlines For Delaying Refunds To 9,000 Passengers
Thanks to the merger with Continental, United Airlines is now the nation’s largest commercial carrier, but has the airline been able to keep up with its increased customer base? On Friday, the Dept. of Transportation fined United $350,000 because it failed to provide prompt refunds to thousands of customers in 2012. [More]

Court Rules Airline Doesn’t Need To Accept Cash For In-Flight Purchases
There’s a widely held belief that because dollar bills are legal tender that all cash must be accepted by any business for any purchase. This simply isn’t true, but try telling that to the man who sued Continental Airlines for refusing to let him buy $8 worth of stuff with cash during a flight. [More]

Court Rules Passengers Can’t Sue Continental For Sex Toy Taped To Outside Of Bag
In May 2011, two men flying on Continental from Costa Rica to Virginia, via Houston, went to claim their luggage and discovered a sex toy had been removed from one bag, smeared with some sort of substance, then taped to the outside of the bag. Last week, the judge in the case threw the suit out, saying an international accord prevents the suit from going forward. [More]

Why One Traveler Says He’ll Never Fly United Airlines Again
After many years as a satisfied Continental customer, Consumerist reader Billy says he’s been less than pleased with his experiences since that airline merged with United. But it wasn’t until his family’s most recent ordeal on United that he reached the “never again” point. [More]

Do You Get More Satisfaction From Cheap Airlines Than Legacy Carriers Because You Expect Less?
When it comes to being satisfied with our flying experiences, it turns out we’d rather opt for low-cost carriers like JetBlue, over old legacy airlines like US Airways, according to a new study that rated customer satisfaction. [More]

Million-Miler Sues United For Being Downgraded To Second-Tier Status
If you’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on the same airline over the years with the understanding that you will reap lifelong benefits for doing so, you’d probably be a bit peeved when that airline decides that you’re just a regular old business traveler. That’s why one million-miler on United Airlines has filed suit. [More]

United/Continental Pilots Get Authority To Call Strike Vote
Even though United Airlines and Continental have merged just about everything else, the pilots remain represented by two different groups at the Air Line Pilots Association. Even so, all pilots for the merged carriers received union approval to ask members to vote on a strike if negotiations with management break down. [More]

United Airlines' Phone System Is Just Being Nostalgic About Refunds
The honeymoon may be over for recently wed United and Continental, and the merged company’s phone system is already daydreaming about its days as a swinging single, when customers could just call it up and ask for a refund on 30,000 unused miles. [More]

United/Continental Merger Has Mysteriously Moved Cities Closer Together
There are a lot of things that happen when airlines merge — planes get repainted, airport gates get redecorated, frequent flier programs get combined. But there’s an interesting phenomenon occurring in the wake of the union between United and Continental — cities are suddenly no longer as far apart as they used to be. [More]
Prepare For The Worst: Continental & United Merging Computer Systems
Are you flying United or Continental this weekend? Betcha didn’t know that the now merged companies are planning on shifting all of their computer systems over on Saturday, with the potential to affect thousands of passengers in a very unfun way. Including yours truly, who happens to be flying Continental on Sunday. [More]

Passenger Sues Continental, Others Over Turbulent Flight
When what was supposed to be a 20-minute flight turns into two-plus hours of turbulence, it’s easy to understand why a passenger would be peeved. But is worthy of a lawsuit against four airlines? [More]

Continental Frequent Flier Miles Will Soon Have Expiration Date
People with stockpiles of Continental Airlines frequent flier miles who haven’t flown in a while may want to pay attention to this. When that airline finally weds its frequent flier program to that of United Airlines in 2012, the clock could be ticking before those miles disappear. [More]

40 Of 100 Most-Delayed Flights Take Off Or Land In Newark
If you’re reading this story on your laptop or smartphone while waiting for a flight to or from Newark International Airport, we have some good and bad news. On one hand, there’s a decent chance your flight will be delayed. On the other, you’ll have plenty of time to file a complaint with the airline, airport and FAA. [More]

10.5% Of Spirit's Revenue Comes From Baggage Fees
Recently Delta caught attention because in 2010 it earned the most revenue from baggage fees, $952 million, of all the airlines. But when you compare it to their total revenue, they’re in the low-middle of the pack, with Spirit coming out on top. Let’s look at a chart! [More]

United Says Photographing Staff Could Get You On 'No Fly' List, Continental Says You Deserve An Apology
Though United Airlines and Continental have been married for the better part of a year, the newlyweds haven’t begun to see eye-to-eye on everything. Take, for instance, a customer’s right to photograph a staffer’s name tag. United says it could get you banned from the airline and put on a “no fly” list, while Continental says that’s just not so. [More]

Continental Cancels 24 Flights After Pilots Come Down With Mystery Illness At The Same Time
Some sort of mysterious flu bug must be circulating the in cockpits of Continental flights. The airline has been forced to cancel 24 flights today because too many pilots called in sick. [More]

Delta, Continental, Others Jack Up Fares After Federal Tax Takes Vacation
As we reported last week, the inability for Congress to come to terms on a bill that would extend the FAA’s operating authority means that airlines are not currently charging federal taxes on airfares. But if you’re not seeing any difference in the final price of your ticket, that’s because most airlines have increased their fares since Saturday. [More]